
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Maybe 5-10 years ago, apparently these days driver issues are less of a concern. Plug & play is the norm now, from my experience at least

[–] 6 points 5 days ago

Ya the admin of Blajah made a solid point that I should have anonymized the post, I rarely post/comment, so not super familiar with the etiquette. Definitely will keep that in mind in the future. & hey my person, there are a lot of severe mental disorders other than gender dysphoria that exist out there :|

[–] 5 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (2 children)

Going to dig through your comment history later, im curious to see what has been said o.o reminds me of the greentext of the black guy telling a story at a party of all white people, and he says the N word and a white girl asks him to not say that as it makes her uncomfortable and the black dude mentally is like "?????? Are you fr?.."

Telling people not to do something when it makes you uncomfortable, for sure, that's adulting 101. Hoooowever... Feel that shows how much social interaction that gal has actually had with African Americans outside of a professional setting.. not much :|

[–] -1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

Globally? Dawg... how many countries in Asia and Africa is gay marriage even legal in, let alone some semblance and awareness of transgenderism.

[–] 1 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago) (1 children)

I lurk quite a bit, rarely comment or post. Have seen a lot of complaints about the Hexbearers, didn't think they were too bad (well there are accounts on there that do seem to like to push Russian/Chinese talking points frequently + consistently). However overall the community provides some high quality content/insight.

[–] 17 points 6 days ago (3 children)

I did apologize to the mod I emailed. Not looking for sympathy, frankly I was more interested from a technical perspective as to why her pronouns aren't showing on Jerboa, but they were on the browser.

[–] 7 points 6 days ago

You are correct I should have anonymized the post, will keep that in mind in the future.

[–] 4 points 6 days ago

Yaa that is similar to my viewpoint, though I am also a cis, white, blonde, blue eyed, tall, male, so my experiences/opinions are coming through the privilege lenses absolutely :| Having to deal with conversations like this all the time with "normies", can imagine people who are deep into such social circles get tired of dealing with the acting-in-bad faith bullshitters.

[–] -1 points 6 days ago (5 children)

What percentage of the populace do you think knows what the transgender flag looks like? :|

[–] 8 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Yeahh bb, you keep insulting em for being a watermelon head anti genocider..

With insults like utterly disgusting waste of flesh, I may have to whip out the expensive lotion I stole out of someones bathroom


Looks like my account was banned/restricted for the above interaction, have already sent the mods on world an email asking if they'd be willing to reverse that. Had an episode of psychosis a few months ago where I did say some offensive stuff, (understandably) got a 3 month ban on .lol for that, so could see my account having been flagged.

I uh, I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect people to check others profiles to ensure we are correctly pronouning them… when making a throw away comment that is less than 10 words involving a ludicrously common saying. Jerboa does not show users pronouns. I could switch to an app that DOES show the pronouns, do any Lemmings have a recommendation for a free Lemmy mobile app that has that feature?

Edit: Edie chimed in, Jerboa does show pronouns. It's a formatting issue with mobile vs browser (She has them on individual text lines so they don't appear on mobile).

Was just going to respond to the user in question to let them know I wasn't purposefully trying to offend that individual, to discover I'm not able to post or make comments on world now, so figured I'd see what y'alls opinion on the matter is.


What do you guys think was the intention with this? I recently had an episode of mania, and was behaving a bit oddly, but I confirmed with my mother (this was her condo I'm renting it) that it wasn't here when she left and I've never seen it before :|


A friends mother that I used to rent a room from asked me to help her set up an outside home security system with motion sensors so she could watch the neighborhood cats cat around in her yard. I thought I'd screenshotted a previous Lemmy thread that had a perfect recommendation, nope. Can't find it.

I recently got my CCNA and figured it would be good practice to set it up for her. she wants 4 cameras with motion sensors for each. What system would you recommend, with what software? (Not connected to the internet of course, going to set up a server for her with one of the old computers she has laying around)

Thanks Lemmy! And yes I realize I could Google but figured I'd ask y'all lmao

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