
joined 1 year ago
[–] UniquesNotUseful@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

They have some powers, they got upset at Facebook and decided to flex a bit by sending one of the boys around, to invite one of his mates for a chat.


The person sent was the serjeant at arms. They carry a sword. Doubt they took it out but they also carry one of the House of Commons maces, which is gold covered and jewel encrusted, about 1.5m (4.9ft) long and weighs roughly 10kg (22 lbs).

Imagine some large, pissed off looking dude, dressed like he’s from the year 1415, kicking your hotel door in because you didn’t RSPV properly. Then being told hand over documents or we may stick you in jail (and you know the pretended it would be the Tower of London).

The 1,000 yard stare he must get when asked if he enjoyed London and how lovely that history must be.


Edit at bottom:

I have purchased a larger pot than usual of contact adhesive. My last pot was 1/2 the size and started to thicken after a year (mostly used).

As a hobyiest, I'm wondering if there is a cheap solution to extend the life of the glue or bring it back to life, it's not the cost but trying to reduce waste. Product is a solvent based polychloroprene contact adhesive (EVO-STIK IMPACT ADHESIVE).

To identify if cause was user error - stored in the tin, and I wrapped in plastic as an extra air barrier, it was on a shelf inside.

Would adding solvents work (have Butane and isopropanol alcohol on hand). Happy to experiment but nice to know I'm not creating leather wrapped napalm.

Obviously best plan would be to double my leathercraft output. Any advice on better glue in UK would be welcomed.

Thank you.


A) first findings are ther cross over between chemists and leather workers seems to be low.

B) Isopropyl alcohol seemed to make it set arder

C) Butane had a slightly better response but didn't really help enough - think it had gone to far to be saved.

[–] UniquesNotUseful@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits different treatment of insured persons on the basis of their sex in connection with pension funds. This was a supreme court ruling, so kind of linked but not quite.


Interestingly, in UK and EU it became illegal to discriminate by sex for car insurance from about 2012, without very careful use of data - which doesn't happen. It is allowed to be linked on things like jobs though.