
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 1 day ago

This. Half of this thread is such an absurdly cruel and stupid oversimplification.

Just to make sure: I'm not trying to defend the nazis - the zealots that died as pows got what they deserved. But a lot of the common people never had a choice. It's mostly the lower income classes that had less of a choice as well. Just meat that got send to the fronlines. I guess I just don't get why people delight in their fates out of all the people/"nazis" they could hate on.

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

"We can disagree and still be friends" only works (and then it is a good sign of political culture) when both sides agree to respect each other as equal citizens and acknowledge to have the same rights. The "friend" relationship is generally perceived as an equal one - in this case it is implied, but might (depending on the context entirely) be anything but that.

I don't know where the pic from OP comes from, but I think it's a pretty clever caption.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Yes, I mean it's used for transactions in the programming sense of the word. Turns out financial transactions require that as well. I assume the same goes for nuclear stuff. There is just very little risk to come across uncertainties when the language is that old (and the people who use it hehe - tbf it pays super well).

Edit: at least to my very limited knowledge


[I hope this belongs here - if not, lmk and I'll delete the post. I've been mainly lurking here so far]

In a month I'll be in charge of "IT-stuff" in a small office. People are generally happy if there is internet and VoIP is working. I'd like to take the opportunity to learn what I can, while I have the chance. And maybe/hopefully contribute to make it a bit better. For now I want to look into how I should configure wifi and access for office/guests (and devices that are used obv.) Thing is, I don't know where to start and what I actually can do. Do I just google "how to configure wifi in the office?" and go from there? (I'm a bit hesitant to do that since I'll not be able to tell if what I find is good) Is there any good reference material you would suggest? Any suggestions are appreciated.

I studied business informatics (but it's been a while) so I'm not completely clueless (but still clueless hehe).