
joined 1 year ago
[–] 7 points 20 hours ago

I personally love a monorepo. It has to be managed effectively by the team, but the benefits are great. Most of it boils down to making more effective incentives for maintenance and care for downstream effects because "we all live here". There are tradeoffs and it's not for every situation or team though, for certain.

[–] 2 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

I really agree with both of you here. While there was an article or two posted with the opposite narrative, the NYT used their editorial discretion in a fairly flagrant way on this issue. It stood in stark contrast to other issues that they have gone out of their way to keep a neutral stance on as an overall paper (which I applaud). I'm not opposed to the newsroom, editorial team, or contributing writers having a stance unlike mine. I'm not the type to say "fuck all the media" all the time and think they're generally diverse groups of professionals trying their best and sometimes failing. The fact that the NYT op-ed page and front page were just plastered in a single perspective though, without an opposing narrative, was just really blatant on this issue.

I was one of those canceled subs. I canceled WaPo after their disastrous leadership developments too. I'm basically running on cables and international outlets now, which is a real shame because I like to read other perspectives presented well, which the op-ed teams at those agencies are capable of doing.

[–] 16 points 21 hours ago

Unless a court kicks it into maximum overdrive, this isn't getting seen by the election. Your second alternative looks most likely to me right now.

[–] 13 points 22 hours ago

Oh, she's going to do this until she dies of old age after Trump installs her as his first supreme court justice of his second term.

[–] 9 points 1 day ago

Jo Cox? Unless by "leader", you specifically mean "head of state".

[–] 22 points 4 days ago

Newsweek, bad selection of polls, and results are still not looking great. For goodness sake, can we please ban this news source? It's awful and repeatedly clickbait-y.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

And? What does that have to do with this OP and comment? Like, seriously, is it just "I don't care about how much a lot of Americans are scared and tired of their political system because children in Gaza are dying", which very few Americans have a direct hand in because of the same system you're celebrating? I'm just confused at the attempted logic here.

[–] 21 points 6 days ago

Nah, they're a bit smarter than that. If they want a change to the system, they play the existing system until they can change and warp it into their desired state. Maybe a lesson we could learn from given how successful it has been?

[–] 8 points 6 days ago (3 children)

Why are you taunting people about something that likely affects their lives in very negative ways and that they had almost no say in? Seems kinda cruel.

[–] 8 points 1 week ago

We can't get upset at politicians for what we are failing to pay attention to. The democrats are working against it.



Now, if the concern is "why hasn't anything worked to fully dismantle this plan", the answer is that it's a well-crafted (albeit evil) plan made over decades. It's not going to have Death Star exhaust ports for the right Democrat Skywalker to shoot a pulse into. It's going to take a concerted, unified, lengthy effort from politicians and the voters to defeat it. All good things do.

The poster above gave you a great infographic and there are others online. The route forward involves us sharing with others, collaborating on strategic voting, and forming plans to help the vulnerable around us in the event that it comes to pass. It is stressful, but know you're sharing that with a ton of people right now.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (1 children)

That's okay, I understand. I don't disagree with anything you've written here. I'm torn on him stepping down myself, so I get it. My response is really just aimed at the commentor above who is complaining about the Democrats for supreme court case results. It's a Republican court, it's nonsense. These are separate branches for a reason and they don't share command structures, so even "the buck stops here" doesn't apply. In a way, blaming the president for this is pushing the exact sort of ideology the Republicans want right now of a king, not a president. This supreme court was put in place by a man who was voted in by a very tiny majority in a few states. Biden didn't fail in this case. We, the voters, failed. America, the people, failed.

[–] 17 points 1 week ago (13 children)

Have any decent sources on that regret or harm done that aren't debunked by myriad other reputable sources? Scientists research all kinds of unpopular things, so it should be easy to show.


Hello! First, a huge shout out to the creator of this community for bringing over the old FTB community.

For my actual request, I am just looking to get some community input on the best modern mod pack that contains MineColonies. My partner loves playing for that mod and that mod only. I'm more of a kitchen-sink or progression-based player, so I'm just looking for whatever the new hotness™️ is.

Or, just give me your favorite pack newer than a year or so old, I'm just aiming to look around for the first time in a while.

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