
joined 4 years ago
[–] 4 points 2 days ago

I just called in asking to schedule and he said "I don't do appointments buddy, have a good day" and immediately felt like an idiot. I called The Barber Who Tells Callers To Go Fuck Themselves and was completely caught off-guard when I was told to go fuck myself.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I have extremely bad news about the future.

[–] 12 points 2 days ago (4 children)

I have a bunch of habits I don't like with how I respond to things said to me verbally.

For the longest time I thought I had bad hearing, always asking people to repeat things. At some point in the past few years I actuality started introspecting and realized that most of the time I have answers prepared by the time they're done repeating themselves. My hearing is fine, but I have abnormally poor language processing.

Often I react to things by intentionally misinterpreting in an innocuous way, things like that. I never really liked it but pretended it wasn't a thing. It's a subconsciously developed strategy for buying time. Also why I handle talking one-on-one much better than groups, once two people start talking to each other I get too far behind the conversation and keep thinking of the things I would have liked to have chimed in with thirty seconds ago.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I remember mint being billed as essentially just that like a full ten years ago. I'm actually surprised to hear mint hasn't been enshittified itself at this point, I just assumed that would have happened by now.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I assumed the intended read here is that the mods are doing a plausible-deniability thing here where they're not outright lying. Meaning the content in the headline here was buried in a different article that was allowed, but the one that got through had a focus on a closely-related topic that could earn a more Israel-friendly headline. Since most people read the headlines and not the articles, this shapes the narrative with wiggle room for saying the takedown is justified.

If there was another article allowed that was actually focused on the demands for an independent investigation, then yeah OP is bullshitting. Not going to say whether that's the case because I don't care enough to justify opening reddit to find out.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

For anyone wondering, this extension is not FOSS.

[–] 11 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

I had a few members tell me that I was part of the evil capitalist elite because I had a job.

Definitely a joke, I'm having trouble imagining a person who could believe this in earnest, let alone enough to say it out loud. I'm even having trouble accepting that you can imagine that a person would say this with no sarcasm. No one actually believes that.

edit: just realized that maybe you're trying to be funny and I'm slow on the uptake

[–] 6 points 5 days ago (1 children)

This essay resonates with me, thanks for sharing, the author makes her points pretty effectively. I'm not a historian and I don't know shit, but I think even if I give the critics the concession that everything is absolute rubbish, I still think there's no convincing argument that the beliefs are dishonest or malicious or not genuine.

There's so much bullshit and conflicting views about literally every historical event that I find it really hard to penetrate the context of the discussion and feel confident in anything, but I think the fact that I keep seeing people who hold "tankie" opinions dismissed as malicious propagandists pushes me very strongly towards feeling that the critics have not made any attempt to seriously engage with the ideas they're fighting against.

I think the realization I'm coming to now is that when part of your ideology is that people who claim belief in a specific conflicting worldview can be dismissed as bots or propagandists, finding out that those people aren't manufactured makes it a lot harder to take everything else you've said seriously.

On the other hand, the guy you're replying to is correct that the author's points fall completely flat and are ridiculous once you hunt down that specific paragraph and remove the context immediately before and after. Then it becomes obvious to an unbiased reader that the author actually ignored communist death tolls because it was inconvenient for her argument.

[–] 3 points 6 days ago (1 children)

There's no way I'm the first person to think of this, but it's just crossing my mind right now - imagine if his story is complete fiction and some certifiable lunatic somewhere is absolutely raging over stolen valor.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

If it’s MY car why would adverts be in it?

Because you're too poor to afford the monthly payment on the ad-free model.

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

Frog, dog, and kitten, over and over and over in completely arbitrary orderings.

[–] 2 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

I'm surprised you're the same person who asked the question that guy replied to. I thought your question was serious at first, then as soon as I read his post I assumed yours was actually posted entirely to set up that joke.

edit: maybe I'm replying to another setup that I'm too dense to piece together


Hear me out: a "Wild West" ditto, which looks like a regular ditto but with a moustache and cowboy hat, and when it transforms it looks just like the target pokemon, except with a moustache and a cowboy hat added on.

Unfortunately I have no artistic talent so cannot provide sketches at this moment, but I intend to start a gofundme to commission the concept art sooner or later.


I need some relationship advice. I suggested 125% but my wife won't budge from 10%. Is this normal? How did it go when you had this conversation with your romantic partner?


Roto-Borola usually likes to hang out with me when I'm working at my desk. Earlier today my wife snapped this photo of him chilling by me. Every so often he sits like this, but I think this is the first time we've seen him nap in this position. I laughed a little and it woke him up, he looked at me and did a loud meow and then got up.


Hi all,

I want to try to learn Spanish on my own, right now I barely know anything. Asking in the libre culture community because I know a common answer is duolingo but I don't want to install an app store other than f-droid.


I came up with a science fiction writing prompt/thought experiment that I'd like to share. I'm aware this is a little silly.


There exists an aether throughout the universe which I am going to suggestively name "soul". Soul can congeal, and congealed soul can take on a multitude of different states. Consciousness is congealed soul, and the states it takes on are emotions. Organisms have evolved to interact with soul, and over time the emotions they are able to evoke have become less rudimentary and increasingly varied.

The prompt/thought experiment:

A utilitarian mad scientist designs blueprints for a soul virus, which causes the aether permeating everything to congeal and then permanently crystallize in a joyful state. It will spread and eventually unify all consciousness into one. This leads to the question of whether universal bliss is worth the price of a total loss of individuality.

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