
joined 1 year ago

Hi everyone!

This update adds push notifications, a bunch of fixes and a few requested improvements. It also turned out that the second RC for Lemmy v19 broke a lot of things in the API, so those issues are fixed in this update too.

Here's the changelog:

Avelon 1.0.8

  • Added push notifications
  • Added support for Lemmy version 19
  • Added option to always show post authors
  • Removed karma/upvote counts for user profiles
  • Fixed issue with page animations not showing properly on iOS 17.1+ and some other 17.1 issues
  • Fixed API issue with some accounts that could greatly reduce performance
  • Fixed a rare hang in the subscriptions page
  • Fixed crash when tapping enter after writing an emoji
  • Fixed a crash caused by certain corrupted images
  • Fixed UI layout issues in some rare scenarios
  • Fixed performance issues with some posts
  • Fixed a rare crash triggered by some feed types
  • Various other bugfixes and improvements

Apologies for the slow communication lately, I've been in a busy period and haven't had as much time to put into Lemmy as usual.

Hope you enjoy the update!

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Nope, not intentional. Mind sharing your device/iOS version? I'll look into it!


Hey everyone! For more than a month now I've been working hard on the biggest update to Avelon so far. Today I'm really excited to announce that it's finally out on the App Store! The update includes a whole bunch of cool new features for people who want that little extra and QOL improvements all-around.

Some of the highlights of this update include:

  • Community groups
  • App themes
  • Right-edge swipe-to-go-forward gesture
  • Custom app icons
  • GIF/video scrubbing
  • Advanced filtering tools, including keywords & instances
  • Fixes to a bunch of iOS 17 related issues
  • New markdown editor tools
  • Smart comment jump button
  • Ability to manage and clear app cache
  • Support for Lemmy 0.19RC
  • Lots of bug fixes & improvements all around

I really appreciate everyone who has helped with beta testing during the 1.0.6 cycle, you guys are honestly great!! It's super motivating to hear so many people enjoying the app, and as always I'm open to suggestions and feedback. I hope you find the Pro-model I've landed on a fair/decent way to run the app. I've tried my best to consider all factors like affordability, development, as well as the quality & quantity of what Pro offers - and I hope I've found a good middle ground.

As for the future: for 1.0.7 I'm thinking I'm gonna focus primarily on performance, stability & bug fixes, but I'll probably throw in some more QOL features as well. Just let me know if you're missing anything or if you find any pesky bugs or nuisances. Hope you enjoy the update!

~~Edit: Seems to be a slight issue with upgrading to pro, working on it 😅~~

Edit: Fixed!

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Never thought about this!

If you're on testflight I've tweaked the indentation in the latest build to be more in line with what you're describing. Looks much nicer imo, let me know what you think

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 11 months ago (1 children)

Which device and iOS version are you using?

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)
[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hey, sorry for the late reply. I don't usually test with sound so totally missed this! I think it's the default behavior for videos on iOS, will fix for next version.

The video system in general will get a makeover eventually, wanna do swipe scrubbing among other things


Hi everyone!

It's been quite the journey, but Avelon is finally on the App Store!

Click here to download!

The app is includes a lot of awesome features requested by the community, including:

  • Sleek design that fits right in on iOS & iPadOS
  • Highly customizable look & behavior
  • Mark read on scroll & hide read posts
  • Customizable swipe gestures
  • Multiple account support
  • Smart link previews in posts and comments
  • Support for videos, gifs, photos & other media
  • Custom font support
  • Write replies with markdown highlighting
  • Privacy focused - the app has no tracking of any kind
  • Gallery mode + hide bars on scroll = full immersion ... and a lot more!


Here's some cool app store screenshots of the app:

Developing this app has been one of the best development experiences I've had, and I feel very privileged and happy to have been able to contribute to Lemmy in this way. Nothing is more motivating than seeing so many people already enjoying the app and providing suggestions and feedback.

I really hope you enjoy Avelon, and I'm looking forward to hearing more about what everyone thinks. Keep the feedback coming!

Thank you, Sigve Rokenes

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'll investigate why that one is so slow. Gonna be buttery smooth in a build or two!

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Hey, thanks for the feedback. It's not a subscriptions list either, you can search for anything but subscriptions are highlighted.

Two seconds is a lot! Which device is that? Do you have a very large number of subscriptions? On my iPhone 14 the menu opens instantly.


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/4073656

Heyo everyone,

This update brings a few cool new features, most notably:

  • Smart link previews
    • Now shown in comments and posts
    • Previews for communities, users and regular links
  • Image carousels
    • For posts with lots of images!
  • iPad support
  • Layout/ui tweaks
  • Bug fixes and other improvements

Download on Testflight

Check out this image gallery in the latest build to see how it works:

(just scroll through it!)

I figured (like some other devs) that some iPad support is better than none. Though the layout is not built from the ground up for iPad, it now fills the whole screen and pushes in some content. This is similar to how other apps like Apollo did it, and it looks much nicer than than a scaled up phone app. I haven't had time to test this version much, so please let me know if you discover any weird stuff.

