
joined 1 year ago are going through some changes (admins, domain host and more) and it looks as if existing accounts are being asked to log in again.

On other clients this seems to be working fine. However for Lemma my credentials are being rejected. I am sure I am using the same credentials as I have on Memmy and other apps but no matter what I try the credentials are being rejected.

I have tried uninstalling the app and adding the account again but it still doesn’t work.

Any ideas?


I am really liking the first public TestFlight build. All of the key features are here and performance is very good.

Everything looks to be working well but I do have two points.

Firstly the mark read option seem to be a little ‘sensitive’. If I tap a post and then return a few posts after the one I tap on are also marked as read. A small things but one to be aware of.

Secondly whilst typing this message I am seeing a fair amount of post ‘jumping’ and copying of the message already written. The last one is a little odd. If I keep typing it sorts itself.

Finally I can see that you have text size as a holder in the options. Please see if you get to that one soon - as someone who struggles with his sight (I put it down to age!) the comment text particularly is a little too small.

All-in-all you have written a really good app. I look forward to following and trying out the updates as they are released. Well done.


Loving the app. However it doesn’t look as if the mark read on scroll option is working.

If I scroll some posts they do not indicate that they have been read by going grey. Unlike when I tap and read a post. Equally tapping the hide read posts button doesn’t make scrolled by posts disappear.