
joined 10 months ago
[–] 5 points 4 days ago

...without Israel Iran will run roughshot over the middle east killing loads of people.

Israel is, as of 2024, running roughshot over the middle east, killing 40,000 people.

Then we can go back and forth, I'll ask two questions, you'll answer one of them with some bullshit.

This sounds oddly like the debate surrounding Vietnam during the war, and comprises a lot of debate on the United States of America being the "world police". As for me, the United States has failed to be any sort of world police. There is incredible polarization in its political parties, several territories that are governed yet cannot vote, the last two presidents both lying and suffering from old age, and a well-known problem of candidates being paid off. If the U.S. cannot be run well internally, it has no business meddling with foreign affairs, which includes giving weapons and troops to Israel. Despite the cruelty of Israel, there remains a bigger problem to solve--that being an incompetent nation having an excessively high military and an interventionist outlook.

[–] 0 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Like my second, albeit braindead, systems administrator on my shoulder

I think the more important part is that your systems administrator is braindead. I know it's hyperbolic, but you can certainly learn coding (Link 2) and Spanish (Link 2) yourself.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

I think Generative AI should just be scrapped. Nobody needs hyperrealistic photos and videos, or chatbots, or any of that shit. The main problems of the world are not technological, but legal. Too many laws are enacted for the benefit of robber-barons, and unless they are scrapped, I have no faith in my legal system.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

The guitarist in the fourth panel... is that Rock Against Communism? I've never actually seen bands, especially good ones, go "Yeah, fuck Communism! Gold for the gold god!" A lot of the best concerts were like those at Woodstock, or they'd be underground punk shows, or large arenas where the singer is sick and tired of record companies. If the fourth panel were really happening, it'd probably be Bumfuck-Nowhere, U.S.A.

[–] 1 points 5 days ago

There have been plenty of Capitalist dictatorships to stop Communism. The deal with dictatorial states has less to do with their internal economic policies, and more to do with world superpowers intervening to advance their own interests. You can see this with the Eastern Bloc having strong ties to the U.S.S.R. instead of having their Communist ideas being brought up within their own state, and the Deng being Soviet-influenced. Yugoslavia is a very good example of a Communist state done right, as is Vietnam; the former was deemed false Communism by the U.S.S.R., and the latter was left alone. There's also Cuba, which again, is not under the U.S.S.R. You can also see Capitalist satellite states being given arms support by the United States, which really makes it far less about the nation's own choice to be Capitalist or Communist, and more about their status within the Cold War.

I do agree that Communist economies aren't perfect, but it's not as simple as G.I. Joe.

TL;DR No economic system exists in a vacuum; nations act and are acted upon each other like cogs in a giant machine.

[–] 14 points 5 days ago (2 children)

You should look at the energy cost of AI. It's not a miracle machine.

[–] 5 points 5 days ago

There are a few problems, tho. 1 2 3 4 5 6

[–] 20 points 5 days ago (19 children)

I'm still going to tick the Kamala box, but I'm ashamed of how little she's trying to be a good candidate. After Nov4, I'll get going with direct action.

[–] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Oh. Well then, replace "AI" with "generative AI". I may have been a bit confused there. In that case, we are perfectly fine without generative AI, and it has guzzled resources and manpower. For such a cost, what is the return? You can look at this Hill article, or you can look at fake studies, or other ways GenAI has been harmful. Stuff like the A* search algorithm didn't require jumbo subsidies for it to work properly, and it isn't making the internet as it is worse.

So that's what I'm saying. I have yet to find an argument proving, successfully, that generative AI is worth the cost.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I mean, this is Catholic, a specific branch of Christianity. Fundamentalists like Jack Chick think that Catholicism is devil-worship, but I'm sure these people would be like, "yeah, he's a weirdo, but I wanna laugh at atheists, not actual crackpots!"

[–] 6 points 1 week ago

Are these the same people who claim opposing Israel is "antisemitism"?

Agree? (

Video by Adam Something. Sponsor ends at 3 mins 7 secs.


I was trying to browse the site, and I think it might be faced with a few problems.


So I've talked in an Operations Log about defining AI, and I'm glad we're getting close to defining what the "AI" in "Fuck AI" is more specifically, because I see that, in programs like MdJ, StD, and ChatGPT, there is an element of class warfare in it. I really want tech workers to pile in here, because the entire success of these programs -- those in which a prompt is written, and an uncannily detailed image is made, or a long yet coherent passage is typed -- is built entirely on the efforts of workers. The reason I want to delineate AI from other things is because programs like the A-star algorithm, autocorrect, 3D modeling programs, and Vocaloids do not require an absurd amount of data to operate.

This article here most certainly explains why everything works so smoothly, as does this, and there is a book called Ghost Work that I'm going to read after my current one which illuminates a massive, hidden proletariat beneath the Silicon Valley bourgoise. If you are an artist whose work has been scraped, you can probably add to this testimony.

I had a hunch about AI being not as mighty as it seemed, and altho it's not wise to trust hunches, those articles, along with ones I sent to this community daily, prove thus: No technological capability of AI can exist without the labor-value of countless workers, whether taken from previous commodities (scraped images and text), or taken from workers continually (the business investigated by Dzeiza).

If you are an illlustrator, photographer, author, or other artist whose work was scraped, or someone else whose field is going to be "replaced with AI", this means you! Yes, you are the proletariat! Just like how a factory worker is only paid by how little the robber baron can get away with, so too are you only paid by how little a tech-bro can get away with.^n1^ And when there's a machine that a tech-bro can use to pay you nothing at all for your work, they will gladly use that machine.

I know that Marxism may be misappropriated by regions across the world, or that there are Tankies who champion Marxism but do not advance worker's rights. Well, if a Booster claims to be a Marxist, I will not believe them. AI has allowed people to pluck the labor-power from the proletariat as easily as one would click a mouse. I'm certain that Marxism is an ideal way to discuss why AI can and should be opposed.

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