
joined 1 year ago
[–] eldain@feddit.nl 5 points 1 week ago (3 children)

I interpret it differently. I have seen plenty of people putting up huge barriers of entry for themselfes before trying out a new hobby. They like the idea of a new hobby and try to hold themselves hostage with a huge investment, or in sad cases overspend because they go in badly informed. "Once I have spend so much money it's impossible I won't be able to motivate myself to keep going" oh no, it required more effort than buying stuff, I gave it away... I think persistance is indeed more important than the best gear. Get going and borrow/second hand what you need until you know you have the routine to make better equipment worthwhile. Get to know fellows who can help you make informed decisions after a few sessions. The climbing shoes in your basement don't help climbing halls to stay open. The table saw you never use doesn't help wood demand and availability in your area.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 2 points 1 week ago

Schöffel has been pretty good for me so far. Last raincoat lasted 10 years, they repair broken zippers if needed. If you have a schöffellowa store nearby, they tend to go on sale late summer.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 3 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I think it will at least find a niche where it outperformes humans, like generating lobby/elevator music or 'generic greek background ambiance music' for a restaurant or something. Also the easy parts of the music market, same chords and beats with meaningless text sung on autotune are in its reach. It exists, people will make or save money with it, I don't think it is going away.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 6 points 1 week ago (4 children)

I'm disappointed in the abilities of current AI and even more disappointed that pile of trash is still beating humans because they decided to optimize music so much towards mainstream average likings that it can indeed be generated. Don't you think the music industry deserves this?

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 6 points 1 week ago (8 children)

AI can only make mediocre music, the average song with average text, it couldn't invent the next bohemian rhapsody, whatever you ask it to do will be met with a statistical mean of it's training data. Thus average depthless music. We only need a license that pays the electricity bill instead of making too much money. I hope it makes artists get creative again to compete. Anything above average music would do.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 5 points 1 week ago

Because religious people needed a word for the unimaginable absence of their favourite hobby in other people. Non-believer was already used for people who believe differently relative to them, so a different word was made for those who are even worse and defy divinity. It is useful to sum up your stance towards religion for religious folks but indeed carries no meaning in non-religious contexts.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 1 points 1 week ago

Gute Tirade, eins meiner Hauptargumente gegen die ganze "KI wird uns alle die nächsten Jahre überrollen" ist dass wir im Jahr 2024 noch Fabriken haben die mit Win 95/98/XP arbeiten und Excel immernoch ne weitverbreitete Datenverarbeitung ist. Wenn die deutschen Behörden die Faxgeräte abschaffen, kommt 30 Jahre später vielleicht ein bisschen KI in der Wirtschaft an. Revolution mein Arsch.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 5 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

Fliege -> Laufe -> Liege

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 27 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Because they are students? Both are high demand professions, I don't get it.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 13 points 2 weeks ago

Wir haben Verständnis, dass deine MichMichs betriebsablaufsbedingte Verzögerung haben.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 4 points 2 weeks ago

Mittlerweile in Rumänien: Ist der Bus heute pünktlich, oder hat der von gestern 24h Verspätung?

Anekdote von nem Kollegen. Beleidigenanspruch: Ich bin ÖPNV genießer.

[–] eldain@feddit.nl 10 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

I took into account that OP's domain is from the UK, where everybody calls each other a cunt and therefore lifes a cunt's life by default.


Als je nog een goed gevoel herfstproject nodig hebt, is dit een best prachtige actie en mooie website voor stoep-, tuin- en balkonvergroening. Voor bewoners van Enschede is er subsidie, zijn er prijzen voor vergroening en een gratis ophaaldienst voor oude tegels. En het beleid erachter is ook een mooi stukje tegen klimaat doomdenken.


Het kost Enschede 2 mln aan kosten en misgelopen vergoeding dat de gratis afvaloptie soms voor het verkeerde afval wordt gebruikt. Wie had dat kunnen aan zien komen.


Treibt hier die Deutsche Bahn einen Schabernack auf dem ICE Klo, oder wurden sie geschabernackt?

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