
joined 1 year ago

Is it just me, or are most snap packages broken?

A lot of problems have to do with developers using some command to start or run a process, for example:

  • dropbox “Launch Dropbox Website” fails badly for Firefox as a snap
  • gimp as a snap, preferences-folders--Show file location in the file manager, doesn’t work

Another type of problem is the location for local files, e.g.:

  • a snap zoom upgrade uses the same location for recordings as the prior version, which doesn’t work because the old snap version directory is inaccessible

Another type of problem is the integration with Ubuntu (ostensibly the owner of the snap format), for example:

  • superkey (Windows logo) search for a snap and click or double-click on the icon just shows a wait cursor and finally times out (you have to right click and choose New Window)
  • update fails to update snaps - you need to manually sudo snap refresh, and even then the Software Updater thinks it need to update something until you reboot
  • snap-store has no search function - but if you start typing it will search (what kind of sadistic user experience designer thought that one up?)
  • snap-store Updates - Update All can fail and display a failure message from weeks ago
  • don’t even get me on about disk usage, like /var/lib/snapd/snaps or your ~/snap directory, that likely have more gigabytes than you’ve needed in a long time

Should I just give up on snaps and use Flatpack or Appimage?

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

By the time Sergei had assembled a plywood board and a broom with a wooden handle, Dmitriy was turned into a human Melba Toast.


From an evaluation by Roy Longbottom, this interesting observation:

In 1978, the Cray 1 supercomputer cost $7 Million, weighed 10,500 pounds and had a 115 kilowatt power supply. It was, by far, the fastest computer in the world. The Raspberry Pi costs around $70 (CPU board, case, power supply, SD card), weighs a few ounces, uses a 5 watt power supply and is more than 4.5 times faster than the Cray 1.