The update also introduces a custom markdown rendering system that enables me to add things like link previews and image carousels. Seems to work pretty well now, but could definitely be some bugs with it for certain posts - if you find any, let me know!

Hope you enjoy the update!

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

And for you running the latest update, check out these link previews:


Heyo everyone,

This update brings a few cool new features, most notably:

  • Smart link previews
    • Now shown in comments and posts
    • Previews for communities, users and regular links
  • Image carousels
    • For posts with lots of images!
  • iPad support
  • Layout/ui tweaks
  • Bug fixes and other improvements

Check out this image gallery in the latest build to see how it works:

(just scroll through it!)

I figured (like some other devs) that some iPad support is better than none. Though the layout is not built from the ground up for iPad, it now fills the whole screen and pushes in some content. This is similar to how other apps like Apollo did it, and it looks much nicer than than a scaled up phone app. I haven't had time to test this version much, so please let me know if you discover any weird stuff.

The update also introduces a custom markdown rendering system that enables me to add things like link previews and image carousels. Seems to work pretty well now, but could definitely be some bugs with it for certain posts - if you find any, let me know!

Hope you enjoy the update!

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Nice catch, thanks! Willfix

edit: fixed

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (4 children)

Dang, that's an issue with long community/usernames I believe, will fix. Thanks!


Hi guys! This update (version 1.0.2 build 12) brings more sweet features, including:

  • Custom font support
    • Text size fully customizable!
  • Hide read posts
    • Customizable per-feed or you can manually toggle it
  • Mark posts read on scroll
  • More swipe gestures:
    • Collapse comment thread
    • Mark post as read
  • Unfinished replies are now saved as drafts
  • Option to delete your embarassing comments
  • Body preview for text posts
  • More customization options:
    • Community icons & user avatars
    • Large vote buttons
    • Account avatar in bottom tab
    • Hide tab labels (super clean!)
    • Number of lines to show for text posts
  • Download/share buttons in the image viewer
  • Ellipsis buttons for posts & comments
    • Easily access common options
  • Reworked thread rendering system
  • Edited comments now has an edited icon
  • Profile pages now have avatar images
  • Aaaand of course a bunch of various UI improvements & bug fixes

Wanna check it out? Here's the link:

Download on Testflight

For you seasoned testers out there, I'd really like some feedback on any bugs you might find, especially for the mark-read-on-scroll and hide-read-posts feature, but of course everything else as well. Some of these systems were a bit tricky to get right, so I might have introduced a few new bugs here and there.

Hope you enjoy the update, and let me know what you think!


Hi there fellow Apple enthusiasts!

Yesterday I announced that my native iOS app for Lemmy called Avelon is finally ready for testing, and I figured some people here might also be interested in checking it out!

My focus for the app has been performance, design and ease of use. As you can probably tell I got a lot of inspiration from Apollo and other iOS-first apps - but I think I've added my own cool spin on both the design and functionality.

Here's a couple screenshots of the app:

If you wanna try it out I'd greatly appreciate any feedback/suggestions so I know what to focus on next! I think the core experience is pretty solid already, but the app still lacks some important features such as adding new posts.

Download Avelon (Testflight)

Avelon is developed in Swift using almost enitrely SwiftUI. For those unfamiliar, SwiftUI is the newest UI library by Apple intended to replace things like UIKit over time. SwiftUI is cross platform, so Avelon also runs on macOS actually, though the UI is not tweaked to fit mac just yet. The tech is really great to work with, and it makes it super easy to fit right into iOS. I posted some more details about the project over on the community page for the app here if you wanna check it out.

Thanks, let me know what you think!

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Check out the latest build, it has both 2FA and image downloads! Cant promise to be this quick in the future lol, but 2FA was a nice catch that I missed earlier

[–] evgiz@lemm.ee 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Hahah can't be too many, right? Great to see so much enthusiasm from devs.

Glad to hear about the quick search, I really wanted that feature myself. Might have to make it even more powerful, its a great way to quickly get wherever you need to go. Let me know what you think!


cross-posted from: https://lemm.ee/post/1358038

Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that my iOS Lemmy app "Avelon" is finally ready for beta testing! I've been working tirelessly on the app lately and I think it is turning into a quite solid experience now. I'm very excited to hear what you think and gather more feedback before I move towards an App Store release.

My focus for Avelon has been to polish the base functionality as much as possible to ensure that the day-to-day browsing feels as good as possible. I've also done things a bit differently to make it easier for new people to try out the Fediverse. Rather than requiring new users to look through a complicated list of instances the first time, the app automatically shuffles a list of preset instances so you don't need to think about it until later when you register. This will hopefully also reduce the load on individual servers.


