
joined 1 year ago
[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 27 points 2 months ago

Next you're all gonna say I should use dentures to chew my own food rather than have my underage slave girls chew it and spit in my mouth. You people disgust me.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Didn't Lenin later write "whoops. Turns out we made the same thing as the previous guys"

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 months ago

I think it's a combination of:

  • Voters who believe climate change is a hoax so trying to claim victory here might not give returns, so it's better to do it quietly
  • Voters who believe climate change is real are going to be looking at this as not enough action given what the IPCC is saying

So this spate of legislation is tepid for both sides, so it doesn't really "make" news. As far as Fox & other right wing media, going into the detail of climate change just hurts their message because no one can look at detail and not immediately realise that there's "something to this climate change mumbo jumbo", so covering this is actually toxic for them. They are better off sticking to the top-level "it's a hoax they want to kill your babies" or whatever.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 months ago (1 children)

In that case Steam flatpak isn't really what you want. You probably want to use Bottles, which creates a flatpak-like sandbox. This is not a guarantee or anything, but does give you some protection (at least, better than running it on Windows I guess).

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 1 points 2 months ago (3 children)

If you don't use steam because it's a shady source, I guess Bottles would be your go-to. I think parent is talking about if you bought a game off steam.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 0 points 2 months ago

There's no evidence that self driving can be better. It's purely faith.

Drivers are not horrible, rather horrible drivers can get a license. Treating cars as a right makes that worse. Self driving makes that worse.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago

I conflated two points. Driver hits something due to sudden braking = they are liable.

Driver hit from behind at high speed = dangerous for occupants. Either way no one asked the driver.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 4 points 2 months ago

The news represents the views of the powerful. We won't get on the news, except as villains. The only hope we have is to exist loudly together so people know we're around. They can talk to us directly. That's what marches are about. That's why you hold lots of them.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 3 points 2 months ago

Remember there is an actual intelligent force you are against, so they are working on making your effective tactics ineffective. In that case, how do you know if a tactic "works"?

A: you try a bunch of stuff AKA a diversity of tactics.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 12 points 2 months ago

The prime minister has apparently been pushing to get him out, and has apparently been mentioning him at every meeting with the US. It is what it is.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 0 points 2 months ago (4 children)

I think it's worth thinking about this in a technical sense, not just in a political or capitalist sense: Yes, car companies want self driving cars, but self driving cars are immensely dangerous, and there's no evidence that self driving cars will make roads safer. As such, legislation should be pushing very hard to stop self driving cars.

Also, the same technology used for self driving is used for AEB. This actually makes self-driving more likely, in that the car companies have to pay for all that equipment anyway, they may as well try and shoehorn in self driving. On top of this, I have no confidence that the odds of an error in the system (eg: a dirty sensor, software getting confused) is not higher than the odds of a system correctly braking when it needs to.

This means someone can get into a situation where they are:

  • in a car, on a road, nothing of interest in front of them
  • the software determines that there is an imminent crash
  • Car brakes hard (even at 90mph), perhaps losing traction depending on road conditions
  • may be hit from behind or may hit an object
  • Driver is liable even though they never actually pressed the brakes.

This is unacceptable on its face. Yes, cars are dangerous, yes we need to make them safer, but we should use better policies like slower speeds, safer roads, and transitioning to smaller lighter weight cars, not this AI automation bullshit.

[–] dillekant@slrpnk.net 2 points 2 months ago

Writers give publishers legitimacy. Publishers will regularly pull the writers out to trot out some "copyright is important" line.

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