
joined 9 months ago
[–] 5 points 2 months ago

Remember that "journalist" who admitted, in an interview on iirc "Joe Rogan" or something, that CNN+NYT++ systemically "shut down" progressive issues, & progressive voices, in that election..

I'd been wondering what the hell was wrong, but .. propaganda "journalism" won a "battle" I hadn't even known was being waged..

Now, of course, the deck is getting stacked,.

the economic house-of-cards still is being propped-up by China & the US ( different parts of it: the fake-economy of China, & the issue 7x as much currency, but pretend that that doesn't cause 700% inflation idiocy in the US ).. but it must come down.

IF that economic house-of-cards comes down before the election, then the incumbent is hosed.


It's a slam dunk election for the outsider, then.

You'd better pray, successfully, for that economic-collapse not happening, until after the election, then, eh?

Being the old cynic that I am, I'm expecting the republicans to win, to revert the US to Jim Crow's "reality", & to finish the Civil War that they pretended to surrender in, so long ago.

Gutting NATO, backing Russia, the whole everything that Trump promised..

I'd be preparing, not praying.

( & am, tbh: health's improving.. )

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[–] 3 points 2 months ago (4 children)

This escalation will continue,

until big-tech forces the governments to kneel to the surveillance-capitalism biggest:

They will simply say something like:

"Either your government removes laws, regulations, accountability, etc, from us,

XOR we are hamstringing your country: we OWN you, we POSSESS you, & you will obey OUR rule."

I guarantee this will be happening between now & 2036.

Remember how they can ratchet-up a genocide, anywhere??

They've already done so, in some places..

( Facebook & .. was it Myanmar? as 1 example )

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[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Sooo close..

It isn't the 2nd US CivilWar,

rather, it is the US Civil War Part2.

Not the US Revolution at all,

rather the Confederates revolution, within the US ( a "reverse takeover", since they never really surrendered, in the previous half of the US's Civil War, back before the 1900's )

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

This is .. ludicrous:

I've read that in the Jewish culture/religion that Yehoshua "Jesus" benJoseph, the woke socialist convict, grew up in, there was legal-divorce,

& there was a kind of rule, too:

"you aren't allowed to marry someone, if you aren't mature-enough to divorce them honestly/fairly/sanely" in that culture..

I'm not remembering the exact phrasing of it, obviously, but that was the essence of it.

IF you were too immature to divorce responsibly, THEN you were too immature to marry, in the 1st place.

For .. to use a phrase from the Christian bible, just updating it to modern terminology .. "those who call themselves Christian .. but are not" to be warring against wokeness .. in the name of the wokest guy in the entire New Testament, .. & to be warring against socialism .. in the name of the guy who literally is famous for feeding thousands of hungry people who wanted learning/understanding & food, for no money/commercial-exchange, & who also gave free healthcare to any who'd spiritually-earned it .. you can see that their bible's phrase "those who call themselves _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .. but are not" is applicable to those who fake ANY religion's membership, of any culture, anywhere!

How completely shameless can people be??

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[–] 1 points 2 months ago

That it is up to his voluntary-withdrawl is absolute proof that the system never was engineered to be best-for-the-country as its "center", instead was engineered to allow the politically-powerful to wear/wield the country, for their own interests.

You can't hide if you're a bat, pretending to be a bird: the skeletons are sooo utterly-different, that the way their motions work makes it impossible to hide the truth.

Same with this.

IF it had been engineered to be best-for-the-country,

then the country would automatically prevent DarkHexad people from competing for authority.

DarkHexad: narcissism / machiavellianism / sociopathy-psychopathy / nihilism / sadism / systemic-dishonesty

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[–] 2 points 2 months ago

This is inevitable:

Once the people in China can only see the CCP's version of everything,

& ALL stuff has been adulterated, either by AI or by some agency-or-other,

THEN dissent should die-down in the Chinese population:

Read Lanier's "Foreign to Familiar" to understand how Tropical-Culture vs Nordic-Culture shapes people, & how old-cultures vs new-cultures shape people,

then read Hofstede's "Exploring Culture" to understand the dimensions of culture that his Cultural Dimensions Theory digs into ( power-distance, uncertainty-avoidance, "success"-orientation, & other dimensions )..

