
joined 11 months ago


I'm confuse about those mandatory legal notices that governments impose for websites..

Before going further I invite you to read:
A Declaration of the Independence of Cyberspace
Discourse on Voluntary Servitude[^1] \

From all the articles^2 that I read about the mandatory notice to display for website none of them reference the URL of their claim !! / of the legal text !! WTF[^links]

Internet is by essence world wide, and when reading all those legal requirement it's seem that you should display notices for EVERY country !

it's seem also that if you own a private website, just for your own or family use, like for example a web file hosting services. (NextCloud etc..) You should comply with the same requirement that are asked for company ! again... WTF !

Also I don't understand, why make mandatory those notices...(beside the scam (money) ) , I'll come back to this below.

  • If you want to buy something off a website, and this later do not mentions any legal address , contact info and so on, the responsibility to buy or not should be only yours. (For example, will you buy a yogurt in the supermarket if there were no brand, contact info on the packing or bill ?)
  • if the state want to ~~censor~~ "regulate" a website on the old internet[^OI] there is plenty of way to know who is the author or at the very least where is it hosted..
  • if a website use/distribute a copyrighted© elements. The right holder can do/contact in the following order:
    • check the website for contact (if any)
    • check the DNS record
    • check the hosting
    • contact the owner of the IP (IP are leased by company../ ISP )

So there is no sense to ask everyone that extra heavy burden. The only advantage is for law firm (and those cookies related firm) that make a profit out of it. I heard in my entourage peoples that had pay thousandth of $$ to generate those text, keep up to date etc.. even for small website.

  • If you think those legal notice are a good thing please do not hesitate to motivate your answer.
  • If you have any good links about it, feel free to share.
  • What are you doing your self on website of customer and/or for your private websites ?
  • if you know a Lemmy community worth to share this post, step forward.


CrossPosted on:https://lemmy.ml/post/15583047

https://archive.org/details/0000-00-00-00-etienne-de-la-boetie-00_202201/1548-00-00_Discourse%20on%20Voluntary%20Servitude_1942_org/mode/2up \

https://www.websitepolicies.com/blog/legal-requirements-for-websites [^OI]:The one that you are using now with the domains scam. A future internet might be using TOR or GNU Name System

[^links]: if you have those links feel free to share !


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/10465121

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if you know a way to use the generated OpenPGP key created trough Thunderbird to sign PDF's ?

(Devuan distro)



Hi everyone,

I was wondering if you know a way to use the generated OpenPGP key created trough Thunderbird to sign PDF's ?

(Devuan distro)



cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/7667731


As CSS do not have a color-overlay[^1] filter.

There is some heavy work around:


that use a combination of CSS filter to target the desired color...

Those online calculators are neat, but I would like an offline version, in case the provided one become inaccessible.

I've downloaded the zip of https://codepen.io/sosuke/pen/Pjoqqp

But it doesn't work locally.. :/

So I would like to know, if someone know one in 🐍 Python ? or how can I make one then ?

Or if someone know another way to have the color-overlay[^1] effect in html\css, I'm all ears !


[^1]: To apply like in Photoshop a color on the shape of the image (so not on the parts that have transparency.


cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/6788379


As we might all know ( Early adopter of Lemmy ). Lemmy has been (also) made to give an alternative to the censor kingdom of Reddit ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lemmy_(software)

And further more Lemmy is fLOSS 😍

Great ! but watch out ! we don't want that Lemmy take the same path as Reddit did ! ( hopefully this is limited as it run as a ~Federated model )

Anyways, I believe to avoid censorship and jeopardize users privacy the following should be considered by Instance admins and moderators.

  • Avoid as possible a mandatory email to register Doing so is not reducing spam or whatever you're afraid ! It's limiting users to create account that preserve their anonymity ! If you don't know why anonymity is important I'll suggest you to dig this website to start with https://www.laquadrature.net/en/support/#chiffrement BTW if I couldn't be anonymous, I wouldn't write any post on Lemmy, as I'm not living in a free country !! Look on other instances some admin have found clever way to circumvent bots without the need of an email.

  • Also Lemmy don't require too much of moderation ! as any user can use the block feature in their options so you should not censor content in behave of others !

If the freedom of expression is limited to the ideas that we like, it is not freedom of expression. Noam Chomsky.



cross-posted from: https://programming.dev/post/6749271


Intro about XDA forum (skippable)

I was using a lot xda-developers.com for anything that was related to Android development and phone support. (ROM etc..)

But it became rotten -->



Current situation ton Install another ROM ~OS

As you may know, in order to install another ROM For example to get rid of Google ! 👿

You need one that is specifically build for your devices for example: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/

This is so inefficient !

You might have heard of Treble that focus on this problem

sadly it's made by google 👿 and I doubt that they will release all the code. We will see.

If you don't know what is AOSP <--

The question : How to install AOSP on a "Supported device"

I've always use only google-free smartphone ! But OMG it's time consuming.

  1. Found a smartphone ( with the spec you want and in your budget )
  2. Check if you can have\import it in your "country"
  3. Check if someone already cook a ROM that support that specific model
  4. or create it by yourself (even more time consuming )
  5. Sometimes: bypass any protection that prevent to install another ROM !
  6. Finally install the ROM's, boot loader etc...

At this time, when it seem that Treble is not there yet... Do you have a quicker path\Solution ?




Intro about XDA forum (skippable)

I was using a lot xda-developers.com for anything that was related to Android development and phone support. (ROM etc..)

But it became rotten -->



Current situation to Install another ROM ~OS

As you may know, in order to install another ROM For example to get rid of Google ! 👿

You need one that is specifically build for your devices for example: https://wiki.lineageos.org/devices/

This is so inefficient !

You might have heard of Treble that focus on this problem

sadly it's made by google 👿 and I doubt that they will release all the code. We will see.

If you don't know what is AOSP and this article too

The question : How to install AOSP on a "Supported device"

I've always use only google-free smartphone ! But OMG it's time consuming.

  1. Found a smartphone ( with the spec you want and in your budget )
  2. Check if you can have\import it in your "country"
  3. Check if someone already cook a ROM that support that specific model
  4. or create it by yourself (even more time consuming )
  5. Sometimes: bypass any protection that prevent to install another ROM !
  6. Finally install the ROM's, boot loader etc...

At this time, when it seem that Treble is not there yet... Do you have a quicker path\Solution ?




I would like to display an element (div) of another web page, hosted on a owned sub domain..

I was planning to use iframe, but it seem that iframe only allow to grab the entire page... any ideas ?


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