
joined 1 year ago

Hello everyone.

I recently got myself a mountain bike from Canyon. It all works, got myself all the gear, pumps and all. And the pressure gage give me a reading of 10 PSI, which is odd because the tires are firm. 10 PSI should be nearly flat.

I have other pumps, including one that works for my car too, which I trust because I cross checked its values with my mechanic.

Here's the odd thing. I got the bike out and plugged it to the car tire pressure device and it also gave me a reading of 10 PSI. I also have a Topeak Shuttle Gage, 10 PSI.

How is that possible? I can't really believe all three readings come from faulty devices so I'm thinking I'm the one doing something especially stupid, or maybe a defect somewhere on the valve/tire but it's brand new, so I think I'm the one to blame. Any ideas where I've been an idiot?

I did open the nut on the presta valve prior to taking measurements.


Hello everyone!

I had a container with a DB crap itself yesterday so I'm trying to speed up my learning to back up stuff.

I came across a script that taught me how to back-up a containerized postgres db at given intervals and it works. I managed to create db dumps and restore them. I've documented everything and now my whole docker-compose/env etc are on git control.

There's one part of the script I don't decypher but I'd like to maybe change it. It is about the number of back-up copies.

Here's the line from the tutorial: ls -1 /backup/*.dump | head -n -2 | xargs rm -f

Can someone explain to me what this line does? I'd like to keep maybe 3 copies just in case the auto-backup backs up a rotten one.


Full code below:

    image: postgres:13
      - db_recipes
      - ./backup:/backup
    command: >
      bash -c "while true; do
        PGPASSWORD=$$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump -h db-postgresql -U $$POSTGRES_USER -Fc $$POSTGRES_DB > /backup/$$(date +%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S).dump
        echo ""Backup done at $$(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S)""
        ls -1 /backup/*.dump | head -n -2 | xargs rm -f
        sleep 86400
submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by to c/

Hello everyone!

TL;DR: CP2077 worked via Lutris yesterday. Doesn't work today. No idea how to troubleshoot Linux, need pointers.

I've made the switch to Linux three days ago and I'm trying to figure out how to handle gaming. I've been recommended to use Lutris on my recent post about me switching to Linux and that's what I did.

Not gonna lie, I watched a couple videos, read a couple wikis and then jumped in the fire, eager to play, so I don't fully understand what I'm doing yet.

Yesterday, I told Lutris it could find my copy of Cyberpunk 2077 on my Windows disk. Filled the config panel as instructed by the youtube video (Linux Experiment) and launched the game.

Worked perfectly immediately.

Today, it crashes on launch with a RED error saying 'Cyberpunk 2077 flatlined'.

I'm on Pop_OS and did some updates yesterday so I suspect it might be related?

On Windows I'd know how to troubleshoot on my own, but here I'm confused as to where to start the investigation. Could you give me pointers for me to go under the hood and figure out what's going wrong?

Thanks for your help! :)

Summary of info: Pop_OS 22.04 up to date. Cyberpunk installed on different disk in a windows partition. Using Lutris. Need anything else? PC specs useful?


Edit2: Writing this from Pop_Os! I had experience with Mint for my Self hosting rig and wanted to see other pastures. Decided to rearrange my three drives, two of them are still Windows, another I emptied and dedicated to Pop OS. That way I still have easy fallback to Windows if I need to do something fast and then I'll know what I have to add to Linux over time.

First things first, I've setup auto-back up. For now it's google drive because it's the easy one. I have to figure how to self host Nextcloud and then use this as a backup storage.

Steam is installed and to be fair, I'm happy with the native linux games. Still going to take a look at Lutris and co out of curiosity.

I mostly miss MusicBee right now. Any recommendation for the most solid music player? Also, what's a good movie player? I used MPV, I need something capable to deal with 3440x1440 resolution and stretch properly.

Also, I wanted to install Bitwarden and the first thing that showed up is Snap Store. I remember hearing about Canonical in a bad way so should I stay clear from that?


Today is the day. I finally got fed up with Windows booting up with an advert that I already had yesterday and had clicked on "remind me in three days" reluctantly. I'm finally tired of killing Telemetry.

Now that gaming is less important for me, I feel like now is a good time to switch mainly to Linux. I might keep a small spare drive with a Windows/Steam partition for the occasional incompatible game.

I've just started transferring my precious files to an external drive and I'm preparing for my Exodus.

Still unsure about the distro I'll choose, I would like to avoid distro hoping. But now I made up my mind, I'm leaving windows for the foreseable future.

I started self-hosting three months ago as a way to trialing Linux with the added bonus of being useful and my server is still up and alive so I'm confident I can use Linux without breaking it.

Any welcoming tips?

I'm a bit anxious about the big change, but also relieved I won't have to put up with the bloat/adverts.

Edit: Two hours in and so many kind and useful comments. Thanks for the welcome party! You're all a bunch of good humans :)



I'm wondering if things have changed. I started learning guitar in 2010 or so, and back then at school we all had Guitar Pro or something similar and we used to learn by listening to the track and to the guitar pro tab in turns.

I've been seeing a lot of videos about computer virtual amps recently and realised the world of guitar has changed and I've been disconnected from it for a long time. Is the tab/guitar pro method still the popular one? How do you learn?

Since then, I've moved on to 100% by ear because there were no tabs for my artists anyway. But I'm just wondering what the world of guitar learning is like now?


Hello everyone New to Linux, new to self hosting, and struggling a bit but making progress.

I have two questions: 1 Is there a YouTube channel or a website with tutorials and explanations for the dummies like me? Something eli5 with easy words to start with and understand the basics.

2 I see a lot about nginx and reverse proxy and not sure I need it. I want to run a couple apps on my local network to be able to access it on any computer inside the house and, for now, nowhere else. Do I need nginx? What about port security? I'm worried my lack of understanding regarding ports would make my home network vulnerable. But since for now I only use 192.168.1 , i'd say I'm safe from intruders?

I acknowledge it's all surely basic but I'm not sure where to find a comprehensive source of learning instead of googling bits and pieces.



Hey! Long story short, I'm interested in Self hosting stuff and want to wet my feet a bit with a spare laptop I have. The main nvme drive is used by windows 10, and it has a 250 Go SD card.

I've been trying to install TrueNAS Scale and YunoHost on the SD card to no avail. I have seen people on forums say they had stuff installed on an SD card but I'm starting to doubt it.

Can it work? I think I need some help but I don't know what info might be useful.