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[–] 17 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Not true, they can also be friends with another introvert. One day they hang out after having canceled and postponed a dozen times. They act like they have known each other all their lives and like they talk every day, hanging out together for that day doing things they both like. It's super fun for both and they promise to meet up again soon. After that they both need two weeks to recover from that one day of fun. They barely talk to each other the next three months. Then the cycle of planning a meet-up begins again.

This goes on for years, they are best friends and would die for each other.

[–] 20 points 1 day ago (1 children)

line-height is the property you are looking for. Beware fucking with line-height is usually a bad idea, as characters can extend below or above the "line" and will collide.

Also maybe look at divitis, you might be suffering from it.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago

That's because another time traveler was sent by the bad guys to stop him. But then another time traveler was sent to stop that dude. But he tripped up the first time traveler by accident. So the good guys sent another time traveler to stop their own man from messing up the original time traveler. But then the bad guys sent a time traveler, but he failed to materialize. So they tried again, but this dude actually caused the previous dude not to materialize. So they sent another to a more remote location, but his car broke down before he could make it. So they spent a lot of time training someone to fix ancient cars, but then when that dude arrived he nerded out too hard because the car they got was really cool. So they sent another, but this one was stopped by another traveler from the good guys. Turned out these dudes knew each other and played both sides to escape their distopian world and live in the past to grow old together.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Yeah but on the pics I saw his ear looked fine, it had blood on it, but still totally normal. I guess it might have been blood from someone nearby that hit him? If rumors are true someone got shot in the head, that tends to splatter some blood.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago) (9 children)

Discovery is very divisive among viewers. People seem to really like it or really hate it with not much in between. Both sides have valid arguments, but people forgot there is a middle ground.

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

On my final run on the DLC end boss (after 7 hours of trying) I actually died just as the boss died, still counted though. I was so relieved.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago (2 children)

People might not know, but Chernobyl was never actually shutdown. The reactor that blew up was obviously shutdown, but the entire plant kept operating for decades after the disaster.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

Well I'm going to have to press X to doubt on the level 2 thing, but I'm sure it will do well as a media story.

Defining these levels doesn't mean it's on track for AGI though. Going from one level to the next may take years, decades or centuries. Or it might never happen at all.

[–] 10 points 3 days ago (9 children)

Independent is a terrible outlet. I don't know why it gets linked so much on social media. Maybe because they have the most click bait titles or something.

The world would probably look a lot different if we'd stop riling each other up all the time. Media outlets like that feed on the hate and only promote it.

[–] 15 points 3 days ago (2 children)

I assume you mean critique on the picture itself and not the house? In that case, these are my pointers:

I would have cropped out the railing on the bottom. There's also a lot of sky in the picture, which is a little over exposed. This leaves the house itself muted and flat. Maybe playing with the levels can fix this and bring out more details.

The angles and location are limited in a case like this. But I feel this isn't the best angle. The shore side on the left is distracting, especially with the orange roof there. It would be better if it showed more of the water, to give the impression the house is actually on the water.

Otherwise, neat picture! Good find and excellent subject for photography.

[–] 10 points 4 days ago

"on Windows systems using Chinese and Japanese language locales"

[–] 2 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Just curious, what kind of deadly situation is created when people leave their cars idling for so long?

I'm the kind of person that turns the car off if there is a train coming and I need to wait 5 minutes. I can't imagine leaving the car running for more than a couple of minutes.

I think if the car is turned on with a button and the key is replaced with a card that works at a distance, a feature that turns the car off when sitting idle for a while seems like a sensible thing. It's way more likely to be on by mistake than left running for a reason.

But would love to hear what kind of situations there are, I'm just unfamiliar with them.


Serious question. I know there are a lot of memes about microservices, both advocating and against it. And jokes from devs who go and turn monoliths into microservices and then back again. For my line of work it isn't all that relevant, but a discussion I heard today made me wonder.

There were two camps in this discussion. One side said microservices are the future, all big companies are moving towards it, the entire industry is moving towards it. In their view, if it wasn't Mach architecture, it wasn't valid software. In their world both software they made themselves and software bought or licensed (SaaS) externally should be all microservices, api first, cloud-native and headless. The other camp said it was foolish to think this is actually what's happening in the industry and depending on where you look microservices are actually abandoned instead of moving towards. By demanding all software to be like this you are limiting what there is on offer. Furthermore the total cost of operation would be higher and connecting everything together in a coherent way is a nightmare. Instead of gaining flexibility, one can actually lose flexibility because changing interfaces could be very hard or even impossible with software not fully under your own control. They argued a lot of the benefits are only slight or even nonexistent and not required in the current age of day.

They asked what I thought and I had to confess I didn't really have an answer for them. I don't know what the industry is doing and I think whether or not to use microservices is highly dependent on the situation. I don't know if there is a universal answer.

Do you guys have any good thoughts on this? Are microservices the future, or just a fad which needs to be forgotten ASAP.

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