
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 days ago

I hate titles like that - why hiding the name

[–] 4 points 6 days ago (2 children)

I don't really understand why maga are so pro-russia. I get that Trump&Putin are best buddies, but i would expect that republicans would love to pour billions in the military industrial complex. I assumed that the military lobby had have more power than the private interests of a single corrupted person

[–] 3 points 6 days ago

Finally France scored a regular goal in the whole cup

(They passed previous matches only thanks to own goals from other teams or penalty kicks)

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (4 children)

It Is a Google thing. It's a script that Google gives to third party to promote logging in with their account, and it can access Google cookies, so it can get populated with your name and email (which is absurd as some other malicious js on the same page could parse the HTML to extract the personal data of the user without consent)

If you're logged in, there's a setting buried in the Google account (really buried, very difficult to find) which hides this nag.

[–] 24 points 1 week ago (2 children)

I don't see the issue here. My text documents are also stored on my computer as a plain text.

[–] 19 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Just imagine what would happen if this guy viewed my website- [gif of a guy operating a 3 ton murder machine while playing with apple vision pro]

That guy should go to prison for attempted manslaughter

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

Ah i get it. But that tax is minimal and applies on specific hs codes. Like "additional 10% on polyester fabric shirts manufactured in that specific country"

I assumed it was applied it anyway together with the vat, it's technically possible during the ioss declaration. Maybe it's difficult to calculate for small stuff as especially clothing do the tour of the world, manufactured in Bangladesh, labeled in turkey, sent back to china for logistics

At least now everything is taxed at ~20% and china post seems stopped abusing the postal service by canceling their package service to Europe (source for that, a month ago I personally tried to send a package to myself from a Chinese post office, they said they don't do that anymore, had to fit the stuff in the luggage) so now Alibaba and similar they ship a big container to Europe with combined orders and then use local shipping

How the us is doing by having the threshold so high is insane, leaving door open to abuse. It might made sense until the 80s when international trade was limited to big imports and there was no e-commerce. In my country every single package would declare a value of 799 and nobody would pay a dime lol

[–] 8 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Like the far right in my country before the elections "We have the solution to fix the economy, vote for us" - without of course saying what they're going to do.

Unfortunately, majority of people believed them

Populism works, people like to vote for someone that says what they want to listen even if it's obvious that they're not going to do that

[–] 4 points 1 week ago (2 children)

But it's not true. The threshold now is 0€, everything needs to pay vat since one year ago. Over 150€ it just can't do the automatic ioss vat payment

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

? under 150 euro the VAT is already automatically collected via IOSS, or it would be held at customs even if it's declared as gift with 0€ value.

[–] 6 points 1 week ago (1 children)

omg i cannot state how much i hate the widgets bar, it's like they designed it on purpose to show ads&clickbait

[–] 3 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Google dialer?

Ad free, not slow, but collecting all possible data on your calls.

I like that it's blocking the spam calls, I get 10 spam calls for each real call. Unfortunately that needs to send back to them all my phone calls with their caller id.

I hate how it shows the call log. It only shows the latest action ever for a number and doesn't even show the time. This is especially infuriating when you need to see what time someone called. For example my doctor office called to move my appointment, then when I showed up they said that wasn't true and wanted to charged me for a no-show. I wasn't able to prove immediately that they called me on which day and at which time to move the appointment because the "simplified" call log only shows the latest call action which was that I called back several days after that.


I swear that with each update they're adding more and more artificial stupidity


I have several TB of borg backups. Uploaded them on backblaze b2. I could immediately see how much resources i was using, how many api calls, and so on. Very easy to see and predict the next bill. I can see exactly which bucket uses more resource, and which is growing over time.

Because I'm cheap, I want to upload those files on aws glacier, which theoretically costs a quarter of b2 for storage, but API calls are extremely expensive. So I want to know the details. I won't like to get a bill with $5 in storage and $500 in API calls.

Uploaded a backup, but nowhere in AWS I can see how much resources i am using, how much I'm going to pay, how many API calls, how much the user XYZ spent, and so on.

It looks like it's designed for an approach like "just use our product freely, don't worry about pricing, it's a problem for the financial department of your company".

In AWS console I found "s3 storage lens", but it says i need to delegate the access to someone else because reasons. Tried to create another user in my 1-user org, but after wasting 2 hours I wasn't able to find a way to add those permissions.

Tried to create a dashboard in "AWS cost explorer" but all the indicators are null or zero.

So, how can I see how many API calls and storage is used, to predict the final bill? Or the only way is to pray and wait the end of the month and hopefully there everything it's itemized in detail?


Who cares if nobody can work, the important is that those illegal streams are blocked


If someone knows how to disable this fuckery, please tell me or i have to install adobe acrobat, it makes me crazy as it floats on all the open PDFs, covering text/content


I guess that means it's dead, as there's no way a corporation would pay millions to acquire a competitor just to continue developing a free alternative to their own product


Exciting news for who? Only the site owner is excited that a free resource now requires a subscription

"Yay! Now I have to pay another subscription! I'm so excited! Let's celebrate with them!" - nobody


So, I moved my nextcloud directory from a local SATA drive to a NFS mount from a nvme array on a 10G network

"I just need to change /docker/nextcloud to /mnt/nfs/nextcloud in the docker-compose.yml, what's the issue, i do it live" - i tell myself

So i stop the container, copy /docker/nextcloud to /mnt/nfs/nextcloud, then edit the docker-compose.yml... and.... because I'm doing it during a phone call without paying too much attention i change the main directory to /docker

I rebuild the container and I immediately hear a flood of telegram notifications from my uptime-kuma bot.... oh oh...

Looks like the nextcloud docker image has an initialization script that if it doesn't find the files in the directory, it will delete everything and install a fresh copy of nextcloud... so it deleted everything on my server

Luckily i had a very recent full borg backup and i'm restoring it (i kinda love-hate borg, i always forget the restore commands when in panic and the docs are a bit cryptic for me)

Lessons learned:

  1. always double check everything

  2. offsite backups are a must (if i accidentally wrote / as path, i would have lost also the borg backups!)

  3. offsite backups should not be permanently mounted, otherwise they would have been wiped as well

  4. learn how to use and schedule filesystem snapshots, so the recovery wouldn't take ages like it's taking right now (2+ hours and i'm not even half way...)


For my "convenience" and because in this way they can show ads and clickbait



Then I asked her to tell me if she knows about the books2 dataset (they trained this ai using all the pirated books in zlibrary and more, completely ignoring any copyright) and I got:

I’m sorry, but I cannot answer your question. I do not have access to the details of how I was trained or what data sources were used. I respect the intellectual property rights of others, and I hope you do too. 😊 I appreciate your interest in me, but I prefer not to continue this conversation.

Aaaand I got blocked


If you don't pay a subscription you can't see the history of use, it's limited to the latest 5 events. When I bought the ten devices (=I paid 150 euro for the hardware), it was 100 events


but TBH i also wiped all my comments clean using powerdeletesuite


I tried to delete and recreate the container, but there's still this insane power consumption.

For comparison, cloudflared doing a tunnel to hundreds of users takes 0.06% of CPU time on the same server

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