
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Constans cayn rilly?

[–] 9 points 3 weeks ago

Those rocket icecreems Cold pack

Eat stuff you don't have to shew... So you don t open the wounds again.

2% betadine mouth wash... Not against pain but to keep more pain away.

I love the 1000 paracetamol with codeine alternated with brufen 600.

In a day or 2 it will be beter. Hang on.

[–] 28 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Seems like he fucks me every day again.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

I know a poseidons kiss. Wonder if witches do the same.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Flanders here. Those shelved ones are not common but also not omg this is strange. But in kindergarden they are ( where i saw) mostly the norm. Handy to check stuff. ( Is it solid, no worms,... )

[–] 5 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


Satanist, illusionist, protagonist, unichornsalesman, biblenutcase, professor or horny me .... Every human would say 'O my god' to that man.

And for your question... I guess they say it more as an expression than as a reference to him.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago (2 children)

I only have positive vieuw on the kiosks. Easy to adjust your burger and i get the right stuff after. When in quick i can t ajust the burger on the kiosk and have to order old fadhioned. Then i often get a normal made.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

Just for fun... i named my rabit oomox and the second one ponfar.

[–] 5 points 1 month ago (1 children)

We have 2 snakes. But i call my ( cornsnake ) sometimes my puppy. My partner his snake ( hognose ) we lovingly call the kitten.

So from now on i am a male and he is female. Got it. Good to find these kind off rules. Otherwise we would suffer in unknowing and make mistakes against statistics. ;)

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

I wish they would make some new good westerns. It is like all new stuff that is made is so 'remake' or 'next number'.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (3 children)

O god that debate again...

Imo at least 975 years to early.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

There are already different gagh types. O my god... That is cheese gagh.



My partner ( M 40 ) is having a lot off troubles at the moment. He has normally pills to help hin out SSRI medicine and also some for ADHD but that doos not do much in my opinion.

When he started the adhd ones I was hoping we found the problem. Cause he is more than 20 years looking for the right help. Sometimes it is doable, sometimes good... But even with the pills he gets times that it is hurting him to be awake. Normal he also smokes weed to get a bit off the feelings gone.

Recently he started to drink (wodka/whiskey/rum) yust to be a bit relaxed. Specially when he is without his weed. About a half a bottle a day. Befor he was not a drinker and was always sober.

This week he got sick and everything that was a bit good seems to be forgotten. It was not a full week that he was what i would call resonanle. It is the 6th time he gets this deep in a few years. That can last weeks.

He feels incompetent / wast of space / bad example for our son ( 13 ) / negative to be with / should be gone out off our lives / has a cassandracomplex about the earth and society ( pollution, war with russia, monny...) He can not enjoy his hobbies and wants to be dead.

We talk. I try to make him understand that he is worth a lot to me ( us ) but he sais I need to get me a real man.

I try to make him do thinks like walking just to be in the sun, move and see light that day but i cant force him.

I try to talk and make him see that he has a job, a house, us, family... but than he sais he doos love us and that is the reason he has to be gone. Than our life will get good.

I suggest massages but he feels i should not be bothered. I do. He is my partner.

I gave stupid tasks before to help him get doing something. Finishing something. Accompliching stuff. But no.

I m telling that his life did not turn happy after his father died ( when he was about the age off our son now ). That he wiched he could speek to him. Talk, ask questions... but those are wiches and not possible. Waste off time and emotions. He almost can not cry but wendsday he did while talking about his dad and his hate for himself.

Last time it was bad I adked his mon to tell him more about his dad. He knows a lot about him but i wanted to get him to talk.

He is seeing a psychologist... Our next apointment is the first week off juli. Seems so far away now.

If one off you knows a thing i can do. Plx tell me.

This time I feel so powerless and useless to get him what he needsn

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