& when you understand how we're kind of "template" people, before being born into culture,

but once born into it, our entire meaning gets framed within whatever culture we were born into..

therefore, the CCP can simply remove most diversity-of-meaning from their completely-possessed-population, through a generation or 2 of that.

Tibetan, Uyghur, Hongkonger, Taiwanese, Indian, South-Korean, Japanese, the intent is consistent: "the destruction of " .. others .. "is the midwife of Chinese supremacy".

I expect a similar kind of program to exist in all right-possessed countries, as the right is doing in the US, right now, with burning or banning books, eradicating proper education, suppressing libraries, etc, they're just doing the same thing as what the CCP's doing, only less-skillfully, is all.

No real difference in their deeper heart/motivation/intent, though: supremacism, crushing/destroying all "other" kinds.

Russia's big on it, too, isn't it?


The "Crusades" were good examples of this kind of idiocy?

The "Inquisition"?

The "Buddhist" genociding of Tamils?

So long as the "home" story is .. "coherent", & "justifies" all, then .. kids grow up .. believing, right?

There's a book, & a Big Think yt video, on "Collective Illusions", which is important!

Please invest in seeing that video, & see how it's actually a delusion-mechanism in our minds..

..used by political-forces, yes, but they couldn't use it if it didn't exist, could they?

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[–] 1 points 2 months ago

1 is narcissism/cult-of-personality,

the other is cult-of-institution/inertia.

They are not identical, and not even functionally-equivalent.

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[–] -2 points 2 months ago

Like Hitler's "Krystalnacht", right?

JUST like Hitler's "night of broken-glass"??

US has a blanket-policy, that they NEVER bargain with terrorists: once you "appease" 1 of them, then the ALL are certain of their terrorism's "rights".

US's policy is simply to break them.

Nonfatally if possible, but there's no moral/ideological problem with killing them.

The US .. I expect only 1/3rd of the US's population to be left alive, after US Civil War Part2, & the ever-escalating ClimatePunctuation has finished trashing things, these next years..

When ww3 begins, the ContinuousHammerfall stage of The Great Filter ( 2035-ish ), I expect not 400,000,000 citizens in the US, but 4/3 hundred-million citizens left alive.


Maybe the remnant left alive will understand the stakes, then..

as I'm "sure" the rest of the world will, by then ( not a chance in hell, iow ).

Socio-political-pressure NEVER kept humankind honest.

Not in the old-testament, not in the new-testament, not in the mahabharata, not in the buddhist, or shinto, ar any records.

IF humankind survives The Great Filter, THEN objectivity is going to be LAW among the survivors, however few they are.

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[–] 8 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Physical Abloy-style lock, not a "smart" lock.

Go see some cybersecurity type people, & see that they put physical security in place where they value real security.

ITIS ( Information Technology Information Systems ) has many vulnerability & attack-surfaces that "dumb" metal doesn't.

If you look, you will discover that there is a news-story about a company which did the hotel-locks for zillions of hotels in our world, that had a fundamental compromise in their design, & now everybody has to replace all those locks, but .. that isn't going to happen, is it?

IOW, criminality-industry was helped by all that "convenient" ITIS.

Please consider going with an Abloy Protec style physical-lock.

The Lockpicking Lawyer could get in, as could some of his equals, in mere minutes, but for the opportunistic-jackassery of normal robberies?

You can't EMP a non-digital-lock to kill it, can you?

There isn't a backdoor in the thing ( unless you multi-key it, but even then, with 21 iirc discs in the thing.. it's still locked )


[–] 10 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Contradicted by evidence, some years ago.

A study in a dental clinic used measurement of local-anaesthetic to measure how pain-sensitive redheads are..

It took .. was it 10% more? Definitely more, pain-killer for the redheads.

The genetic-defect which codes for red-hair, and splotchy-skin, also codes for being more pain-sensitive.

It also explains why redheads are "more reactive" as lifelong-pain-sensitized people naturally would be, doesn't it?

( I look Irish: my hair's gone white, but the fur on my arms is still orange )

[–] -2 points 2 months ago

The DIFFERENCE in response,

is ONLY until Trump gains dictatorship!!

Then it will be identical: He's on the Kremlin's side, absolutely, against NATO & Europe.

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