joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Ah, so you're a landlord, that's why you're so evil. Your whole argument here is basically "I can't exploit them for maximum profit while doing basically nothing so they all are subhumans who don't deserve help". That's vile, man.

Also, I'll take an educated guess and say that you're in New York. And since it's America, these homeless people didn't have access to psychiatric or narcologic help during their stay, and probably didn't have any relatives/friends/social workers to support them (you and your friends clearly never offered help beyond what's required for you and them to receive money). And battling mental illness alone, while still stressing about a job and where to love after the contract expires and they're kicked out because they're too disabled to look after themselves doesn't lead to a speedy recovery. Same applies if they're battling addiction.

At the same time, yearly police budget of NYC is 5.8 billion dollars. Given that there are around 100 thousand homeless people and NYC median rental rate of ~3100$/month for a studio appartment, NYC could pay for a full studio appartment for each homeless person for the whole year, and it would cost under 2/3 of the police budget. So yeah, it's not THAT expensive in the grand scheme of things.

[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

And your solution is, let me guess:

Step 1) make up a situation to be mad at.
Step 2) get mad at it.
Step 3) ????
Step 4) allow police to hunt homeless people for sport.

Now, to be serious, step 2 in your example is a lie fed to you by the police state in order to manufacture fear of homeless people and justify its own existence. Therefore the rest of your post is bullshit as well. And when your neighbor has a mental health crisis, you should call social services and doctors, not the police. The fact that your first instinct is to punish and incarcerate mentally unwell people instead of helping them to get better says a lot about your current mindset actually.

[–] 10 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Not if they get defunded

[–] 7 points 2 months ago

If it's the only option, then the democracy is already dead and voting for Biden is pointless. Democracy entails that the government represents the will of the people. And you're suggesting that because some old fart decided to cling to power, everyone should stop demanding that their will is represented and start kissing that old fart's ass. "That's the only person you can vote for to preserve democracy" is a self-defeating statement...

[–] 25 points 2 months ago (2 children)

One has tried to destroy democracy and the other will just give up the democracy for the first one to destroy and won't fight for it.

To be clear, the best thing to do is to vote for a democrat in the election, but it would be much better if said democrat isn't Biden

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

People say that Bloodfiend nerf isn't significant, like 220 -> 195 bleed buildup or somewhere along those lines. So it's probably still viable

[–] 3 points 3 months ago

They increased players' attack and defence a little, probably by 10% or something. They didn't remove any bosses or even bosses' attacks, they didn't replace standard dodge with Bloodhound step or do anything drastic. I don't understand what you are so mad about

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Then what's your problem with the comic?

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (2 children)

And this is exactly the message of the comic. Yet you disagree with the comic...

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

What do you mean "Finally"? The protests in Russia started on 24th of February 2022. Over 1000 protesters were detained just in Moscow that day alone. And the protests continued after that.

The problem is, these protests achieved nothing, they only resulted in fines (which undoubtedly went to funding the war), protesters being beaten, detained and some even got a criminal charge. So the protests died down because continuing them only fueled the regime more. Some people shifted to solitary picketing, some started doing online activism, some started sabotaging the railways and burning down enlistment centers, some left the country altogether and some, undoubtedly, just gave up.

[–] 0 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

Adding to all the reasons already listed, Russia isn't striving. For example, right now there is a number of towns and cities experiencing outages in central heating (with houses designed around central heating so basically no other option to heat their appartments) while the weather dips to -20°C (around -4°F). All because the centralized boiler facilities weren't properly maintained due to the lack of money (or, to be more precise, due to money being diverted towards the war).

There are other signs, like plains malfunctioning and flights getting delayed because some component broke and cannot be replaced due to sanctions, and they happen more and more often. Also the less noticeable stuff like prices of common goods increasing by a factor of two in the last couple of years while salaries barely increased at all.

So yeah, Russia is keeping itself afloat, but it isn't thriving at all

[–] 5 points 10 months ago (2 children)

In the left pic: a hammer near the sink, blood on the sink, beer in the shower. In the right pic: a pretty sus photo under the phone cover (did she beat her abusive father with the hammer until he got into a coma and get happier as a result?). On both pics: a framed picture referencing Untitled Goose Game

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