
joined 6 months ago
[–] exanime@lemmy.today 1 points 2 months ago (5 children)

Asking because I don't know, please don't read into it more than that...

What's the problem with chicken and watermelon? Other than not been a fancy food, it seems a step up from the pizza lunches we normally get

I understand there is a link (not a negative one, as far as I know) between African American folks and fried chicken... But as a Venezuelan native I would not be offended if my work served me Arepas as a celebration of anything related to me or my culture

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 0 points 2 months ago (4 children)

We have this shit at work, they make it incredibly hard to get a fucking attachment as a real attachment instead of a link to their cloud

Specially annoying since my organization is "geofence" but we work with people all over the world... So MS insists on switching attachments to links nobody can open outside my country

[–] exanime@lemmy.today -1 points 3 months ago

I'm sure this time, unlike the prior times in the last 5000 years, slaughter will bring lasting peace


[–] exanime@lemmy.today 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

not sure why it seems that you’re negging me for trying to wring as much life as possible out of a car? This is a very reasonable and feasible approach to take if you’re somewhat mechanically inclined, as I am.

Absolutely not. Sorry if I came across that way, I am actually on your "team" and plan to do the same with my current 7 year old car. I am not super mechanically inclined but I have learned enough for the basic maintenance: brakes, oil changes, general diagnostics.

The reason I was kind of grilling you is because I am looking ahead and thinking I will find myself in your spot. Eventually I will have to replace the car and I have no clue what to get that does not imply: 1) being spied on by the car and 2) paying for hardware that is useless unless I also pay a subscription.

Now back to the original point. Sure today you can pull a fuse and maybe disable the spying; specially since the car would be out of warranty or you don't care to risk losing it. However, if the trends continue, this could be something that renders your car uninsurable and would mean not legal to drive.

On my last insurance renewal, Belair argued heatedly with me because I refused to add their app on my phone to track my "driver behaviour". They insisted it would lead to a discount but I refused anyway. If they make it a mandatory requirement of insurance, we are fucked.

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 0 points 3 months ago (3 children)

I meant, eventually you'll run out of options and, even if buying used, you may be stuck with models that have all the tracking crap

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 0 points 3 months ago (5 children)

And what happens when you inevitably have to change it?

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 0 points 3 months ago (6 children)

When you run an engineering company as a business, you wind up with no business at all

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 0 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Isn't this the general sad state of democracy? Specially in America and it's 2 party system?

Rarely people get to vote for whom they want, they vote against the one they dislike/fear the most

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 1 points 3 months ago

They want to prove to themselves that their vote still matters.

Voting ultra right because of this is like trying to prove life is worth living by eating a bullet

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 1 points 3 months ago (1 children)

In my experience the VAST majority of people that say things are hard on Linux have never actually tried it ...

Same with people that complain cats are not LoYAl lIkE DOgS... They have never had cats

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 1 points 3 months ago

It's worst than that (as bad as this is)...

Today getting some data on a user is bad as smart hackers can put together the context ... However any guessing the hacker has to do may alert the user before the hacked data can successfully be exploited

Now, a hacker would know exactly where each password goes and worse, they'd could learn the entire workflow of internal systems to successfully imitate a trained user...

This means the hacker could use the stolen bank data and legitimately issue credit cards to anyone they want (for example)

It's no longer "we'll expose some data", now it's "we can use this data to infiltrate your systems and wreak havoc in whatever way we want"

[–] exanime@lemmy.today 1 points 3 months ago

Since the invention of traffic lights people could just ignore them.... Now we know some AI "feature" will ignore them.

See the difference?

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