
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Sounds great! Thanks for looking into that. I’m a bit of a jack of all trades. So, I tend to try and thoroughly vet a technology before I really dive in and commit my blood, sweat, and tears.

A couple of weeks ago, I found a previous implementation in Haskell. If I were really approaching the stack that I think will be best for the future, perhaps I should fork that one. I’m wishing Purescript was ready for prime time (was popular enough to have more educational material) because that would be a no brainer…especially the work they’ve recently been doing with a Chez Scheme back end.

I’ll start to look into it more in the coming week. Thank you so much! I have a community setup for this idea at

I may change it, though, since this is no longer Lemmy-related. As I realized, inventory is just not suited to Pub/Sub due to the need to have varying levels of security for the information being broadcast and subscribed to.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I’m a fan of crypto but I happen to hold the strong opinion that BTC’s authentication algorithm shouldn’t have been chosen because it’s not secure enough for future proofing. Furthermore, that BTC tie-in will alienate many people including myself. Anyway, I’d love some help forking NOSTR to NOT use BTC authentication because that task is FAR beyond my skills.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Perhaps I’m the one who’s mistaken.

I came to this conclusion because: From my initial cursory investigation of NOSTR, in all of the instructions to get started I found, the first step was to create a lightning wallet. Maybe I’m incorrect but, from what I understood, BTC’s authentication is one and the same with NOSTR’s authentication.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Edited. Good call.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (7 children)

If you want to have a go at using that NOSTR tech but stripping the lightning wallet thing out for another (less BTC maximalist but equally or even more secure) form of authentication, I’d be very interested. I’m obviously not going to roll my own auth from scratch….but as I see it, tying BTC to it could prevent MANY people from giving an otherwise very promising tech a chance. Besides, there are already far more secure cryptographic elliptical curves in use by other cryptocurrencies that NOSTR conspicuously passed over in favor of BTC’s.

I probably don’t have the resources nor experience to do it myself but I’d love for this tech to exist.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (9 children)

If you find that the fediverse isnt the right tech for this kind of thing, have a look at NOSTR. I recently learned about it in the context of my hypothetical Lemmy fork. For what I am trying to do with it (decentralized retail inventory), NOSTR was much better suited than Lemmy. My only issue with it is that it ties bitcoin lightning walllets into its authentication mechanism (a dealbreaker for me at least). My future uses for it would be FAR different than yours but it also seems more well-suited to activism as well.

[–] 14 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I got you, fam(ily). It has a real smooth, simple ring to it. ;)

[–] 143 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (10 children)

Temu: contribute to the irreversible heat death of your own planet just to save some money on useless, piss poor quality trinkets created out of cancer-causing, hazardous materials using slave labor coupled with unfair market practices that are then shipped thousands of miles over the oceans using the world's worst polluting container ships.... like a billionaire.

That should be their slogan.

edit: added slave labor, unfair market practices edit: added hazmat

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (2 children)


Any other implementation puts profits over human lives.


In the second webinar from our Hackathon series, Fabian Bormann provides an intro into building on Cardano including a list of tools to support you. Next, Mateusz Czeladka discusses how to harness the power of smart contracts with Aiken.

Click the link below to learn more and to register for the Cardano Summit Hackathon.


In the past few years, we witnessed the development of multiple smart contract languages - Solidity, Viper, Michelson, Scilla etc. These languages need to enable developers to write correct, predictable behavior smart contract code. Each language development effort therefore ends up spending resources into building formal verification toolsets, compilers, debuggers and other developer tools. In this episode, we are joined by Grigore Rosu, Professor of computer science at UIUC [University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign] for a deep dive into the K framework. The K framework is mathematic logic and language that enables language developers to formally define all programming languages; such as C, Solidity and JavaScript. Once a language is formally specified in the K framework, the framework automatically outputs a range of formal verification toolsets, compilers, debuggers and other developer tools for it. Updates to the language can be made directly in K. This technology has massive implications for smart contract programming language development, and formal verification efforts in the blockchain space. We also cover his efforts to express the Ethereum virtual machine using the K framework, and to develop a new virtual machine technology, called IELE, specifically tailored to the blockchain space. Check out the episode to understand a game changing technology in the formal verification and smart contract safety space.

Topics discussed in this episode:

  • Grigore's background with NASA and work on formally verified correct software
  • Motivations to develop K framework
  • Basic principles behind the operation of K framework
  • How K deals with undefined behavior / ambiguities in a language definition
  • The intersection of K framework and smart contract technology
  • Runtime Verification's collaboration with Cardano
  • KEVM and IELE, smart contract virtual machines developed by Runtime Verification
  • Broader implications of the K framework for the blockchain industry

cross-posted from:

Back Cover Text

The software development community widely acknowledges that domain modeling is central to software design. Through domain models, software developers are able to express rich functionality and translate it into a software implementation that truly serves the needs of its users. But despite its obvious importance, there are few practical resources that explain how to incorporate effective domain modeling into the software development process.

Domain-Driven Design fills that need. This is not a book about specific technologies. It offers readers a systematic approach to domain-driven design, presenting an extensive set of design best practices, experience-based techniques, and fundamental principles that facilitate the development of software projects facing complex domains. Intertwining design and development practice, this book incorporates numerous examples based on actual projects to illustrate the application of domain-driven design to real-world software development.

Readers learn how to use a domain model to make a complex development effort more focused and dynamic. A core of best practices and standard patterns provides a common language for the development team. A shift in emphasis—refactoring not just the code but the model underlying the code—in combination with the frequent iterations of Agile development leads to deeper insight into domains and enhanced communication between domain expert and programmer. Domain-Driven Design then builds on this foundation, and addresses modeling and design for complex systems and larger organizations.

Specific topics covered include:

  • Getting all team members to speak the same language
  • Connecting model and implementation more deeply
  • Sharpening key distinctions in a model
  • Managing the lifecycle of a domain object
  • Writing domain code that is safe to combine in elaborate ways
  • Making complex code obvious and predictable
  • Formulating a domain vision statement
  • Distilling the core of a complex domain
  • Digging out implicit concepts needed in the model
  • Applying analysis patterns
  • Relating design patterns to the model
  • Maintaining model integrity in a large system
  • Dealing with coexisting models on the same project
  • Organizing systems with large-scale structures
  • Recognizing and responding to modeling breakthroughs

With this book in hand, object-oriented developers, system analysts, and designers will have the guidance they need to organize and focus their work, create rich and useful domain models, and leverage those models into quality, long-lasting software implementations.


This development encodes category theory in Coq, with the primary aim being to allow representation and manipulation of categorical terms, as well realization of those terms in various target categories.


A podcast with transcript which may help explain fp to laymen.