
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 7 months ago (1 children)

Can these people stay in long term relationships?

[–] 0 points 7 months ago (1 children)

"Das Pippi Langstrumpf Syndrom (PLS) bezeichnet einen Zustand starker und anhaltender Realitätsverweigerung, gepaart mit massiver Erkenntnis- und Beratungsresistenz. Das Pippi Langstrumpf Syndrom tritt recht häufig auf, schadet jedoch den Betroffenen kaum. Vielmehr leidet das Umfeld "

~ Google

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (4 children)

Sag wobei du hilfe brauchst, musste da im Studium durch :)

[–] 0 points 8 months ago

How do they react to migrants and how long did it take for you to integrate?

[–] 0 points 8 months ago (2 children)

Can I ask where you moved?

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Can I ask what system you use?

[–] 0 points 9 months ago (1 children)

In Minecraft

[–] 0 points 10 months ago (1 children)

Wenn wir das Land jetzt wieder teilen, wären endlich alle zufrieden!

[–] 0 points 11 months ago (4 children)
[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

20% der Hessischen Jugend wählt afd....

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Thanks! Do you know if the end product will run on android?

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Of course, stuff like "add X to inventory" And add hp would be good as well


Hey guys, I have never programmed in my life, but I now want to make an app for rpgs.

The main idea is to make a dice roller, inside a character sheet storage.. It's just supposed to help me store and edit my stats and let me roll and and add stuff.

Best case scenario would be using Termux for this, since it's supposed to run on older smartphones.

I'd love some guidance where to start!


I recently got the tokyo nova fan translation. It's already a somewhat streamlined game. I would like to know what I can and cannot cut out of the system in your opinion, without ruining it.

This is more about mechanics than flavour, since the end goal is a more supernatural or gunshoe style system that can do anything.

The skill check system is something I have decided to keep, because it just works perfectly. The classes are something I am not sure about, as are the tarot scenes.

I might switch out the combat for something more blackjack or poker. Likely blackjack, with different target numbers, depending on the attack style.

To extend on the blackjack combat: My idea is that a regular gun does for example crit damage on a 21, mid damage in 16 to 20 and no damage or low on everything below. A 22 and above is automatic failure, but I am not sure how to utilise that.


Mine are Knocklebones, cockroach poker and zombie dice. Maybe Stratego.

But I want something new. Something that I can play with my larp group.


Mit halb aufgeknöpftem Shirt steht Christian "Big L" Lindner im Eingang zum Grünen-Büro.

"H-hey Chrissi", stammele ich.

Er baut sich vor mir auf und entledigt sich vollends seines Hemds. "Guten Tag", sagt er, "Lust auf eine produktive Koalitionsverhandlung?" Noch bevor ich die Sprache finde, hat er mich bereits sanft aufs Bett gedrückt. Ich frage ihn, ob seine Frau nichts dagegen habe, aber er beteuert, er sei "jetzt wieder verfügbar". In seinem Schritt kann ich bereits die Umrisse seines massiven Umfrageergebnisses erahnen.

"Aber wir kennen uns doch kaum", versuche ich zu protestieren. Er beugt sich zu mir herunter und flüstert mir ins Ohr: "Ungeduld ist auch eine Tugend." Er lockert meinen Gürtel und öffnet den Reißverschluss meiner Hose. Innerlich spüre ich, wie er meine 5%-Hürde überwindet, als er mich leidenschaftlich auf den Mund küsst. Seine Zärtlichkeiten rufen bei uns beiden nachhaltiges Wachstum hervor.

"Denken wir neu!", sagt er plötzlich und dreht mich mit seinen kräftigen Händen auf den Bauch. Er entblößt meine Erstwählerschaft.

"Christian, solltest du nicht ein Kondom benutzen?", wende ich mit schwacher Zweitstimme ein, doch er erwidert nur "Penetration first. Bedenken second." und dringt mit einem Ruck tief in meinen Wahlkreis ein...


Waht do you wear to express yourself that seems obviously bi?


I very much enjoyed the original Bang! and it's additions. I want something that feels like the shooting dice equivalent to Bangs! Poker. How good is the dice version and are there other games that are better but share the direction?


Hey, hi. I am in an Exam week and I'd love some recipes that are fast to make. Last year I only ate stuff that didn't really suit my eating habits and fell apart during my workouts.


I do a lot of Roleplaying and need some games for in-between and "gambling" for the others I play with. I don't want my players to learn a long and massive game. Something that feels a bit medieval and uses dice of 55/32 card decks would be perfect. Like Gwent or Zombie dice. Maybe where you can cheat?

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