
joined 1 month ago
[–] 6 points 17 hours ago

And add absolutely to the front of almost anything to describe how pissed you were. I was absolutely trousered/shedded/etc

[–] 4 points 17 hours ago

I’ve had Mullvad running on a Gli Flint router, and it was perfect until some weird power-cycling issues bricked the router… pita.

[–] 10 points 17 hours ago

Because it’s better than adding it per-device?

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

Unless you use the bangs. !g tells it to use google

[–] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I really hope that this doesn’t affect the ocean nature reserves around them.

[–] 19 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Use the bangs in DDG, eg !g asks DDG to search google

[–] 2 points 3 days ago

Brother, I think you’ve read more into what I wrote than I intended. We’re on the same page, I drive an EV and work in solar… I’m not in any way saying that I think drones are a worse option overall, when I said I’d like to see a better comparison, I mean exactly that. I’d like to see it, because I’d find it interesting. I never see well-thought-out comparisons of this kind of thing. While clearly better by many metrics (and arguably the more important ones - water and air pollution, plastic particles, etc), I’d still like to see a comparison of total embodied energy, and whole-life environmental impact. I’m sure it would still come out in the drones’ favour, but just assuming that is no good reason not to actually see the data.

I think I’m a little jaded where it comes to battery-powered stuff on a small scale. I see so, so many bits of battery-powered crap going to waste because it’s cheaply made and essentially unrepairable - from vapes to scooters to toy drones, even little speakers and vacuums. I see a lot of stuff touted as “eco” that actually ends up being one use, or close to it, so I assumed (probably wrongly) that these drones would end up being used a handful of times before being junk.

EVs are a different kettle of fish, even though they are pretty complex and full of electronics, there’s still a decent financial impetus to recycle them properly, and the batteries and components can be reused - my home is powered by second-hand EV batteries and solar.

In essence, I’d like to see more comparative analysis of anything like this. The earlier we do it, the better we can choose which technologies to use going forward. A really good example of what I mean is plastic bags - this video highlights why it’s so hard to work out what the best option is. Not because I’m looking for a way to keep using a harmful technology, just because the answers are complex, and without a clear “best option”.

[–] 17 points 3 days ago

The Rolling Stones had only been around for a couple of dozen decades at the point this place was being built, it really is ancient

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (2 children)

I’d like to see a better analysis, that’s all. I don’t know either way, and I’d bet that the co2 of the drone show is orders of magnitude lower than fireworks, for example. But as with lots of emerging technologies, it’s hard to make direct comparisons - is the lithium going to be recycled at end of life, did it come from “good” mines, how much of the plastic will end up in landfill and how much is pla/plant-based, and how does all this compare to the cardboard and explosive in the fireworks. Also, do the electronics contain conflict minerals, and are they recyclable, and what’s the expected life of the drones? How do the chemicals for colour in the fireworks affect their pollution, and how are they produced? Having recently seen an fairly damming look at Formula E (run on generators that are flown from England to wherever the races are, that kind of thing), I’m just intrigued to know more about how the sausage is made, if you see what I mean. It’s in our interest to ask this kind of thing, in the same way that it would have paid to ask more questions about how single-use plastics would be disposed of, rather than just trusting that them using less trees in their construction was worth it. These things never have a simple answer, and I’d like to know as much as possible

[–] 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (4 children)

I think that with everything like this, it’s very hard to quantify the effects - drones are predominantly plastic that won’t be recycled, lithium batteries from “low cost” sources, and complex electronics. Small drones are by nature expendable, so I think it’s pretty hard to quantify which of these the entertainment forms is “best” for the environment - they’re both kind of excessive. I wouldn’t want to be without either, they both have their place and bring a sense of wonder and awe (great video by the way!), I just think it’s an interesting discussion to have

[–] 71 points 5 days ago (6 children)

In the cave of Caerbannog, death awaits you, with nasty big pointy teeth! See Monty Python and the Holy Grail for further details.


Bunged a couple of pedals from the B-team box onto a little board I’d bashed together a while ago. I’ve had to cut the right-hand end down a bit to plug the Dirty Robot in.

I’ve been using this on synths, just as a bit of fun really. The dirty robot is fantastic, and very versatile. Seems redundant, using a synth pedal on a synth, but on rhythms it does all sorts of joyous things. The Bass Overdrive is a great little budget drive, and the wet/dry mix and low/hi tone shaping makes it well suited for synths. The Aurora is a nice, simple delay that you can manhandle nicely, and the Exosphere is a reverb that can be rather wild especially with the Little Monster expression switch.


I have a couple of things I’m not managing to do - I can’t seem to search posts, only instances/users etc, and can’t block whole instances from the app. Am I doing something wrong, or are these just features that don’t work in version one on iOS? Thanks

Seeing the last Gunship tube posted reminded me of this absolute beast of a tune

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