
joined 1 year ago
[–] a_fancy_kiwi@lemmy.world 2 points 3 weeks ago

It refuses to answer that question for me lol

[–] a_fancy_kiwi@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (1 children)

I’ve been trying actual page numbers since those are what matched up at first

Edit: I haven’t extensively gone through it all yet. Are they mixed between page numbers and pdf page numbers?

[–] a_fancy_kiwi@lemmy.world 16 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (5 children)

I’ve been skimming through the listed page numbers so maybe I missed it but where in pg 545-581 does it talk about “[ending] marriage equality”? That whole section seems to be talking about the FBI and DOJ

[–] a_fancy_kiwi@lemmy.world 0 points 9 months ago (2 children)

For all of Apple’s faults, their Apple TV is pretty decent. A home screen with apps on them; no ads. It’s great


To preface, I’m currently rewriting a personal webapp to use MySQL instead of storing everything in hundreds of JSON files. I’m currently in the testing phase of generating tables with the data from the JSON files, destroying the tables, adding more columns and data, repeat, all to make sure everything is working as intended.

My issue is that occasionally I’ll create too many columns and then I get an error saying something about the row being too large? I’ve also noticed that if I change the parameters of what data is allowed to go in the column, I can generate more columns. I know there is some relationship between number of columns, the data that can go in a column, data size, and row size but I don’t know what’s going on. I’d appreciate it if someone could broadly go over how row length(?) can affect number of columns.

Thank you



After updating to TvOS 17, my Sonos Beam sound bar started making weird crackling sounds and music sounded tinny. Turns out, I had to change the audio format in the Apple TV settings from Stereo to Dolby Digital 5.1 for the issue to be fixed.

Not sure what I had that setting set to before but I’m leaning toward the idea that the update reset the audio format back to default settings. If you are having sound issues after updating, that might be the issue.

[–] a_fancy_kiwi@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

Frectal Define R7 XL

Their website says a max of 18 HDDs and 5 SSDs in the storage layout. I have the R5 and am pretty happy with it.


I'm relatively new to MacOS and I frequently find myself needing to copy a file to my clipboard so that I can paste it somewhere else. Every time I click the share icon, I'm disappointed to see no "copy to clipboard" extension.

This is most frustrating when editing a screenshot or opening up a file in safari.

Anyone have a recommended app for this? I found this one but haven't tried it yet


I occasionally find myself reinstalling home assistant and every time I do, I get stuck on two steps because I forgot the commands and didn't write them down from the last time. I'm writing them below mainly for myself but also for anyone else who may get stuck. For future reference, I'm using Ubuntu 23.04 with Virt-Manager.

Before you begin the installation of the provided qcow2 image, you might want to resize that image from 32G to whatever size you want. ex:

qemu-img resize haos_ova-10.3.qcow2 +68G

Next, you might want to make a network bridge device. Navigate to your netplan folder and backup the yaml file that's in there (your file may be named differently)

cd /etc/netplan

cp ./01-network-manager-all.yaml ./01-network-manager-all.yaml.old

Edit the yaml config.

nano ./01-network-manager-all.yaml

Change the renderer to networkd and add the bridge device (br0). Your ethernet device may not be named enp12s0, make sure to use your ethernet device name. If you are on wifi, look up a netplan wifi config and make adjustments as needed.

  renderer: networkd
      dhcp4: true
  version: 2
      dhcp4: yes
        - enp12s0
        stp: true

save the file. generate and apply the new netplan. WARNING - If you are hosting this on your own network, it's possible the Ubuntu host IP could change. If you were doing these steps over SSH, you might need to find the new IP and reconnect. Static IPs can be set in the netplan config but I usually just do it from my router settings afterwards which is probably why the IP changed.

netplan generate

netplan apply

Now just go through the installation process and when you select your network device, make sure you select "Bridge Device" and the device name is "br0"

Edit 12/15/23 - well, I rebuilt my server again. I used regular Ubuntu desktop this time and I for the life of me I couldn’t get networking to function properly. I ended up buying an Ethernet card and passed it through to the VM

[–] a_fancy_kiwi@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (5 children)

Imagine you need to go see your doctor. They work in a building with 65535 rooms. Some rooms are empty. Some rooms have people in them that provide different services. But you need your doctor so you look up their location.

You learn the building address (IP address) and the room number (port)

In practice, you attach services to specific ports so that other computers can access those services. Typically, http traffic is on port 80 and https is on port 443. So if you visit a website, you are likely connected to a server on one of those two ports. But it’s not a requirement. You could create a website and put it on port 2097, or 532, or 47210; it doesn’t matter.