
joined 11 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 days ago

And I will correspondingly add it because I like short shows that were cancelled, for some reason.

[–] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Oh, well The Fog is another movie I was thinking of watching anyway haha. I think they're quite similar. Thanks for your comment either way :)

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I enjoyed the TV show of The Mist even though it felt a little bit janky here and there. Watched the movie a long time ago but I might've seen The Fog instead (those are so similar right?)

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

"Centuries after its original launch however, most of the descendants of the original crew and colonists are unaware that they are even aboard a spaceship"

Damn it that sounds delicious

[–] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (2 children)

The Fog (is what this person said before deleting :P)

[–] 1 points 3 days ago

David Bergeaud made the soundtrack too..... I tried watching it once but never stuck with it. Thanks for reminding me

[–] 2 points 6 days ago

Season 3 of From is airing rn! It's brilliant imo. The mystery becomes deeper and more intriguing, as it meticulously unravels and we slowly begin to understand it. Though don't get me wrong, there are still a lot of unanswered questions and a lot of confusion & uncertainty, and I felt the same way as you, as did probably most people watching it. Thankfully, the creators seem to be aware of this and apparently have planned out the story from the beginning specifically to avoid making the same mistakes as Lost (it's helmed by a few of the key writers for that show, and they assert they learned their lessons with that experience). They've strongly reiterated that all the questions will be answered and everything will be explained and make sense, though who knows what form that will take. It seems like a Herculean task to weave it all together at this point and wrap it up cohesively but it sounds like we're in good hands at least. There is a direction and that's becoming gradually more clear as it progresses, even if it happens drip by drip. In the meantime, I think it's quite enthralling and tantalising to watch.


I became drawn to a certain category of shows that feel like a microcosm of human society represented by a small group of people with different personality types thrown together in a dire situation they can't escape from. Survival themes are a necessity but it also needs some kind of speculative fiction element (scifi, supernatural, fantasy, etc) to add intrigue, mystery and up the stakes and scope/scale of the story even further.

A tier - Lost and From - these are the best of the best when it comes to this type of series. The gold standard to aim for.

B tier - Snowpiercer and Silo (haven't seen past the first episode yet but I think it looks like one to check out). Also Wayward Pines was pretty good. Must include The Prisoner even though it's kind of in its own wacky category. Yellowjackets, The Wilds, and The Society barely scrape in. I'm aware of Class of '07 and Wrecked even though they're somewhat of comedies.

C tier - Under the Dome, La Brea, The 100 - these ones are quite a bit lower quality as you can see in the budget, acting, writing and overall production value. They don't feel as prestige or premium, but they're still enjoyable shows to me. I don't even care how trashy they are at times, or most of the time. They tick that box for me, scratch that itch.

Movie tier: Not a TV show, but the movie/film "The Incident" (2014) by Isaac Ezban is uncannily like From and has elements of Lost too. Definitely wish this was a proper TV series.

I don't have many examples of this kind of show that really match the likes of Lost and From, or even Under the Dome and La Brea which feel almost like they're deliberately trying to recreate it. Currently watching Terra Nova to try to recapture that feel and it's decent so far. I'd love more examples. And I can sort of include The Walking Dead even though it barely meets the criteria, because it just feels very similar to Lost in my opinion. The Rain, Into the Night and Les Revenants too, I guess. If Dark and 1899 count then those are probably A/B tier. I suppose that Fallout sort of fits the bill, very loosely.

On my radar:

Jericho (no speculative fiction element as far as I know but it sounds like a comparable vibe).

Persons Unknown

Dark Matter (2015 series)

What "group of people stuck somewhere" show did you fall for?


So in the whole anti-natalism/pro-natalism conversation (which I'm mostly agnostic/undecided on, currently), my friend who is a pro-natalist, argued that the success/stability of our world economy is dependent on procreating more children each year than the previous year, so that we not only replace the numbers of the people who existed from the previous generation (and some, to account for the statistical likelihood that many won't have children or will be sterile or die young etc), but also ensure that the population keeps growing in order to produce more and more human labor to "pay back the debts" of previous generations, because all money is borrowed from somewhere else... this is all very murky to me and I wish someone could explain it better.

She is also of the view that this will inevitably lead to population collapse/societal/civilisation collapse because we live on a finite Earth with finite resources that can't keep sustaining more humans & human consumption (and are nearing critical environmental crises), but that there isn't any other option than to keep producing more children because a declining population wouldn't be able to support itself economically either. Basically the idea seems to be that economically & societally we're on a collision course for self-destruction but the only thing we can do is keep going and making increasingly more of ourselves to keep it running (however that as individuals, we should be plant-based & minimalist to reduce our impact to the environment, non-human animals and humans for as long as possible). And she is worried about the fact that fertility rates are falling & slated to reach a population peak followed by a decline in the relatively near future.

As I said I'm not sure how I feel about this view but at first glance I think that the effect of having fewer children in providing relief upon the environment and helping safeguard our future is more important than preserving the economy because destroying the actual planet and life itself seems worse than economic downturns/collapses, but I really don't know enough about economics to say for certain.


I just don't want to mix them because I feel like it would make me less clean.

Relatedly, what's the best way I can follow the Patrick Bateman skincare routine as a simplified version that's actually practical to follow and contains the most important steps?


This show just came to an end and it's got to be one of the worst shows I've ever seen, but somehow always entertaining. Preferable if the show has a large amount of viewers to trash it and laugh at it.

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (2 children)

Yes, orange = neutral, purple = female, blue = male. They just did it like that


May depend on what device you're using, can confirm Samsung does this