
joined 1 year ago
[–] 15 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Speaking to Ardin over Zoom in Stockholm...

That place does seem to have a certain effect on people.

[–] 3 points 19 hours ago

That entire game is fucking nuts. Pretty sure all of the dev crew was riding an LSD high through the entirety of its creation.

[–] 10 points 20 hours ago (3 children)

Video game music, especially for the less popular ones like Jetforce Gemini or weird shit like Okage.

[–] 1 points 21 hours ago (1 children)

Alumium came before that!

...shoulda just left it at that.

[–] 0 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Yea once you know why it looks off, it switches from uncanny to plain ol creepy. At least, subjectively for me it does - idk if that uncertainty is definitively a criteria for uncanny valley, but that's what makes it a distinct experience from creepiness imo.

[–] 11 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

I've always understood it as the perception that something isn't quite right (usually with a person, but I've seen it used in non-human contexts too) without being able to immediately describe why.

A great example is Grand Moff Tarkin in Rogue One - the actor who played him on the original trilogy died in 1994, so they just deep-faked him into the scenes he was needed. When I saw Rogue One initially, I didn't know that actor was dead, and didn't connect the dots that even if he wasn't dead, he'd look like a zombie this many years after filming the OT... but in Rogue One, he just looked like Tarkin. Mostly. The scenes that featured him gave a kind of uncomfortable "what the hell is wrong with that guy" feeling, but I still didn't connect the dots and couldn't put my finger on why it looked so wrong.

Then later I learned is was a deep-fake, and now it just looks like a deep-fake; the uncanny valley sensation went away once I finally understood why he looked the way he did.

The internet is full of creepy looking 'examples' of uncanny valley, but they're all shit imo, cuz they're all just blatantly creepy shit; well beyond the uncertainty that goes along with uncanny valley.

Surgical tech here. July 4th is always a busy night on call.

Sometimes we can reattach hands/fingers. Sometimes we have to cut back until we get to tissue that isn't char-broiled, and just sew it shut.

Our flesh doesn't do super great against explosions. Please don't fuck around with them.

[–] 6 points 1 day ago (1 children)

Eh! This thread just reminded me of something I've been meaning to buy, but only ever think about buying when I'm at work or something and not able to get online to make the purchase:

Key-chain pouch with a CPR face barrier that has a one-way valve.

I've never had to give CPR outside of a hospital environment, but there it's much more controlled w/ supplies readily available like a resuscitation bag that you just slap onto the patient's face and squeeze to give breaths. I know how to do the field version without any supplies, but when you give breaths in that scenario, YOU are the resuscitation bag, and it'd be nice to be prepared to give rescue breaths without needing to worry about shit like picking up herpes off some dying stranger's face.

Also CPR is NOT hard to do or learn, so if I've piqued your interest and you're not already familiar with it, plug your city in here ( and set it to CPR and see what's in your area. Price varies a lot, but expect $30-$100 (WHY ISN'T THIS FREE/SUBSIDIZED?!). Learn some shit, get that cert, save a life. Make sure the class you sign up for good for first-timers and not a refresher course; and I STRONGLY recommend doing in person vs online so you can practice on a dummy with an instructor present to let you know if you're fucking something up.


The military has surgeons. Or, failing that, scissors.

We can make this work! :D

I unironically kinda wish that would take off. The concept of a super simple bridge language is great.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Yaaaaaaaay! (:



[–] 24 points 3 days ago (9 children) we still celebrate the 4th if we've regressed back to a monarchy as per SCOTUS's new dystopian ruling?


Previously I've been pretty gentle with modding that game - things like SkyUI to make it a bit more PC friendly, utility mods like the one limits soul gems to ONLY being filled with their highest tier (no more wasting a grand by filling it with a mudcrab). Also LockPick Pro to effectively skip lockpicking, cuz I hate Skyrim's (bring back Oblivion's model!)... that's kinda it.

Looking for mods that bring something new to the actual gameplay. I know there are a ton of them - what are your favorites?

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by to c/

Initial scrolling of the Steam Summer Sale seems pretty lackluster, but digging through the comments sections in other threads, a few gems have stood out, and it doesn't appear we have a thread dedicated to this yet, so post what you think are the best deals here!

Not mandatory ofc, but it'd be helpful if...

  • One game per top level post, so comments stemming from it are focused on on just it.

  • Hyperlink the game title to its Store Page

  • Include both the normal and sale price / %off

  • Include a short blurb about the game - if it's one you've played before, what did you like about it? If you're diving in blind, what grabbed your attention?

Good hunt'n!


Just switched to a new phone carrier, and they had a promotion that included a free phone: the Google Pixel 8. I'm not a fan of Google, but I am a fan of free, so I took the bait.

It's already bombarded me with pitches for their new AI bullshit. I've opted out of as much as the settings allow, but I'm under no illusion that doing so actually provides any real privacy.

So, damage control time.

On my previous device I used YouTube Vanced for music and videos, but I guess Vanced isn't around anymore, and I'm pretty out of date on what the current options are... any insight on streaming specifically?


*I'm a medic who's only surface-level competent with tech, so please idiot-proof any instructions.

Thanks all!


