
joined 1 year ago
[–] 14 points 19 hours ago

Next time I build a PC, I plan to spend extra on hardware that can run games decently while producing as little heat as possible. My current PC is like a space heater when it’s running and it’s unbearable to play games on it for any extended periods during the summer months.

The only reason I went for an 80+ Platinum PSU instead of an 80+ Bronze PSU is to make it generate less heat (and the fact that the platinum had a really nice price at the time). Doing it for power savings isn't worth it, but getting a cooler case is nice.,36721.html

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

If you have a dGPU i would save the packaging it came in and reuse it. They are heavy enough to damage a pcie slot. Other than that its the usual soft packaging inside hard packaging. Put a seatbelt on it if you got the space in the backseat.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (5 children)

I mean the only interesting data sent is the mac address, android phones spoofs that by default, using a separate mac adress for every network and on a debian based distro you can use if you wanna spoof it when using your computer in the networks owned by others.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

sending personal data to someone else’s computer.

I think this is spot on. I think it's exciting with LLMs but I'm not gonna give the huge corporations my data, nor anyone else for that matter.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

An ultra-marathoner’s attempt to “run” from Florida to Bermuda in an inflatable bubble was cut short when the Coast Guard towed him back to land – for the second time.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I'll have a look! Cheers!


I'm looking into setting up some monitoring combined with simple automation for my selfhosting. Currently I was thinking about using Zabbix.
I want to:
Track bandwidth usage on a router/fw and on a managed switch and track cpu/ram/disk usage on my vms.
Simple monitoring (up/down/maintenance) on the router, switch, my vms as well as on linux services (jellyfin/forgejo/etc) and windows services (lab for studying work-related tools).
I'm also interested in doing simple https checks on my webuis (i've had a service running but the website returning both 403 and 404 before) and testing nslookup on my internal dns (if the service is up but the lookups timeout I still want to try restarting the service).

Is there any FOSS/FLOSS alternatives that I should look into before diving into Zabbix?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (4 children)

I definitely feel the pain when it comes to worthless results nowadays. Though in this case DDG comes through:

Adding documentation to the search makes the "correct" page soar to the top:

[–] 0 points 4 months ago

Isn't the solution to send them this link? ;-)

[–] 0 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (1 children)
  • KVM/QEMU/Libvirt/virt-manager on a Debian 12 for minimal installation that allows you to choose backup tools and the like on your own.
  • Proxmox for a mature KVM-based virtualizer with built in tools for backups, clustering, etcetera. Also supports LXC.
  • Incus for LXC/KVM virtualization - younger solution than Proxmox and more focused on LXC.
[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Path of Exile, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Torchlight 2