
joined 10 months ago


[–] 1 points 15 hours ago (1 children)

esp. Monero XMR

Its hard enough to sell people on using VPNs to protect their internet privacy, trying to convince them to use this fancy thing 'only criminals' use to have financial privacy is definitely going to be harder.

[–] 1 points 17 hours ago

It would cost a lot of money, but you can definitely go through and manually sanitize the data.

That would give a good bump in performance, both quality and resources required to run it.

Quality over quantity.

[–] 4 points 18 hours ago (3 children)

Crypto miners aren't generally turning themselves off to just get the off peak rates. The hardware is expensive and only has a short lifespan before the next hardware that's 5x better comes out rendering theirs obsolete as the hash rate spikes and they can't make ends meet anymore.

Generally speaking, it does drive them towards cheaper electricity, which is often renewable or finding places that have excess and getting good rates on it.

Sometimes, that turns out to be dirty electricity like coal, and in some places its kept some coal plants alive and stopped others from being shut down.

But it doesn't matter if they are 100% renewable because the people that hate crypto, don't understand it at all, think it's a scam with absolutely 0 use cases. So all those solar panels or windmills that they buy are resources being taken from other people and slowing down the adoption of renewables, because crypto is a waste.

[–] 3 points 18 hours ago (1 children)

Tangent to leaving FO76 open...

Makes me wonder how much energy is wasted by people just leaving their desktop computers on.

I know I used to be bad about that and eventually made a concerted effort to always sleep or turn it off.

I'm also glad LED lights are a thing now. I'm a lot better at turning lights off now as well, but at least if one gets forgotten on now it's like 10x less waste.

[–] -4 points 19 hours ago (1 children)

The name does not misrepresent the feature, and has been used accordingly in aviation for decades.

[–] 6 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago) (1 children)

The senate literally did this with appointing a Supreme Court Justice during an election year. That's how Amy got put in place.

[–] 26 points 22 hours ago

No no no, you see, it's only when the special counsel is looking into a republican that it's unconstitutional.

[–] 4 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 21 hours ago)

Anyone who agree's to this warning, and thinks the car is capable of fully driving themselves, is an idiot

"Full Self-Driving is in early limited access Beta and must be used with additional caution. It may do the wrong thing at the worst time, so you must always keep your hands on the wheel and pay extra attention to the road. Do not become complacent. ... Use Full Self-Driving in limited Beta only if you will pay constant attention to the road, and be prepared to act immediately ...

Now, I don't know if that warning exists after it became Full Self Driving (Supervised) when V12.X became a thing and he gave free demo's to everyone, but at that point its name literally includes SUPERVISED, so really, they're idiots either way.

[–] 4 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago) (3 children)

It's exceptionally unlikely that AUTOPILOT did this.

AP only follows the lane/road you're in.

Maybe it was FSD, but this is terrible reporting.

[–] 12 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I think we're well past the open/closed discussion when hackers have repeatedly shown how easy it is to compromise the voting machines.

We know they're trash, it's not theory.

2016-2020 - how far can I go placing terrible judges that'll do my bidding

2024 - damnit, I could have gone even further the first time.


This was a really good interview, worth the watch!


It doesn't say what was changed but that makes it a great price again.

It also really messes up the pricing between the 3 RWD which doesn't qualify and the AWD that does since it's only a 1k difference now. I wonder if we'll see them lower the RWD or potentially raise the AWD price?

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