
joined 1 year ago

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/NvF3Q9H6Jt


// Bedrock Users can also join using BedrockConnect and imputing the IP and port. //


I have been playing on a single player world recently for the past week but decided to get a server to play with others. I plan on it being a small SMP with around 5-10 active users. If you are playing on Bedrock then you have the option of using a menu for some basic commands such as /sethome and a few other things. I am trying to find out a way to make it easy for bedrock players to TPA but I am going to have to figure something out. For now you will have to manually type the command.

Server Screenshots


Server Specs:


4GB Ram

Ryzen 3900x



If you want to join fill out this application:






Why do you want to join:

How many hours a week do you normally play Minecraft:

How long have you been playing Minecraft:

What is your favorite Minecraft memory:

What is your proudest build:


There are not too many rules just don't grief or PvP without permission.

Also I am new to server hosting so please go easy on me if there are any hiccups! Everything is good so far though!

[–] Rick@lemmy.world 0 points 1 year ago

Thanks for letting me know!


EDIT: it seems that this is a known bug and will be fixed in the next release! Thank you guys for letting me know


Lemmy.World is running amazing for the amount of users that is has but when I am trying to scroll, every 2 seconds the post im looking at gets shoved to the bottom, with Lemmy skyrocketing in popularity, having the new posts appear on the front page constantly is making it very hard to browse.

Does anyone know if there is a way I can stop that? Or do we just have to wait for an update?

I want to add that I love lemmy and I will continue to use it anyways! The community here is so much better than reddit and with the protest going on reddit is a dumpster fire of toxicity right now.


Title I would love to play on a 1.7.3 beta server with you guys!