
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 5 months ago

I wouldn't want to sully my repo with something as useful as a gitignore.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

My code is so ~~bad~~ good, GitHub thinks I've uploaded an API key.


I am the Anti-Rust programmer, I will call other code in Rust. I will call other code in Rust because it is coding is hard. As I am the Anti-Rust programmer, I will keep writing rust until my computer breaks, I will not use proper coding practices. Because I am the Anti-Rust programmer, my computer will be unstable and crash.

I will come to you when you are sleeping, and include random malloc(s) in your code. If I find javascript on your computer, I will use implicit type conversion. Do not try to stop me, if you try to stop me, I will do it anyways. I am the Anti-Rust programmer. If you program in javascript. You will be fine :).

You will be sleeping as I rewrite your computer. You will not notice me as I am the Anti-Rust programmer. I am slow, but I will make your computer slower. I understand your computer, as it doesn't understand me. After I rewrite your computer, you will hate your computer. You will hate your computer because it is unstable and crashes. I will do the same to all computers because I am the anti-rust programmer.

I will not stop at your computer. I will rewrite the world because I can. Your brain is written using good programming practices. If your brain is written using good programming practices, you will hate what I do. I will rewrite your brain. You cannot stop me from linking different languages together, as I am the anti rust programmer. After I rewrite you, you will enjoy constant memory leaks. You will forget everything all the time. I am the anti rust programmer.

I will rewrite the world. I will rewrite quantum mechanics because I can. I will not tell you all my plans before I rewrite you. It is because you are perfectly normal and will hate my changes. I am the anti rust programmer. You will forget me because you are full of memory leaks.


Took y'all's advice to heart and it's looks like it's working well!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by to c/

Not my best bread ever but this is pretty normal issue. I totally over proofed it because I fell asleep during the proof xD

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Might even say they ran like A55

[–] 0 points 7 months ago

This isn't really guide. More a tool for finding what makes your system look like a VM. pafish is a good tool for detecting vms. It also tells you what gave it away. You can use pafish to find out what is giving you away and fix it.

[–] 0 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (2 children)

What's up with the ux design of nix? I get it's made for advanced users but still. I'm reading through this guide and man it's convoluted.

The different ways of installing packages. Either through editing the configuration.nix or running a command. The weird inconsistency of nix commands. nix-env -iA to install and nix-env --uninstall to uninstall. Then updating uses nix-channel --update but upgrade uses nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade. All this to use the package manager. Also haven't even mentioned flakes or home manager.

It's a cool OS, but the UX really needs work imo.

[Edit] I do wanna add something else too because I feel like my point isn't getting across.

It's okay to have a complicated ui. Especially if your target audience are tech-savvy. But even tech-savvy people have to start as new users. A tech-savvy new user isn't going to know what the best practices are. Being able to anticipate the steps for installing a package is important for ux. If the commands for installing packages isn't cohesive/intuitive, then the user has to spend more time looking for guides and learning how to use the software.

People also mentioned a new command in the works. This is great! However, these current commands are being recommended through blogs and nix. New users won't know about this new command.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by to c/
// At this point, I'd like to take a moment to speak to you about the Adobe PSD 
// PSD is not a good format. PSD is not even a bad format. Calling it such would be an
// insult to other bad formats, such as PCX or JPEG. No, PSD is an abysmal format. Having
// worked on this code for several weeks now, my hate for PSD has grown to a raging fire
// that burns with the fierce passion of a million suns.
// If there are two different ways of doing something, PSD will do both, in different
// places. It will then make up three more ways no sane human would think of, and do those
// too. PSD makes inconsistency an art form. Why, for instance, did it suddenly decide
// that *these* particular chunks should be aligned to four bytes, and that this alignement
// should *not* be included in the size? Other chunks in other places are either unaligned,
// or aligned with the alignment included in the size. Here, though, it is not included.
// Either one of these three behaviours would be fine. A sane format would pick one. PSD,
// of course, uses all three, and more.
// Trying to get data out of a PSD file is like trying to find something in the attic of
// your eccentric old uncle who died in a freak freshwater shark attack on his 58th
// birthday. That last detail may not be important for the purposes of the simile, but
// at this point I am spending a lot of time imagining amusing fates for the people
// responsible for this Rube Goldberg of a file format.
// Earlier, I tried to get a hold of the latest specs for the PSD file format. To do this,
// I had to apply to them for permission to apply to them to have them consider sending
// me this sacred tome. This would have involved faxing them a copy of some document or
// other, probably signed in blood. I can only imagine that they make this process so
// difficult because they are intensely ashamed of having created this abomination. I
// was naturally not gullible enough to go through with this procedure, but if I had done
// so, I would have printed out every single page of the spec, and set them all on fire.
// Were it within my power, I would gather every single copy of those specs, and launch
// them on a spaceship directly into the sun.
// PSD is not my favourite file format.
[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Thumbs are fingers and anyone who says otherwise is huffing blue paint

Never realised this was a controversial topic! xD


I'm between distros and looking for a new daily driver for my laptop. What are people daily driving these days? Are there any new cool things to try?

I have been using linux mint recently. I have used nixos and arch in the past. Personally, linux mint uses flatpacks too much for my liking. Although, I might have a warped perspective after using arch. (the aur is crazy big)

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Such a shame they only research cs and teach new cs students.


All the normal websites have subscriptions and make it a nightmare to print off. I tried looking elsewhere but no where seams to do tabs. Am I missing something obvious?