
joined 1 year ago
[–] 18 points 3 weeks ago (6 children)

The advances in material science and manufacturing in sports equipment in the past 15 years has been amazing.

That means boots, bindings, and a snowboard that would have seemed like alien technology to me when I started riding. Same goes for all the saftey gear, knee pads, helmets, integrated wrist guards in gloves.

The performance, comfort, and saftey offered by modern equipement means I can still enjoy my favorite sports at 50. The thought of getting on a hill with gear I had just 15 years ago makes me shudder.

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

My earliest gaming memory is my dad taking me to a local hotel bar to play Pac-Man when it came out, which suggests spring of 1980.

I know I played pong, river raid, and pitfall on home consoles as well, not sure which was first.

One xmass we got an Atari, but when my dad realized it came with a poker game he returned it a few days later.

First system I had actual private access to was a TRS-80.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Two games I have platinumed on PS4 that I still go back and play are Subnautica and Kerbal Space Program. Not sure if you mean 100% as in like scan and collect every item, or get all the trophies, cause I don't think I've ever 100% a game in that way.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

I'm glad to hear this. Bought it at launch, on PS4, which I understand had some of the worst problems. Maybe one of the most disappointing games I ever got after all the htype. Gave up after maybe two hours because of all the bugs.

I now have a PS4-Pro, and keep wondering if its finally time to give this game another go.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago

No, I don't think that would work for me.

[–] 22 points 1 month ago

I've had this handle since '94, and I am not letting any of this bother me.

Others have said it better than I can, but how you see yourself as weird, and why it bothers the politicians it does, are not the same thing.

They live in a different world where conformity is king and being different is scorned.

Don't let it ruffle you, none of this has anything at all to do with you, how you live your life, or how you perceive yourself.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I was not going go let my beliefs prevent me from going to my fathers funeral or nephews wedding.

I have never been shy about expressing my beliefs, and haven't been compelled to a Sunday service since I was in basic training in the 90s.

[–] 34 points 1 month ago (25 children)

How many other places in the world could she have taken this photo? All of them.

As a start, 6 million Jews were exterminated in camps like this, as well as many, many others, including some of my relatives.

I have my views, and they aren't shared by everyone. I am obligated at times to go to a church, and as an atheist, I keep my mouth shut and let people observe their sacred places.

This location is sacred, to many people for many reasons. Nothing about it suggests "Look at me aren't I cute?".

The events that happened there represent some of the worst that man can do to thier fellow man. The defeat of that ideology and liberation of these camps represent the best that man has to offer.

Men women and children died there on mass because of who they were. Men died on mass to free, protect, and avenge those people.

When you are walking on someone's grave, please show respect. When you are walking on a peoples grave, yes, take a photo, commemorate your experience, and have the humility and humanity to do it in a way that honors those who died.

[–] 6 points 1 month ago

Mass Effect and Dark Souls are my favorites when it comes to gaming.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

I just don't fall that way on a skateboard, so I never wear one, though knee pads are a must.

I will never ever ride a snowboard without a helmet. I'll ride a motorcycle without a helmet before I'll ride a snowboard without one.

[–] 28 points 1 month ago (2 children)

If you don't feel it, don't do it. Some injuries don't heal right, and many of the hobbies I enjoy have a pretty damned high risk factor. Almost every single time I've had a serious injury, that little voice was telling me "This one might not end well", and I went for it anyway.

I could have walked away, called it a day, and come back another time. It wasn't a contest, I was just out filming a few tricks for my "You're turning 40 and still doing it" video. Didn't stretch, didn't warm up, and my over enthusiastic filmer was all "Try this, do that". Ended up collapsing my knee and fully tearing my MCL.

Between that and a few neck and back fractures over the years, my mobility and flexibility are pretty well shot. There are things I just can't do anymore.

Sure I still skate, and am amazed just how much I can still get away with, but now every minute on the board includes a constant "Is this safe? Is this worth it?" chant.

[–] 43 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I know you are but what am I, glad to see he's going with the Peewee defence.

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