
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 minute ago

Can you piano a tuna, though?

[–] 1 points 4 minutes ago

Yes, it is

No. Stop lying, please.

Every newsclip I've seen the 'civilians' use the word martyr in their statement

Sounds like you need better sources.

Face it. They aren't people in the Trade Centre just living their lives. They tacitly or overtly support the cause and so are not mere innocent bystanders

That's a sinister lie that the war criminals in the Knesset are using to justify slaughtering innocents, including children.

It's no different than American bigots saying all Muslims and Arabs are terrorists.

As for age? Indoctrination starts at birth and you know it so knock it off with the disingenuous arguments.

So what you're saying is that it's completely fine to slaughter all the children? You're totally fine with the mass slaughter of children?

[–] 2 points 14 minutes ago* (last edited 11 minutes ago)

the Green Amendment does not alter DEC’s enforcement discretion … and so the plaintiffs cannot compel DEC to enforce against Seneca Meadows.

Translation to plain English: you can't force us to do our job, so we won't 🤦

In the High Acres case, a Supreme Court judge formally decided that “complying with the Constitution is not optional for a state agency.”

State officials promptly appealed that ruling

In case you wondered whether the people in charge of NY state are anywhere near as left wing as the fascist echo chamber makes it sound 😮‍💨

[–] 1 points 22 minutes ago (2 children)

The vast majority of whom are innocent civilians, of course.

No, they are not. They self identify as martyrs. They are a part of, or at least support the cause

That's just not true. Over half of the population wasn't even ALIVE the last time there was an alternative to vote for, much less old enough to vote.

Hamas fills a school with weapons and ammo.

More IDF Hasbara with no root in reality

They keep sending their children to it but say an extra prayer before and after they leave and return

WTF are you blathering about??

If only it was 'just a few thousand Hamas terrorists

It is. Against a military with vastly superior technology and more soldiers than there are people in Gaza and the West Bank combined.

It's not a war. It's a genocide during which the occupation forces of the fascist apartheid regime is committing crimes against humanity on a daily basis.

[–] -1 points 2 hours ago (1 children)

"I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle".

Why do you keep making up quotes

I'm not. I misremembered the exact wording, but here's his statement against desegregation bussing in full:

Unless we do something about this, my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle with tensions having built so high that it is going to explode at some point. We have got to make some move on this.

Under the landmark Civil Rights Act of 1964, the federal Department of Health, Education and Welfare had a powerful tool to fight school segregation: It could withhold funding from districts that refused to integrate — and integration effectively meant busing. Mr. Helms wanted to strip the agency of that power.

As Mr. Biden rose on the Senate floor in September 1975 to embrace that approach, Mr. Helms wryly welcomed him "to the ranks of the enlightened." Mr. Biden objected to the education department mandating desegregation absent a court order, and warned of white flight to the suburbs and even racial unrest. ... Mr. Helms's amendment, which would have also barred the education department from collecting data about the race of students or teachers, failed. But a slightly narrower measure written by Mr. Biden, which prevented schools from using federal dollars to assign teachers or students by race, passed, 50-43.

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) (4 children)

A couple thousand Hamas terrorists with improvised rockets, rocks, and whatever little they manage to smuggle across some of the most tightly controlled borders in the world are NOT an existential threat to the country that controls those borders and have one of the most powerful and advanced militaries in the history of humanity, with millions of actual and potential recruits.

They're fighting NOT to protect their own existence, but to kill or displace all Palestinians. The vast majority of whom are innocent civilians, of course.

[–] 5 points 2 hours ago

And now they have to pay double because they questioned it. Them's the IOC rules.

[–] -1 points 3 hours ago (3 children)

She thinks Biden said ~~hurtful~ racist things in the past but she doesn't think he is racist.

Which would mean she was being disingenuous or wrong.

It doesn't get much more racist than protesting desegregation bussing because "I don't want my kids to grow up in a racial jungle".

That's almost Trumpian levels of turning the dog whistle into a bullhorn.

[–] -2 points 3 hours ago

Yeah, all of those assumed that she was being genuine rather than just covering her ass. Not always a good idea when dealing with politicians, and almost never when dealing with her specifically.

[–] -5 points 3 hours ago (5 children)

Nope. Just following the logic of "everything before the 'but' is usually disingenuous" to apply to an otherwise self-contradictory statement from a notoriously disingenuous politician 🤷

[–] -3 points 3 hours ago

It's common knowledge that "everything before 'but' can almost always safely be discarded as disingenuous" and this is one such case.

I'm not putting any words in anyone's mouth, I'm just disregarding the disingenuous ones she used before talking about Biden's racism affecting her negatively as a person of color.

Here's another interpretation: when Kamala said that she doesn't believe Biden is racist, it meant that she doesn't believe Biden is racist.

It's kinda adorable how you automatically assume that a politician known for pretending to be a progressive and than doing a sharp turn to the right to become VP is being genuine and employing no artifice in her big prepared debate zinger lol

[–] -3 points 4 hours ago (11 children)

And then came the "but" to show she just said the first part to avoid being attacked by the press and his supporters.

Besides, "finding common ground" with racists on race issues is just less overt racism.

Unlike his "racial jungle" comment, which was completely overt racism.

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