
joined 1 year ago
[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Good time to arrest him and turn him over for a trial.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

I got some cheap solder with my solder station and it was the bane of my existence. Found some leaded solder I think I got from radio shack years ago and it works so well. I hate to say it but I haven’t yet had good success with unleaded solder. Someone please save me from the brain damage.

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

It’s a bit ridiculous to write an article about everyone everywhere stopping animal product consumption all at once. That has no basis in reality. I would love to see the world shift as close to veganism as possible. Fact is this sort of shift takes a conscious effort by everyone to make a cultural and personal change in lifestyle. I’ve been vegan for a decade and haven’t met one other close personal family member or friend who was willing to make the change. We’re too far down the rabbit hole with regards to climate change to expect a massive shift when many individuals still deny the existence of the problem. My daughter’s generation are fucked. It makes me terribly sad that my generation and previous governing generations have done next to nothing to help. All I can hope is she doesn’t have to suffer during her lifetime.


In my area we have had excellent and consistent service from NS power up until last years hurricane. Yet here we are a year later with winds far less than last year and power is out. But this has been consistent for months. Small storms and bang power gone. How does ns power keep justifying price increases when then apparently have no intention of actually fixing things and making them better? Maybe Mr. CEO and other managers shouldn’t be getting any bonuses and investors should not be getting payouts. Privatization is such a scam.


We have a new rental house across the road. The neighbours have decided to put up a no trespassing sign and an F*CK Trudeau flag. Our neighbourhood has always been a mix of different political backgrounds but everyone is lovely and respectful. Seems as though someone close by called the police about the flag. It wasn’t us although we have the same feelings about it. The flag is offensive but we decided to educate our child about why the display of signs like this are hateful rather than uplifting and supportive. Since the police showed up we heard them loudly exclaim “someone has too much time in their hands”. I’m guessing it was directed at us as we have a pride flag in our front window. Shortly after that the Trudeau flag showed up. How can one approach this? We’re all for free speech. But why act like a trash human to get your opinion across?

Rant over.