
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago

GitLab, Inc is a business and it’s not run by idiots. If federation was going to make them a bunch of money, they’d put a team on it. Relying on an outside group to execute your business goals is terrible management. It’s clear federation is not one of their business goals.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

They may advertise it, but they’d be working on it themselves if they thought it would bring in serious revenue.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

GMT doesn’t have daylight savings but London does

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

IMO that list is the obvious answer to “which packages can’t be removed without breaking the system”. Sufficiently obvious that I consider your insistence on specific “requirements” to be obnoxious. Though for that specific phrasing I would not include the terminal emulator or file browser. Using a system without them would be annoying but entirely doable.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

You seem to be implying that applications could be considered basic functions. I can understand that perspective, but an application such as a music player or browser is certainly not a basic function of the OS, and I think it's a stretch to call those a basic function of the desktop environment. Maybe a better word is 'essential'. User applications are not essential to the OS, and the only applications I consider essential to the desktop environment are a terminal and a file browser, though the last one is negotiable. Of course things like the system setting app (or whatever GNOME calls it) are essential, but that's a component of the desktop environment and not a user application. So my list is:

  • The kernel
  • The init system
  • Essential system components and services such as dbus and pipewire without which the OS and/or desktop environment will be degraded or not function.
  • A terminal emulator app
  • A file manager app
[–] 3 points 1 week ago (4 children)

The obvious answer is packages that aren’t essential for basic functions of the OS/desktop environment.

[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I have no issue with their drivers working with their cards. I have issues using a proprietary, out of tree driver that taints my kernel and forces me to jump through hoops to get it to work whenever I recompile my kernel, which happens maybe once a month when Gentoo’s kernel source package is updated.

Also I use Wayland (because that’s what KDE defaults to).

[–] 17 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I was an Apple fan for most of my life. And then Jobs died. The man was a huge asshole by all accounts but he sure knew how to design. Since then Apple has become just another tech giant making average products driven by business majors.

[–] 11 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I’m about ready to rehome my RTX 2080 and get an AMD card so I don’t have to deal with Nvidia’s proprietary garbage or the shit-tier open source drivers.


I exclusively use Visual Studio Code for editing code. I primarily work with Go, and a little bit with JavaScript/TypeScript, but I need to do some C# work.

I have no interest in using Microsoft's proprietary C# Dev Kit or dealing with their licensing terms. What capabilities am I losing? The marketing materials for the dev kit talk about a lot of stuff that appear to be features of the open source C# extension, so it's unclear which features are actually exclusive to the dev kit.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Two cocktails will get me tipsy, two beers if they’re strong, but I can drink an entire bottle of vodka (over the course of 2-3 hours) without blacking out. Or at least I could in college, I’m not looking to try again.

[–] 34 points 2 weeks ago (15 children)

That’s an artifact of JavaScript, not JSON. The JSON spec states that numbers are a sequence of digits with up to one decimal point. Implementations are not obligated to decode numbers as floating point. Go will happily decode into a 64-bit int, or into an arbitrary precision number.

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago

I'm interpreting that as clickbait - just something they added to the title to drive traffic.


Why is crypto.subtle.digest designed to return a promise?

Every other system I've ever worked with has the signature hash(bytes) => bytes, yet whatever committee designed the Subtle Crypto API decided that the browser version should return a promise. Why? I've looked around but I've never found any discussion on the motivation behind that.


I am a self-taught programmer and I do not have imposter syndrome. I have a degree in electrical engineering and when I thought that was going to be my career I did have imposter syndrome, so I'm not immune. I wonder if there's a correlation. It seems that many if not most professionals suffer from imposter syndrome; I wonder if that's related to the way they learned.

When I say self-taught, I don't mean I never took a class, I mean the majority of my programming skill was learned by doing/outside of classes. I took a Java class in high school that helped me graduate from procedural languages to OOP, and I took classes in college but with few exceptions the ones that were practical (vs theoretical) covered material I already knew.


My last job was at a company that designed and built satellites to order. There was a well defined process for this, and systems engineers were a big part of it. Maybe my experience there is distorting my perspective, but it seems to me that any sufficiently complex project needs to include systems engineering, even if the person doing that is not called a systems engineer. Yet as far as I can tell, it isn't really a thing in the software industry. When I look at job postings and "about us" blog posts about how a company operates, I don't see systems engineering mentioned. Am I just not seeing it, is it called something else, or is the majority of the industry somehow operating without it?

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