Perhaps it was near ready to emit a stop token after "the robot can take all 4 vegetables in one trip if it is allowed to carry all of them at once." but "However" won, and then after "However" it had to say something else because that's how "however" works...
Agreed on the style being absolutely nauseating. It wasn't a very good style when humans were using it, but now it is just the style of absolute bottom of the barrel, top of the search results garbage.
AI peddlers just love any "critique" that presumes the AI is great at something.
Safety concern that LLMs would go Skynet? Say no more, I hear you and I'll bring it up first thing in the Congress.
Safety concern that terrorists might use it to make bombs? Say no more! I agree that the AI is so great for making bombs! We'll restrict it to keep people safe!
It sounds too horny, you say? Yeah, good point, I love it. Our technology is better than sex itself! We'll keep it SFW to keep mankind from going extinct due to robosexuality!