Avelon already supports quite a few cool features:

  • Posts and feeds
    • Clean UI to explore all your feeds
    • A pretty nice comment view
    • Support for images, GIFs, videos, youtube
    • See community feeds and sidebars
    • Quick search communities and subscriptions
  • Login to your account
    • Reply to posts/comments (with markdown highlighter!)
    • View and edit your old comments
    • Upvote comments and posts
    • View/manage your followed communities
  • Design & customization
    • Dark and light mode with customizable accent color
    • Compact posts, large posts and gallery view
    • Footer/header bars automatically hide for a cleaner experience
    • Change behavior such as tap to collapse, default sorting etc.
    • Long press actions for a less cluttered interface

..and probably some other things I can't remember just now.


Check these out!

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Join the beta

The beta is available on testflight through this link (limited to 1000 testers for now):

Join Avelon Beta on Testflight

The app is supported on all iPhones with iOS 16 and higher (worked ok on my old iPhone X!). I'd love to hear what you think about the overall user experience, design, functionality, stability as well as any bugs or issues you might find. A few important features are still missing, most notably adding new posts. I'd love to hear what additions you are most interested in me looking at first:

  • Creating posts
  • Viewing users comments/posts
  • Saving posts/comments
  • Report/mod tools
  • Multiple accounts
  • Themes/more customization
  • Improved image/video viewer
  • Anything else?

Thank you & future plans

First, I'd like to thank Christian Selig (the developer of the Apollo app) for creating a really amazing app that I've been using every day for the last several years. As you can tell, Avelon is definitely inspired by Apollo (though I think I've put my own personal spin on the design and functionality!).

If people enjoy Avelon I'd like to spend more of my free time working on it and improving the app over time. In the spirit of transparency, I'd like to mention that I might do some kind of "pro" version at some point later on to support the project. All the base functionality people need will of course be free, but pro features could be additional "nice-to-have" features like themes or advanced tools etc. I'm not planning to do anything paid just yet though, just wanted to mention it. Right now my focus is to provide a great experience and to help build the Lemmy platform into something even better.

Finally I'd like to thank the Lemmy developers as well as everyone using the platform. Everyone contributing is making this platform the amazing place it is turning into. I personally haven't browsed the site-that-should-not-be-named since the API shut down - I decided to spend all that time on developing this app instead. And I'm really excited to see what Lemmy becomes over the years.

Sigve Røkenes



Hi everyone! I'm happy to announce that my iOS Lemmy app "Avelon" is finally ready for beta testing! I've been working tirelessly on the app lately and I think it is turning into a quite solid experience now. I'm very excited to hear what you think and gather more feedback before I move towards an App Store release.

My focus for Avelon has been to polish the base functionality as much as possible to ensure that the day-to-day browsing feels as good as possible. I've also done things a bit differently to make it easier for new people to try out the Fediverse. Rather than requiring new users to look through a complicated list of instances the first time, the app automatically shuffles a list of preset instances so you don't need to think about it until later when you register. This will hopefully also reduce the load on individual servers.


Avelon already supports quite a few cool features:

  • Posts and feeds
    • Clean UI to explore all your feeds
    • A pretty nice comment view
    • Support for images, GIFs, videos, youtube
    • See community feeds and sidebars
    • Quick search communities and subscriptions
  • Login to your account
    • Reply to posts/comments (with markdown highlighter!)
    • View and edit your old comments
    • Upvote comments and posts
    • View/manage your followed communities
  • Design & customization
    • Dark and light mode with customizable accent color
    • Compact posts, large posts and gallery view
    • Footer/header bars automatically hide for a cleaner experience
    • Change behavior such as tap to collapse, default sorting etc.
    • Long press actions for a less cluttered interface

..and probably some other things I can't remember just now.


Check these out!

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Join the beta

The beta is available on testflight through this link (limited to 1000 testers for now):

Join Avelon Beta on Testflight

The app is supported on all iPhones with iOS 16 and higher (worked ok on my old iPhone X!). I'd love to hear what you think about the overall user experience, design, functionality, stability as well as any bugs or issues you might find. A few important features are still missing, most notably adding new posts. I'd love to hear what additions you are most interested in me looking at first:

  • Creating posts
  • Viewing users comments/posts
  • Saving posts/comments
  • Report/mod tools
  • Multiple accounts
  • Themes/more customization
  • Improved image/video viewer
  • Anything else?

Thank you & future plans

First, I'd like to thank Christian Selig (the developer of the Apollo app) for creating a really amazing app that I've been using every day for the last several years. As you can tell, Avelon is definitely inspired by Apollo (though I think I've put my own personal spin on the design and functionality!).

If people enjoy Avelon I'd like to spend more of my free time working on it and improving the app over time. In the spirit of transparency, I'd like to mention that I might do some kind of "pro" version at some point later on to support the project. All the base functionality people need will of course be free, but pro features could be additional "nice-to-have" features like themes or advanced tools etc. I'm not planning to do anything paid just yet though, just wanted to mention it. Right now my focus is to provide a great experience and to help build the Lemmy platform into something even better.

Finally I'd like to thank the Lemmy developers as well as everyone using the platform. Everyone contributing is making this platform the amazing place it is turning into. I personally haven't browsed the site-that-should-not-be-named since the API shut down - I decided to spend all that time on developing this app instead. And I'm really excited to see what Lemmy becomes over the years.

Sigve Røkenes


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