
joined 1 month ago
[–] 31 points 11 hours ago

They'll be sending in some Secret Service brain worms dressed in tiny black suits and itty bitty sunglasses to protect the OG. Rest assured, it will be safe.

[–] 6 points 11 hours ago

For sure, no shade intended toward the movie itself. But when you get the same string of posts that really only serves to interrupt from the actual topic of the thread, it just grated on me probably a little too much after some time.

[–] 10 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

The one that I absolutely hated the most was in any politics related thread at all invariably people would bring up how Herbert Comacho Mt Dew or whatever his name is was such a great politician. Like, shut up, I'm trying to read about the power vacuum in Iraq; your nonsense has nothing to do with that.

[–] 57 points 13 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) (5 children)

I'd been dissatisfied with Reddit for a while due to things like hive mind mentality and jokes repeated ad nauseum. I always enjoyed more when people were just posting their honest opinions or analysis of current events from a perspective that I don't have. There wasn't really anywhere else to go as an active "forum based" aggregator, so when the ground swell of people leaving due to the API fiasco came along and enough of a crowd started setting up shop on a different platform I jumped at the opportunity to ditch that place.

Glad to be done with it.


A bubbly Monday to the lot of you.

[–] 2 points 17 hours ago

Anybody else get irked that people increasingly seem to not know the proper distinction between worse and worst? I see people frequently using the wrong one in the context of what they are trying to say. I just don't understand because bad/worse/worst is as simple of a concept as good/better/best which people don't tend to ever get wrong.

Also, the custom of saying 'bless you' after somebody sneezes. That can go away now. It's utterly useless. Somebody sneezed, that doesn't deserve any special acknowledgement. If there's a want to be polite offer them a tissue if they need it and you can accommodate.

I'm a die hard fan. One of my favorite bands. It hasn't been til the last couple full lengths that I found myself luke warm on them, and even then, it's fine. Just such a versatile band, where even if a release isn't a masterpiece of whatever genre they're aiming for, it's still impressively rock solid.

There's no arguing with the early stuff though. Bona fide legendary releases. If your coming from that world and can't get on with their catalog after they started experimenting it's understandable. At least Haavard finally came out from hiding for his solo stuff and Dold Vorde Ens Navn to scratch that itch.

I try to use Bandcamp links whenever possible for exactly this reason. More directly supporting artists and (in this case) labels is worth a level of conscientious effort. If I'm able to facilitate that at all everybody wins.

This album is fucking great. Lyrics of this song are apropos to my prevailing current anxieties.

Yeah, absolutely! It's been in pretty regular rotation for me since I found it (early 00's). Just an incredibly solid, enjoyable release.



[–] 42 points 6 days ago (7 children)

He's the guy that challenged Union Rep Sean O'Brien to a fistfight during a senate hearing. Doesn't get much more Markwayne than that.


Underappreciated album. If you like this track at all give the full album a spin. It's worth your time.

You ever get angry at yourself for being so utterly wrong about something? That was me after just watching Mad Max for the first time, having completely written it off my whole life. I had a misconception that the whole thing was about resource scarcity after the apocalypse, and I didn't think that sounded very interesting.

I watched all of the installments in the franchise. One of the most solid franchises I can think of. Even the low points (if I must call them that) are still very entertaining. The original 1979 film though is honestly one of the best movies I've ever seen. I wasn't expecting it, and I was blown away.

Always happy to find something new that shatters the jaded shell that's built up around me over the years. 10 out of 10.

[–] 48 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

RFK takes no sides.

The brain worm took both sides. The left and the right hemisphere.


Actual legend.



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