
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 6 hours ago

Also this bit from The Simpsons

[–] 3 points 22 hours ago

I assume that since the deadline has past for some states, Vance has to be on the ballot, even if he drops out. Trump has to carry him to term (pun intended). For example, RFK Jr. dropped out, but will still be on the ballot.

If these terrible people are elected and do not take the oath of office, then presumably the 25th amendment takes effect, and a new VP is appointed by the president, or the VP elect ascends to President if the presidency is vacant.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

On the wayback machine, for 2001-09-12, they have this:

In light of recent events, The Onion is not publishing new material this week.

The Onion will return Sept. 26, though The Onion A.V. Club is new. Features include interviews with Barbara Ehrenreich, George P. Pelecanos, and Paul Collins. Click here to enter.

[–] 5 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Also "The Scary Door", a twilight zone type show within the universe of Futurama.

[–] 20 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Don't worry, Putin is his guarantor for the loan.

[–] 109 points 1 day ago (7 children)

"Winning the battle is worth losing the war"

(Trump, The Art of the Deal, pp. 179-181)

[–] 26 points 1 day ago

If I told my boss I have concepts of a plan during an important call with clients, I'd be fired. The fact he said this thinking it would absolve him of having to actually outline actual policy shows how empty the campaign is on anything of substance.

I have great hopes for this meme and hope it is as influential as "binders of women" in showing the absurd thinking behind the most important job in the world.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago

Trump has been the wildcard and basically gone against every norm for someone running for office. In 2016 that was more unexpected and the electorate had a clear anti-establishment candidate they could get behind (even though he lost the popular vote).

I think the trick has worn off and we now know how to deal with his antics, plus he's aged and less coherent. Also he was the establishment for 4 years, and can't be the wildcard candidate he once was.

I think Vivek Ramaswamy was trying this playbook during the Republican primaries but failed to account for the cult of Trump and the racism in the party. Maybe it would have worked against someone who wasn't a former president or if Trump was sent to prison sooner.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

This is kinda the plot of a Black Mirror episode, Striking Vipers.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

I see I misread this and skipped the NOT in the meme, so thought this was pro racist couch fucking. Thanks for clarifying.

[–] 74 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Now do VHS vs. Beta Max. Better specs don't always make a better product. This is coming from someone who uses Android, 3 or 4 of the specs I don't really care about. posts like these just divide us into tribes and that's not useful for anyone.


Today, Celine Dion's management team and her record label, Sony Music Entertainment Canada Inc., became aware of the unauthorized usage of the video, recording, musical performance, and likeness of Celine Dion singing "My Heart Will Go On" at a Donald Trump /JD Vance campaign rally in Montana. In no way is this use authorized, and Celine Dion does not endorse this or any similar use. ..And really, THAT song?


I didn't realize this was the season finale before watching and was mostly confused that was it after tonight's episode. Seems like they started more loose ends in that one episode, maybe in hope of another season, but it felt like it could have used an episode or two more to set that up better. Spoilers below:

The Acolyte - Episode 8 Season Finale Discussion Spoilers

  • I kept expecting the Green Jedi woman to ultimately be behind the destruction of the witches fortress. It still doesn't make sense that the stone structure could sustain so much damage from some paper burning. Maybe bad editing or something in the previous episodes, but seems like there's still a side of a story being withheld.
  • Reveal of Yoda (or yaddle before growing hair!) and who I assume is Plagueis was underwhelming. Either could have been omitted without issue. If they were going for fan service, focus on one. If it is Plagueis, does the timeline even make sense??
  • Honestly, I wish there were more episodes with the Lesbian Witch Cult which weren't all flashbacks. That conflict with the Jedi was interesting (for the two days it happened in universe) and could have explored more of that side of the force before it was killed off. I guess I'm in the minority based on the backlash that received.
  • Kung fu and lightsaber battles were pretty good. Is this the first time in live action a jedi has turned off a lightsaber mid fight? I think out of everything, the choreography was the strongest aspect of the series.

What'd everyone else think?


A U.S. Supreme Court opinion erroneously — and briefly — posted on the court’s website seems to indicate that the court will temporarily allow abortions in medical emergencies in Idaho, according to Bloomberg News.

Tom Rule (
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