
joined 1 year ago

For anyone who wants to try grape juice, I use one with 15.6g sugar / 100ml, and I use 50ml of the juice in 500ml bottles, then I top them up with kombucha. That means the total sugar per bottle is 7.6g, you can try using between 5-8g, depending on the amount of carbonation you want.

I find at this sugar level, leaving them for 3 days in 25-28c yields a perfect level of effervescence.

The taste is great, reminds me of sparkling wine.


So I've been feeding my ginger bug for four days now, and the first two days it was bubbling nicely, then slowed down.

Is this normal? Does it mean its ready to make ginger beer with?

Update: if anyone stumbles across this, I just kept stirring it and fed it like normal, and today its bubbling a lot! So seems to be okay.


For those who don't know, there exists a sort of multiplayer mode for Cataclysm called WatchCDDA. It's completely ASCII mode however, as it's played through the terminal.

It's not completely multiplayer due to how the game works (it would be too hard to get things to work correctly if players stood near each other), but you can watch others play and the world itself is shared, so if you for example die in a cabin, another player could technically stumble upon your corpse.

You can also watch others play.

There is also a Discord server for WatchCDDA found at https://discord.gg/HhuWWdW

The following explainations have been copied from the website:

Creating an Account

In order to create an account, enter in "ssh newacc@play.watchcdda.net -p 3333" into your terminal. The password is newacc. If you are on windows using putty, use newacc@play.watchcdda.net for host, and 3333 for port. It is worth noting that when you type passwords here, you won't see "*******" print to your screen - it will stay blank. It is still accepting input, just hit when you are done. Your username MUST begin with a lowercase letter. You will be disconnected after your username is chosen, and after you have successfully (or unsuccessfully) created your password. If you are unsuccessful creating your account or changing your password, log in and try again. Anyone who was playing when your account was created will need to reload their game for you to be able to watch it.

Logging in

For Linux/MacOS, type "ssh your_username@play.watchcdda.net -p 3333" into your terminal. For windows users, you should download Putty. Within Putty, select "ssh" and for Host, you can put in your_username@play.watchcdda.net. Port you should set to 3333. To select your options, type the number within brackets (and not the brackets). If you are ever confused what to do at a menu or need a description of the available options, you can always use "?" for a built-in help menu.


To play a game, select “play” and choose a game. Cataclysm Experimental is the regularly-updated experimental build oc CDDA, and Stable is 0.E. Cataclysm-Group is Experimental except that everyone who watches your game also has full control over it. This can be used to allow shared sessions. Cataclysm-Multiplayer is shared-world play. In this mode you can create a world and other people can play on it at once. You can NOT see their characters, but if you are both in different reality bubbles, you can drop items, clear towns, burn bases, etc. Things get weird when two or more players overlap reality bubbles (get too close in game at the same time). Best to try to avoid it. Cataclysm group / multiplayer have are described in more detail in the Developments page.


Didn't know these existed, but pretty cool to find randomly!


So I accidentally used a lot of ginger for my starter ginger bug, maybe 7-10cm or so, and topped it up with sugar and water. I didn't measure the sugar in grams and eyeballed it, but counted 10 tablespoons. I used about 6-7 cups of water to top it up.

Do I have to feed it more sugar and ginger daily, or can I simply leave it for a week?

I have some ginger left if needed, but it doesn't have any peel on it left.

Thanks in advance!


So I tried making Kombucha (Apple Cider Vinegar? Not sure what to call it) using only two ingredients: apple juice, and my kombucha culture.


  • Like 3.6L or so of apple juice
  • 400ml Kombucha starter

Add both ingredients in a sanitized (use StarSan or similar) glass jar, let sit for 3 days then begin tasting until it to your liking. When its reached that level, bottle and let it carbonate for about 3-4 days.

To my surprise, it worked absolutely fantastic! Not only does the kombucha culture seem to thrive in the apple juice base (ferments quicker than normal for some reason), but the end product is delicious. A nice mix between sweet apple juice and tart apple cider vinegar while having a light carbonation.

10/10 would recommend.