
joined 9 months ago
[–] WallEx@feddit.de 8 points 8 hours ago (1 children)

Yeah, like an old IOS on an old iPhone, that doesn't get updates anymore?

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 16 points 9 hours ago (3 children)

Oh, a shill in the wild.

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 8 points 1 day ago

Wife of a friend is also named Karen, she is a wonderful person.

My friendgroup still really like Karen memes, but she somehow doesn't :D

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 7 points 5 days ago

I am not talking about feeling attacked, but rather to not give anti-societal movements any platform.

Also, that ideology is not based in factual arguments, so why would arguing succeed? The real solution would be for them to get to know foreigners to seez that they are just people, but that doesn't happen on twitter.

Yes, I see the difference, but its indicative of his ideology I think.

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 3 points 5 days ago

Aber ich glaube, dass in den deutschen köpfen das trotzdem was bewegt. Sehe nur noch seeeehr selten rauchende Menschen mit Kindern in Autos, und nach meinem Eindruck ist das deutlich zurück gegangen.

Hoffentlich läuft das bei dem begleiteten trinken auch so ... 14 ist einfach zu früh für eine gesunde Entwicklung.

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 48 points 5 days ago (16 children)

He lets Nazis use his platform and calls it "freedom of speech", although this exact freedom is limited by the wellbeing of others. And promoting Nazis is harmful to not only minorities, but the society in my opinion, as they strive to split the society with populist arguments.

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 3 points 1 week ago

Bei ~6% Arbeitslosenquote ... Bisschen überflüssig.

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 3 points 2 weeks ago

So you know the hidden truth?

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 23 points 2 weeks ago

So its no longer intellectual property if its on the internet? The nerves on this guy...

So you could just copy and use every single helpful support article from Microsoft?

Oh shit, there aren't any

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 1 points 2 weeks ago

Sorry, yeah maybe that wasn't the best response.

But you still claiming nuclear is green is just crazy. There is still no place on earth that can hold nuclear waste. Especially not for the thousands of years that it would need. There is nothing clean about energy, that produces waste, that we can't even handle.

Also, the energy mix in Denmark is very renewable wherever possible (https://ens.dk/en/our-services/statistics-data-key-figures-and-energy-maps/annual-and-monthly-statistics)

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 3 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

Okay, where is the comparison to nuclear? For that you have to build massive infrastructure, that costs billions, that no one want to insure, thats why it has to be backed by state money. After that the waste has to be managed by the state too, because no company wants to deal with the liability of radioactive waste for thousands of years at least, so that, too, comes out of the taxpayers pockets.

I don't like fossil fuels, but this is just plain stupid

(and also as a cherry on top, tschernobyl, fokushima)

[–] WallEx@feddit.de 48 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Renewables are better, cheaper and more scalable. Its not even close. Look at Denmark for how it can be done.

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