
joined 1 year ago

I gotta admit, when I was younger, I definitely did do that to some of my favourite panels on occasion. Let's just say that at some point, I realized that I definitely lack the artistic skills to do them justice.


Mit Speck-Sahne-Sauce, dazu Kartoffeln und Fisolen. Immer wieder ein Traum.


I've only ever once bought them online because it was an edition that was exclusive to this retailer.

Apart from that, I'm always buying locally from the same store, from the nicest Manga selling lady in the world. She's been running her section in that very store for as long as I can remember, and we get carried away talking about all kinds of things more often than I'd like to admit. That's why my 5 minutes of "I'm just gonna pick up [whatever] real quick" and generally last about 30 - 45 minutes.


My wife is the type of person who is so focused on the story she's reading that she'd completely forget about eating or drinking anything for hours, even if she prepared something beforehand. Meanwhile, I just can't really relax if I'm not snacking something, sweet or salty, while reading.

(On a side note: our roles completely reverse when playing video games. I could spend the whole day just playing and not eat or drink a thing)


Let's start off this series of questions with a big one:

What got you into Mangas in the first place?

For me, it was Neon Genesis Evangelion. I loved the Anime and it, naturally, left my still developing young teenage brain very confused. So when I learned that there was a "Comic" about it, I was convinced that it was going to provide some additional info the show left out (like books usually do). I didn't like the black/white aesthetic at all at first and stopped reading halfway through the first volume initially, but picked it up again a few weeks later and practically devoured the whole series over the course of the next few days.

It didn't really give me any of the answers I initially hoped for, but it definitely hooked me onto this whole "black and white comics for adults"-vibe I got from it back then. And I just never stopped picking up new ones for close to 20 years now.

Now, let's hear your own background stories!


Hello and welcome to your new favourite place to talk about all things Manga!

I'm looking forward to (hopefully) see this community grow and prosper in the future and maybe learn a thing or two (or a thousand) on the way.

As for the second reason I'm posting this, apart from just saying hello: If there indeed are people on this platform who are interested in contributing to this community, additional moderators would be more than welcome, even if there's nothing to moderate yet (and most likely in the near future). Better safe than sorry, as they say.