
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago

This headline makes zero fucking sense. The billions would be proof US immigration fuels their native economies.

Taking money out of our communities is just normally what corporations do, ask any community that lost all its ma and pa shops to the new Walmart.

[–] 4 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) (1 children)

Of course they do.

Look, womens lib in the 60s was a fucking GODSEND to the owner class. Seemingly overnight the workforce doubled in size and productivity exploded! If you Google a picture of pay v productivity, wealth inequality, and size of the workforce you'll notice that they all deviate in the late 60s early 70s; roughly 68-71.

Basic economics, supply and demand. The supply of workers just ballooned, but the demand for it, oh no, all the owners had to do was not build that last factory that would've allowed full employment. Extra workers keeps wages down. Immigration keeps wages down, same unadulterated logic, irregardless of the whatever the Democrats or CNN spit at you. "it's an overall benefit for society to have a ton of immigration...cuz it keeps wages down and all the money flowing to the top. Shut down immigration and businesses would have to compete for talent again (but we don't have capitalists anymore, the owners would rather collude than compete. Today's rich are aspiring techno-feudal royalty, by Divine Right of the Invisible Hand). If immigration is a net positive for "society", if only high society; then no immigration, = money flows into calloused hands. We're all stretched so thin already, getting parity back against capital would spur the greatest economy ever seen. 200million people with extra money after bills?

[–] 9 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

It's a fallacy that law enforcement needs 30 secs of someone on the line to trace a call. Any call can be traced, almost immediately. I doubt the largest cell providers even require a warrant . we know for a fact that Amazon hands over video from ring cameras with or without owners permission. I bet if someone were inclined to try, they could probably call up Amazon, say they're a cop and just "here you go, hero". Smh. Regardless, it's not like there are judges that effectively give autographed rubber stamps to the police chiefs, right?

Every death threat that isn't followed up upon is a choice made by LE. They allow this to continue. It could be shut down, right fucking now, if they would just do their fucking jobs and not leverage domestic terrorism because it benefits them.

[–] 1 points 2 weeks ago

Man I like your optimism, I do. I hope you're right. Actually I hope you never need to be proven right 👍

[–] 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

That's pretty foul. I have some sympathy for the patrons if that's the case. Nowhere that I read was cannibalism mentioned. I'd argue arresting those involved if that's the truth. Prions are fucking deadly serious and survive outside the body, after a person dies, and until picked up by something else. And they'll hop species too. The literal embodiment of the dark world, just pure evil anti-life. There's a proper analogy in some video game somewhere that I'm not finding at the moment...idk. it's like, imagine every prion is a burnt out crystal on an LCD screen. Once there's enough out's game over.

[–] 2 points 2 weeks ago (5 children)

I wonder how extreme the piercings were. What qualifies as extreme to the Germans..

Long syringes into the glutamis maximus? Or syringes piercing labia? Youchie.

Extreme like metal chopsticks thru cheeks?

Extreme like suspending people by hooks into their backs? Cuz that's just a Tuesday for some people.

Or maybe running a sword between the liver and kidneys? It can be done, just thru flesh, missing the internal organs. I'd call that pretty extreme, none of which would make me nauseous tho. Degloving is the only thing that's made my stomach physically feel like it was turning over, and if you don't know what that is, I don't recommend finding out.

[–] 7 points 2 weeks ago

The Dixie cups gave him strength

[–] 3 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


Once you have so much it's obscene, you don't have any peers.

Without peers, you don't have true accountability. Without accountability man becomes monster

It should be in the DSM, seriously. Then we can argue we're legislating a maximum annual income limit for their own good, to protect their mental health - and we wouldn't be lying in the least.

Ever met a wealthy child?

Monsters. All of em. #eattherich

The truly sad part too, is real connection to the past, to humanity, that wave of empathy and seeing your place in the chain, happens when we are doing the same mundane things that those chucklefucks think their too good for. First time it happened to me I was meading the dough for some daily bread. And it was like the history of my ancestors and I all merged into one, all around this one activity.

People without people aren't people.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago (4 children)

I mean...Russia stands to benefit the most from climate change. Followed by Canada.

A few degrees centigrade and just about everything below the 40th parallel become unhabitable. That leaves the northern border states in the US. 350million of us gonna squeeze into Washington, Montana (fuck Idaho) N.Dakota Minnesota, NY, New Hampy, Verminion and Maine? IDK about that.

For the first 20 years of my life I thought we would step up and have a plan to avoid the worst. That next 20 years I was waiting for real coordination to be heard over the politicking. The last few years I realized we do have a plan. And that plan is the exact one I thought was waaaay too barbaric for modern times but now I'm convinced it's the only outcome we've planned for at all.

And that's to build the wall and drop a machine gun every 20ft. There's ~200million people between us and South America and the army has way way more ammunition stored up than just that.

So the choice of having the world's rich humbled down to the common man and we all degrowth or slaughter 200million people, America has chosen blood.

[–] 0 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I'm a big fan of two different but similar thoughts.

When a person tells you who/what they are, believe them


I judge things based on what they output, not by rhetoric said at the beginning. Intentions are great but y'all get no points for em. All I care about are results.

Neoliberalism, as it plays out, is corporatism. There's a revolving door between industry and Congress. Citizens United. Legalized bribery/lobbying. No one or thing has benefitted more from the last 43 years than the corporation.

Mussolini, the first fascist, the guy who started it all came up with the word, commissioned a giant big brother face on the outside of his building (for real yo, that shit is terrifying), summarily defined fascism as the merger of the corporation and the state. Indeed, if you open the history books, his entire government was made up of industry leaders. It might be the closest we've come to technocracy actually.

I can only conclude that neoliberalism is fascism-lite and I feel I'm being generous there. Corporations are set up with authoritarian framework complete with the cult of personality worship of the CEO who's above reproach/questioning/the law. There is not one thing democratic about it, which should terrify you, when you couple that thought with the fact that corporations are hell bent on monopoly at any cost. Any. Cost.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago

Neo-Nazis have 14 words

Israelis got 14 pages.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Politics is nothing but coordinated violence, in that it is nothing but coercion of people against their own interests. If you're an interested party, than youre adding to the coercion of others. If you stay out of it, then it's not political to you is it?




Try telling people whose rent has doubled or tripled within a decade that economics isn't violence. You'll experience some carnal violence in return, I'm sure.

Politics = violence; it's the NC-17 version, violence all grown up and sophisticated. Sanitized for TV, in it for the sound bites. In fact, I'd say at least half of it is theatre alone. It's even been packaged up for the people to play along from home. The evolution of violence, fun for the whole family. I mean, what else would we talk about come holidays? HELPING each other?!?

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