Piss-broke nursing student, here.

The amount of reading I'm having to crank through on a weekly basis is pretty insane - I've been leaning heavily on text-to-speech software to knock the chapters out as fast as possible.

The best I've found so far - which isn't FOSS - is ...enough of it's free and accessible to get the job done, but it's got some pretty instrusive "buy me!" features built in, like if I'm listening to a large document and hit the pause button, I'm basically screwed because when I click play I get a prompt for "To continue listening, sign up for premium!"

Hoping to find better options if there are any, especially for ones that offer decent voice options. Some of them are impressively near-human sounding, while others sound like Microsoft Sam from like 1998; the quality and variety of voices make a big difference in retention for me (replaying a lecture with different voices is proving to be a pretty effective study habit).

More focused on the 'free' part vs the open source bit, but the latter would ofc be a good perk.

Know of any good options?

Thank you!!


Idk if this is the work of AI, or just a 3D artist who didn't get very good instructions for their commission.

At first glance: nothing special, just a collection of random instruments; but when you start to dissect it under the lens of a surgical tech (the target audience for this image) it just gets worse and worse.

So let's dissect it!

First off, that isn't even a surgical backtable - it appears to be on some kind of supply cart, with a raised lip around the edges, and random rectangular holes for handles that have folded sheet metal along the edge. Technically you could throw an impervious drape of that and it'd be fine, but you generally don't see surfaces made to support a sterile field with raised edges that go above the field. The folded sheet metal is also a no-no, as the grooves around it collect and breed the hell out of bacteria.

None of it's draped. There's that greenish material under the tray and instruments, but stops short of the edges of the cart, so there's some REALLY high contamination potential going on there. You could get away with a field like that in dental (which is just 'clean' vs sterile), but again, this wasn't sent for a dental tech position.

Instruments from left to right, we're looking at:

  1. a scalpel that's for some reason separate from all the other sharps in the kidney basin.

  2. looks like a tissue forcep - that actually checks out.

  3. ...the only times I've seen a forcep like have been in ortho sets that have a lot of plates and screws - those forceps are to grab the tiny screws from their caddy, cuz they're hard to get your fingers around, and normal forceps tend to 'slip' around the head of the screw and send it flying across the OR.

  4. that's a sponge forcep, but the end is bent in a really odd way; and it doesn't have a ratchet lock, which isn't unheard of, but definitely not common for a sponge forcep.

  5. Dental explorer, which checks out with the whole not-really-sterile thing; except if it was a dental setup there'd be a lot more dental instruments.

  6. Fuck if I know. Doesn't help that the resolution isn't great, but the operative ends kind of look flat. Bowel clamps are shaped like that, but that is DEFINITELY not an open-belly setup lol. Also - the ringed end where your fingers would go is closed all the way, but the operational end is still open. If a real instrument looks like that, then it's damaged as fuck and needs to be thrown away.

  7. Either a kocher clamp or straight hemostat - hard to tell w/ shitty res. But they have have the same weirdness with the ratchet being closed w/ operation end still open.

  8. That looks like a potts scissor, which is usually for vascular surgery. Handle is janky as fuck though, and it's doing the opposite weirdness as mentioned before: it's operative end is closed all the way, but the handles are still a tad open.

  9. Mayo scissors, which are a go-to for cutting suture. Only weirdness here is the janky handle style.

...and that kidney basin in the upper right of the tray is just chock-full of WTF. So they're using it as a sharps container - that's normal, but they've got the scalpels facing one direction and needles facing the other... that's a good way to get stabbed. ALL of the sharps are resting on the edge, meaning if you bump them just right, they'll do a flip and launch off... that's a good way to get stabbed. They've got all their sharps in one spot, except for that one random scalpel on the left of the tray. Establishing a sharps zone and then not putting sharps in it... that's a good way to get stabbed. The scalpels and needles in the kidney basin all have the sharp end stuck into some gauze or something... that'll dull or bend the super fine end, reducing its effectiveness and generating snag points that'll cause a bit of unnecessary trauma. Between the three scalpels in the basin and the bonus one floating off to the left, a solid third of the instruments displayed are scalpels lol... are they doing a Wolverine cosplay in the OR?? The blades detach... you only need one scalpel handle - maybe two if you want one ready and on stand by. Also all of them are loaded with what looks like a #24 scalpel blade, which isn't very common; and is a fucking massive blade... I could see wanting ONE of those for something like an emergency C-section when you need to rip that skin open fucking NOW, but 4 of those monsters set up with an otherwise tiny collection of instruments? lol no. Those two syringes aren't capped, which is a good way to get stabbed; or labeled, which is a good way mix up your local anesthetic with something that could cause excruciating pain.

...there's just so much wrong with this image it's comical. I can't believe a fucking hospital would choose this over the millions of OR photos already floating around the web lol.

That was a fun rant to type up. If you actually read that wall of text, hope you got a kick out of it lol!

submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by to c/

The most elaborate example of Symphonic Metal that I'm aware of, all without going over-the-top with howler-monkey-screamo vocals or jackhammer mode on the guitar strings or percussion.

This is THE song to sell the genre! I desperately wish there was more like this!

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