
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Same, she's fantastic and ridiculously versatile. Was gonna add the genres next to the titles before I realised "Too Many Genres to List" is too long and vague. That and she likes to flip between several in one song alone.

I was first introduced to her through that incredible Wonder Woman theme, which I can't seem to ever find myself getting tired of.

Oh, and I actually posted the Pokémon one around the same time as I posted this. The "battle" bit of the video is awesome.


Tina Guo does some of the most epic interpretations of pretty much everything.

Spotify link.

'Adventures in OCD (and Other Mental Shenanigans)' has had about a hundred and fifty thousand sequels at this point and I'm beginning to wonder if I'm maybe growing a bit tired of the overdone and recycled plotlines.

Other than that, mostly meh. Some good, some bad, it's a veritable everything bagel. I could do with a bit less seasoning, though, if I'm being honest. Like maybe bring it down to a chill poppy seed affair. That'd be nice for a while.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I've been playing Batman Arkham origins. Never played it when it came out but loved the other ones. It's pretty good so far!

I really enjoyed Origins. It embraced the "detective" aspect a lot better, IMO. Also enjoyed the, well, origins of what essentially became Batman and Joker's inevitable "love story". Troy Baker played him really well.

Also, it's pretty funny hearing Sonic voice Batman. I mean, I know he does a ton of other voices, but the contrast is always hilarious to me.

Anyway, onto me...

After taking a weeklong break from video games, I started playing something on my wishlist that finally went on sale again: Unheard - Voices of Crime. Detective game where you solve the cases by listening to conversations and identifying people by their voices/dialogue. The visuals are basically just floor plans and moving from room to room from a top down perspective in order to hear whoever's speaking in that room.

All the recordings are binaural as well, so wherever you move your "character", the volume and location of the voices change. It's pretty interesting and not too long.

Today, I began Dungeons of Hinterberg. At first, super fun. Then got a bit bored because stuff felt samey. Then got interested again. I expect this pattern is going to continue. Despite being a dungeon crawler, it's a pretty chill game.

Basically, think Breath of the Wild-type shrines mixed with Persona-style social sim gameplay. You do dungeons (or not, you don't have to if you don't want to) in the day, explore and spend time with people in the city at night.

[–] 13 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

What game is this even? I mean, why would any game need a graphic rape scene? Who is this going to sell to?

Don't video games outside of Japan try to avoid getting AO rated any more?

Sounds like some typical David Cage bullshit. Wouldn't be surprised at all if it was one of his games.

Edit: Considering the content of the games, and looking over her IMDb credits, it was very likely one of The Dark Pictures Anthology games, which was actually my second guess after David Cage (well, those or Until Dawn; same developers) due to some of the weird shit Supermassive Games add in for "shock value" because "horror".

No surprise that she suddenly stopped working with them after House of Ashes, so that was probably the game in question, if I had to guess by context here.

There are only a handful of studios that'll throw that kind of shit in their games. Quantic Dream and Supermassive are always the most likely culprits.

Yeah, I feel exposed without my glasses. I had the same pair of frames for well over a decade, so they were basically an integral part of "my face". Only got a new pair a couple of years ago to replace them because time did eventually wear 'em down.

Also, they do good job masking the ever-present racoon bags under my eyes, which is nice.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (2 children)

Thanks for asking this!

I've been using glasses for over two thirds of my life and through this thread I've now discovered the existence of ultrasonic cleaners.

Only advice I have is if you're sensitive to bright lights or have sensory issues.

As someone with pretty significant sensory issues, transition lenses have made my life a lot easier, especially as they got better over time (used to take much longer to go back to normal, but now it's pretty quick).

That said, it's like Marmite. People either love it or hate it. And a lot of people hate it.

Oh, and headphones. If you use headphones a lot, there may sometimes be issues with fit and/or seal.

Things that aren't too tight for people who don't wear glasses can cause a major headache for people that do. While the best option is to try before buying, sometimes you don't get to try then long enough and discover later when you're trying to listen to music. Check reviews which will often mention whether or not people with glasses find them comfy first.

Sometimes it also breaks the seal a tiny bit and could cause the sound to be a smidge less bassy, although I've never actually experienced anything particularly significant when it comes to that myself.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Kinda funny how easy it is for me to lose complete interest in something and also just how freeing that can be.

It's nice.

[–] 37 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

I've been waiting to see how they're going to fuck up NSFW subs and I'm willing to bet that's where this is going.

I can only hope it affects the ones that focus on self-promotion, but I wouldn't be surprised if they just decide to charge users directly for access to NSFW subs entirely, since they already removed it entirely from the free API, which apps like RedReader use.(*)

I know I'm not the only one who basically only has an account for that stuff, although a lot of those subs have turned to shit over the last year or so, anyway. AI generated nonsense, self-promotion even when it's discouraged, bad moderation, some disappearing entirely because they were abandoned back last year...

(*) Technically, you can still view that content without an account via Old Reddit (or at least you could a few months ago, haven't checked recently), but that's inevitably going to be killed as well, it's just a matter of "when".

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Maybe "very" was too strong a word, but I mainly meant the melee combat.

Although to be honest, other than the blackjack, people shouldn't really be using melee much, so it's not that much of a problem.

It's mostly when the zombie dudes come into play that the sword combat can feel dated if you take them on directly.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

No prob. The first game actually has some fantastic mods and also a ton of incredibly well-crafted fan-made levels.

You might want a few tiny mods for Deus Ex as well, though it doesn't really require much.

Kind of funny that it was "too violent" because you can go through most of the game without even killing anyone. It's my preferred playstyle, just sleep darts and stealth stuff.

Actually, you'll have a bit of a rough time if you go in guns ablaze. A lot of people used to shooters end up being obliterated on the first level when they initially play it, which is what happened to me when I first played it on release. Came back to it years later after I'd discovered Thief and suddenly felt right at home.

Edit: Oh, and it's also available on GOG. Most of the earlier immersive sims (Thief, Deus Ex, System Shock, Ultima, Arx Fatalis, etc.) are.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (6 children)

Do note that in your post you mentioned things that have aged well, and while I think it's fine, they can feel a bit clunky, especially in comparison to some of the games heavily influenced by them (e.g. Dishonored, among others).

Edit: I'm mostly referring to direct melee combat here, and not the rest of the game. Truth is, you probably won't find yourself using it much against humans, but the sword can feel a bit dated against some of the nonhuman creatures. And now that I think about it, Dishonored's swordplay isn't exactly super fluid either unless you're countering and parrying.

You might want to add some mods just to touch some things up.

Also, while the second game is my favourite, don't sleep on the third, especially if you like horror because one of the later levels is fucking incredible. I say all of this as someone who ordinarily hates supernatural-type horror.

And the third game also expands on the lore, which I like.

All of them are available on GOG and Steam.

Similar to Thief, the original Deus Ex is a great game which might also show its age a bit, but I think stands the test of time for the most part.


Spotify Link

Honestly, considering this is the second Rainbow song I've posted from Rising, I might as well link the full album, otherwise I'll just end up posting more...


Spotify Link

Full album because I've posted two songs already, and wouldn't be able to contain myself posting more:

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