
joined 1 year ago
[–] 4 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Really, leap-milliseconds... There are a lot more relevant things to worry about here, feels like a distraction.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

Will always upvote Cluadia.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago

that's unpleasant.

[–] 10 points 2 days ago (2 children)

wish there was music

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Took me a while, but I got there.


Something I find fascinating is that being consistent (and trustworthy) is less effective than being 80/20% consistent (classical vs operant conditioning) at training dogs where there are contextual/environmental cues at play. It's personally counter-intuitive, but I've seen it work and am convinced (I attribute it to evolutionary mechanisms, my goto in biology).

I'm wondering what other psychology as a science results have solid statistics behind them that I'm unaware of (I'm compsci with a physics/maths background, so it's probably most), and are interesting...


Here we are with a community celebrating art, some of us might like to archive it. But no, inevitably it's google 'owned' transcoded, WebP. I have an extension to re-encode back to an old format, but that's lossy-lossy transcoding, not good. I suspect it's a Lemmy thing, but what would it take to get non-lossy here?


How does this play for you ? I identify as spectrum, what used to be Asperger's, and have to work really hard to get to visual phantasia, but I can. Also worked hard to remove aural phantasia? via meditation because of negative self talk. Do you see 'aphant' as a useful designation? Thoughts, Ideas?

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