
joined 1 year ago
MUFON case 133930 (

MUFON case 133930

Date of submission: 2023-09-10

Date/time of event: 2019-05-02 7:43PM

Location of event: KR (believe this is South Korea - OP)

Short Description: I witnessed two unusual elliptical objects resembling UFOs, which exhibited unique flight patterns and disappeared without sound.

Long Description: Hi, I'm Garam Kim, a writer over at SBS(Seoul Broadcasting System) Broadcasting Company in South Korea.

We've received a report of a UFO sighting at our broadcasting station, and we've made various attempts to confirm whether this object is indeed a UFO. However, we were unable to determine its nature.

Consequently, we have reached out here for assistance.

The sighting summary and details are as follows:

[Sighting Summary]

I witnessed two unusual elliptical objects resembling UFOs, which exhibited unique flight patterns and disappeared without sound.

[Sighting Detail]

The following eyewitness details are the information reported to the Korean broadcasting company, SBS.

At first, I witnessed a UFO inside my house. There were two brightly shining elliptical objects. I have seen airplanes passing by frequently, but this didn't look like the usual airplanes. I thought it was nothing special, but 15 minutes later, I went out into the yard, and a neighbor lady shouted, "What is that?" When I looked up at the sky, there were still two objects floating in the sky. Suddenly, the lights disappeared, and then they reappeared next to another glowing object. They continued to blink and move before disappearing. There was no sound, and there have been no military exercises with flares or anything of the sort in the vicinity.

We even launched fireworks into the sky, but the flying pattern and the way the lights blinked were completely different from those objects. We also tried flying drones, but it was impossible for drones to move and disappear that quickly. Moreover, it's not allowed to fly drones in this area during the evening hours. We attempted various methods to replicate a similar shape and behavior, but we couldn't recreate the flying pattern and glowing objects seen in the footage. We also consulted with video analysis experts, but there were no signs of manipulation or editing, and they found it difficult to determine the identity of these objects. Therefore, I decided to seek assistance here.

Dropbox link with original 20mb video:


Video Description:

Dave Grusch is a former 14-year high ranking intelligence officer who left government in early '23 to blow the whistle on UFO’s. In 2019, he was tasked by the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and Pentagon to investigate UFO’s as part of the Unidentified Anomalous Phenomenon Task Force (or UAPTF). In that context, he slowly started to uncover a covert UFO reverse engineering program being concealed from the civilian government. In June of '23, he outed himself to the public. In July of '23, he testified before Congress. We sat down for hours and talked about the entire history of UFO's, UFO and Atomic secrecy, Presidents and their relationships to UFO's and the insane world of Anti-Gravity research.

12:00 onwards - Grusch outlines that leakers are under penalty of imprisonment and execution.

16:50 onward “non human Biologics” he stated in an interview previously they’re pilots and he doesn’t know what their actual job was. They were “nonhuman intelligence” pilots.

18:00 onward he was cleared by the Pentagon to talk about this.

19:00 onward Grusch insinuates that the initial reasoning for hiding the information was the ontological shock it would cause in society due to society’s religiousness at the time, along with concealing the information from adversaries like Russia.

20:40 onward - the officials involved in the Manhattan Project also created the laws related to obfuscation and secrecy of the topic. 21:28 - retrieved UAP materials that give off radiation are classified under the Atomic Energy Act (intentionally).

23:00 onward - there was a deeper classified project (related to the Manhattan Project) studying UFOs aside from Project Blue Book

28:00 onward- Grusch states that it’s hard to tell how far ahead their (the nonhuman intelligence) technology is. “It’s hard to state how far in advance it is. You’re just assuming some sort of linear progression. They’ve made an asymptotal leap that put them over the edge. They’re similarly as advanced as us but they’ve had an asymmetric evolution they went a different path than us. While we’ve made nuclear weapons, they’ve made a propulsion discovery but they’re not that much more advanced than you and I”.

29:50- Grusch states that once we unlocked nuclear power we made major technological strides. We may be one discovery away from manipulating spacetime.

30:29- the UFOs are interested in our nuclear technology.

36:00 onward - Grusch references Lue Elizondo’s comment on the ETs studying us and it’s possible the UFO crashes were intentionally seeded to test humanity’s development in relation to being exposed to this technology.

42:00 onwards - there may have been scientific breakthroughs that were hidden from the public.

44:00 - Dr Hal Puthoff of the Pentagon insinuates that antigravity research did get somewhere (made progress) and then was hidden.

47:00 onward - UFO metamaterials are discussed.

59:50- the connection of the “UFO Disclosure” movement (and intentional disinformation) to the “elite” is described by the host.

1:04:00 onwards - there’s a long history of “UFO debunkers” being directly linked to government organizations that have actually studied UAP.

1:17:28- this portion is interesting since it references information that Elizondo and Dr Garry Nolan have stated.

For background, Elizondo (Pentagon), Dr. Garry Nolan (accomplished academic who was approached by the CIA to study UAPs, also stated they told him information regarding the beings operating the crafts), and John Ramirez [CIA- was referenced as having worked there separately by Jim Semivan of the CIA, referenced in this article ( have all stated, in summary, that members within the defense establishment believe these beings are bioengineered AI.

