
joined 8 months ago

I'd like to do a full disk encryption. I realize I cannot do this since I've already installed ubuntu, so I'm fine with doing a fresh reinstall.

The problem is when I get to the step of selecting "wipe entire disk and install ubuntu", then click on Advanced settings, the option for full disk encryption is greyed out. It is the only option that is greyed out, I am able to select the other three.

What gives here? I'm wiping the disk and installing from a usb so why wouldn't it allow me to encrypt? The only thing I can think of is I might have some strange setting wrong in the BIOS, but I'm not a computer guy.


The problem: Each time I try to execute the sudo command, and type the correct password, it rejects the password.

I am at the end of my rope with internet searches, I’m close to just wiping and trying an operating system reinstall.

I am new to linux and I recently installed ubuntu 22.04.3. I haven’t been able to access the sudo command since the install. I’m currently attempting to install firewalld, but I’m going to need this command for other things as well and I’m starting to wonder if there is something wrong with my install or worse.

Many of the troubleshooting techniques I’ve come across contain a catch 22 in that they require the sudo command to solve this, which I am unable to execute.

Edit: Thanks to everyone who helped me with this issue. Update. I tried a first disk erase and install of ubuntu. During the first attempt I went through the software updates and I did a few things like changing firefox settings before attempting to change my root password. I was unable to change the root password when I attempted to.

Attempt #2. I reformatted and immediately tried to set my root password and this time it worked, and I have had no issues since. So take all of that for what it’s worth.