
joined 1 year ago

From the meeting minutes:

First up today, the discriminated unions working group presented the proposal they've been working on for a while to the broader LDM. This was a broad overview session, rather than a deep dive into nitty-gritty questions; there are still plenty of little details that will need to be filled in, but we're cautiously optimistic about this proposal and moving forward with it. There was some concern about some of the ternary behavior, but we can dig more into that as we bring this proposal back for detailed follow ups in the future.


I started with TeXworks (+ XeTeX, which both happen to have been created by Jonathan Kew) and I found no reason to change since then. The only slight drawback is that autocomplete support exists but is rudimentary, however it doesn't bother me that much.

Which editor do you prefer?


What are your opinions about Avalonia? It runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS and WebAssembly, with the mobile platforms being in a more immature state as support was added recently.

MAUI is the continuation of Xamarin.Forms, while Avalonia is the spiritual successor to WPF, albeit open-source and cross-platform. MAUI uses platform-native controls (which means the same control may appear or behave differently between operating systems), while Avalonia builds everything with Skia, so it renders the same in every platform. I think of it as the .NET alternative to Flutter, though with a more desktop-centric focus, instead of being mobile-first.

I have not used it yet but it seems the most promising .NET UI framework and I'm hoping to build a personal project in the following months. The first Release Candidate of Avalonia UI v11, which stabilises the API, was released two weeks ago.