Grusch notably references this at this time stamp as a possibility to what these beings are. If you notice, he goes out of his way to reference specifically what Elizondo had stated in a past interview, that the ETs are designed to look humanoid to interact with humans. (In Elizondo’s interview, he brought up an example of how zookeepers in China disguise themselves as pandas to interact with the pandas, and what we are seeing is a similar situation).

1:19:30- ETs being our descendants from the future is discussed. The host describes this as being a possible reason for the ET non-interventionism. As in, they don’t want to harm the timeline too much such that their own existence is nullified. (My note: it would be interesting if some of what people have witnessed is in fact humans from the future that have mastered ET propulsion and time travel technology, which is why they only appear fleetingly in some instances and choose not to intervene in major events).

1:27:00 onward - military sensory systems disproportionately detect UFOs since their collection mechanisms are more advanced than what’s available to the average person.

1:32:30 onward - Grusch details how being on the Autism spectrum have shaped his interactions.

Grusch background (wiki): David Charles Grusch is a decorated Afghanistan combat veteran and former Air Force intelligence officer[1] who worked in the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO).[2][3][4][5] From 2019 to 2021, he was the representative of the NRO to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force.[3][4][6] From late 2021 to July 2022, he was the co-lead for UAP analysis at the NGA and its representative to the task force.[2] He assisted in drafting the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023,[7] which includes provisions for reporting of UFOs, including whistleblower protections and exemptions to non-disclosure orders and agreements.[8][9][10] Congressional interest in UFO sightings immediately prior to Grusch's public claims surrounded questions about the four objects that the Air Force shot down in February 2023.[11]


TL;DR - Please remain civil and follow the community rules listed in the sidebar.

UAP Community,

I hope this message finds you well. As our community continues to expand, we will undoubtedly attract individuals from diverse backgrounds and experiences. UAP and The Phenomenon as a whole have been associated with a myriad of sightings and encounters.

Whether you deem this as mere nonsense, believe in it wholeheartedly, or are just here to gain a deeper understanding, I urge everyone to maintain civility. It's perfectly acceptable to downvote or disagree while providing your reasoning. However, derogatory statements lacking substance will no longer be tolerated. From this point onwards, such remarks will be deleted, and the responsible user will be warned. Lemmy logs any actions taken by mods for the sake of transparency.

To the ardent believers and those who've experienced these phenomena firsthand, I want to ensure you feel safe and encouraged to share your stories. I also ask for your patience and a willingness to seek common ground with our more skeptical members. Conversely, I urge the skeptics among us to approach this topic with an open mind and humility.

Before offering commentary, I recommend investing some time in researching classic UAP cases—our sidebar offers valuable resources. I personally recommend the excellent post An Extensive Collection of Compelling Evidence and My Rational Defense of the Existence of UAP by user GONADS125. It becomes evident who has genuinely delved into the subject and who has merely skimmed it. Most skeptics who've taken the time to research may still desire further evidence or data, while those unfamiliar with the topic often resort to derogatory comments or dismissive gestures.

This distinction will become even more pronounced when discussions veer into more controversial or 'woo' territories. If you're unsure what I mean, you might need to acquaint yourself more with the subject matter.

Apologies for the lengthy message; I'll conclude now. Remember, we are all members of the human family. We've gathered in this community driven by a shared curiosity about the nature of our existence and our role within the cosmos. I welcome each one of you, regardless of your beliefs or backgrounds. Please, enter this community with an open heart and mind and leave your ego and any preconceptions at the door. Whether there's a mundane explanation for UAP, or the reality is more mystifying than we can comprehend, our collective quest for understanding continues.

Thank you all for your time and understanding. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.



The Hill will be hosting an event where lawmakers, experts, and administration officials come together to provide analysis and answer questions related to potential national security risks.

Thursday, August 17 - 2:00 PM ET / 11:00 AM PT


  • Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN), House Oversight & Accountability Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, & Government Innovation
  • Greg Eghigian, Former Director, Science, Technology, & Society Program, Pennsylvania State University; Professor of History & Bioethics, Pennsylvania State University
  • Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-FL), House Oversight & Accountability Committee


  • Mychael Schnell, Congressional Reporter, The Hill
[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I found it intriguing to hear Retired U.S. Navy Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet discuss the Go-Fast video from his perspective. According to him, he was made aware of the video shortly after it was recorded by other admirals. He then goes on to state that the emails pertaining to the Go-Fast video were mysteriously deleted shortly after.


New UFO sightings are being reported around the world after a congressional hearing in the U.S. about the topic. Ben Hansen, host of "UFO Witness" on Discovery+, and retired U.S. Navy Rear Adm. Tim Gallaudet join "Banfield" to discuss.


I too have been read into special access programs, and I understand how Department of Defense classification systems and authorities work. His (David Grusch's) testimony is 100 percent credible.

Rear Admiral Tim Gallaudet

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/