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[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 0 points 2 weeks ago

lack of "social intelligence". They mostly rose through the ranks because their technical (or business) skill. They never had to act for benefit of others to advanve

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 25 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago)

in "advanced" democracies, like US, Canada, Australia, money very much reflects election outcomes. Sad statement for democracy...

still showing up to vote has meaning

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 1 points 3 weeks ago

sounds like very few share that opinion: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/08/21/dnc-gaza-protests-small-ineffective-kamala-harris/ which confirms my assumption that this particular protest is very far off target as it clearly is working against stated goals.

I'll repeat: people should not die. This needs to be delivered to the present government structures capable of carrying out relevant decisions. Protesting in front of single party convention does nothing to achieve that goal and may work against achieving it. GOP quite effectively held up aid for Ukraine with Dems willing to change and that had enough Republicans willing to aid Ukraine, with Gaza situation is even worse: Republicans mostly opposed to aid of any sort while *some Dems are for it. Protesting/denouncing Democratic party does not help the cause one little bit. Name calling will shut off prospects of compromise. This is escalation for the sake of escalation at this point.

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 weeks ago

nice to see that there are conservatives capable of critical thinking. I hope their efforts will move the needle at least some.

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 2 points 3 weeks ago

so they protest. Some dems don't vote "in protest". POTUS45 gets elected again... problem solved?

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 weeks ago

are they ready to put viable third party on a ballot? Right now labeling Democrats as War party says nothing. BOTH patties are War parties. Difference is Democrats somewhat care about what people say whereas Republicans care o ly about their agenda. Sending voters away from Democrats at this stage will not end war or help anyone. It is clear that Israel has enough influence over both major US parties and weapon shipments will continue. Politics is cruel: Democrats surely did the math and calculated how much will they lose on dropping Israel support from agenda. They also know Republicans will steamroll over protests and supply the same or larger amount of weaponry to Israel. So it's a cynical math but just like Ukraine was earlier hostage to US politics Palestine now is at mercy of US election cycle and has to wait until after election when, if elected; Democrats can afford to piss of pro-Israeli groups. Republicans started that game, Dems are carrying it on. I'm also surprised that middle east cannot outspend Israel in US lobbying on behalf of Palestine. There are some of the richest countries in the world in that area. People should not die. Period. But politicians care about election cycles more. 🙁

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 30 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

right... lets erode Harris support, because her opponent is so much more sympathetic to Palestine's tragedy. This now looks more like protests for the sake of protests rather then desire for change. In present political situation they need Harris to win first and then protest/coerse/plead/etc for policy changes. Calling her Killer Harris will only strengthen the opponent and all will be lost for Palestine. Protests need to target strictly current president and policies to deliniate the pressing needs and who can deliver on them

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca -1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I agree with cause and effect argument. I'm dealing more with present situation as-is. You have (indirectly) confirmed that it's in Hamas' interest to keep conflict alive to exist as an entity. (Note: I did not disregard points on Israel being the oppressor)

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 month ago

that's not what we're hearing from Harris. She'll be dancing on a tight rope, but she clearly signaled that Israel has crossed the line. Lets see what are the consequences.


I haven't looked at youtube content for a while, however lately I can't watch any videos using libretube. Something about "prove you're not a bot" which I assume is a consequence of google's crusade against add-ons and 3rd party tools. Is there a way around it or are we done with YT?

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 39 points 1 month ago (5 children)

he tries to walk in Zelensky's footsteps but fails on so many fronts: while Ukraine was the victim of oppression, Israel state is the source of it, ICC issued warrant for Putin and.. Netanyahu (it's interesting how US chose to ignore court order).

Hamas and Israel state work towards the same goal - maintain instability for their personal gain. Anybody glorifying Hamas is either stupidd or naive, so are people glorifying Israely army. To be solved this conflict requires new powers to arise on both sides that are ready for dialog and tired of fighting and able to sidestep existing powrr structures (or demolish them).

[–] droopy4096@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 month ago

like in definition of insanity: making the same mistake over and over expecting different outcomes? Yeah by that definition US left is insane.


I'm trying to make my own window sills in our new house. We have windows rather deep so depth is around 9in and wide - 42/60in. I'm looking at read oak vs douglas fir. Red oak is mainly available in sub 8in cuts. The only one I found in 9in is 3/4 thick. Would that be sufficient to support plant pots or potentially human sitting on them? However Fir I can get in various sizes so I was looking at 1in thick.

Which one would be more practical? Oak at 3/4 or Fir at 1in?

My reading was that fir is sufficiently softer so plant pots may leave imprints etc. or am I wrong there?


I just found out that sometime in the last month or so while doing regular updates Wine got bumped to 8.12... (likely from 8.0) and my games have gone haywire: Neverwinter Nights and Diablo2 would kind of start but then halt. Switching to desktop and back unblocks games for the next few seconds and then things repeat.

I've downgraded wine to 7.12 and things are working back.

Question: should I have done some migration step for 8.12 to work properly or is it even a known issue?

I am using PlayOnLinux for Diablo2 with System Wine and Vanilla System wine for NWN.

(crossposted from reddit)

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