
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 20 minutes ago

Shh. Only dreams now.

[–] 2 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

Day late. Was totally wiped yesterday and took a down day with the girl on the couch.

… When people, who have unalterable traits, tell you that they do not appreciate being stereotyped, having certain words used to describe them or people like them, or erroneously lumped in as the same as them, in certain contexts and ways… the decent thing to do is just listen to them and not demand an explanation why they find such things offensive.

I wouldn't quite say I'm demanding an explanation. I would hope you see it as having a discussion with a typical who is genuinely trying to understand and is willing to modify behaviors if they are problematic. I was raised in profound ignorance by religious fundamentalists in the deep south. Sprinkle in racism and pretty much all the other "isms". I've worked very hard to make my way out that ignorance. Asking lots of questions has served me well. I feel like that open questioning and willingness to try and learn is part of the reason I tend to get along so well with people on the spectrum as well as making my way out.

I also have a whole heap of monkey curiosity. Figure it's a good thing. Want to know and learn about other's cultures, experiences, and mental states. In no way am I trying to be aversive in this conversation, you just seemed to be willing to talk and I'm satisfying that curiosity. I like different people. Please don't feel like I'm demanding your time or attention. If you need to tell me to fuck off, that's cool, won't hurt my feelings. If you need to space out your responses, I don't need an immediate reply, take as long as you want.

I do not mean to be offensive, but you describe neurodiverse people in a… typical way that a genuinely well intentioned neurotypical person who has actually gone out of their way to learn about and personally knows neurodiverse people would.

Yup. Glad you see it that way. My wife and I are heavily involved in the BDSM community and are poly. I don't know what it is, but you can't throw a stick without hitting a neurodiverse person within our subculture. Neurodiverse individuals are far more common than in the general population. At a guess, 25%; certainly greater than 10% but less than half. It is common for neurodiverse folks to be in positions of leadership or longstanding respected members of the community. Another commonality among neurodiverse folks that I've noticed is that they are far more likely to be bi or some sort of trans.

… I am apparently quite an oddity in that I am a high functioning autistic person. I don’t like to use the term ‘savant’ because it connotes that I am some kind of super genius. I’m not a super genius.

I've actually known quite a few high functioning autistic people. Wife is some sort of neurodiverse, our former partner was high functioning autistic. Anyhow, savant or savant-like behaviors. Yeah, it's not a great term. But, you know what I mean. It's totally a thing. As a typical, I'm unable to make those leaps and do find it endlessly fascinating. Y'all's brains are working on a different wavelength, and aren't even on the same wavelength as each other. In this instance, we are looking at someone who is sorting pseudo random text into genetic code and then finding a genetic match. That's a wonderfully weird thing to do. My questions about 'Why' would they do that are rhetorical. Those behaviors, even as a hobby, would never occur to me in a million years.

I suppose that's what I'm really trying to ask. You'll see the term 'autist' used as an explanation, 'neuro' in this case. You, and other autistic people, can find this offensive, and rightfully so. Is there an inoffensive term for these behaviors?

In private playful conversations with my wife, it's not uncommon for me to call her a "fucking autist" or call her actions 'autistic.' This might also occur among close friends. It's absolutely a slur. I would never, ever, do so publicly. Note that she calls me 'old man', calls me 'bald' or makes fun of my baldness, makes fun of my ileostomy, makes fun of my accent and so on. We use slurs, in play, for each other all the time. Publicly, it's very common that I'm the butt of the group jokes because it's obvious that it doesn't bother me and I'm an easy and willing target for that sort of humor. (Average height/weight cis-het appearing, bald, white guy with a great beard/moustache and a southern accent.) I have a gruff demeanor so it's a lot of fun for people to poke at me, especially neurodiverse folks, as they know that I'm a safe target by example from my wife and friends. (Think Jaimie from Mythbusters.)

That's a whole other thing that happens to me with the neurodiverse. The pure fucking joy they get from playfully picking on me is something else. It's apparently quite a thrill. Very timid about calling me bald, old, or whatever at first. My wife or friends are usually the ringleaders. I guess it feels subversive or something? I just growl, grumble or frown back with the very timid.

My wife and I have a lot of back-and-forth with this sort of thing. Our relationship is very kinky and this is how we flirt. She initiates by picking on me, gets in 'trouble', I put her in her place or give her a swat and a kiss. I initiate by picking on her or giving her a swat, she pouts about how I don't love her or how mean I am, and I kiss her better. She wants that tingle of fear and then the comfort. Note, we've never had a real raised voice argument. We communicate very well. Real relationship issues are handled in an adult manner through discussion including cooling off, if needed. This is our relationship and communication style, it has grown organically between us and isn't a one-size-fits-all.

With the other neurodiverse folks I've been close to, including our former autistic partner, I've basically found that we create almost our own dialect between us. I feel like, as a typical, that I have some gifts in being able to communicate and modify my communication style to theirs. I enjoy it and don't mind stretching myself to their preferred communication style and level of comfort.

... People just enjoy doing things. Sure, some are more niche and rare than others… but why is there even a question as to why someone has some specific hobby as opposed to another?

... Why does an uncommon hobby warrant explanation?

... How can there be an explanation beyond ‘I find it entertaining or fulfilling or enjoyable?’

So, there are hurtful slurs that describe a common behavior among neurodiverse folks. When trying to be inoffensive, I've called it savant or savant-like behavior. It's the sort of behavior that a typical would almost certainly never engage in. As a typical, when it's pointed out that the person that engages in the behavior is neurodiverse, it's an 'aha' moment often mixed with humor. It would be nice if it had an inoffensive label.

[–] 1 points 2 days ago

Sorry for your loss. FWIW, pipe smoke isn't inhaled and has much lower cancer rates than cigarette smoking. It's lower risk, not no risk.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Thems fighten words. I don't smoke any churchwardens. Among pipe smokers, you're usually dealing with a particular type of socially tone deaf nerd when they smoke a churchwarden and start talking about pipe weed. You need to be at least 60 and fully grey to pull off a churchwarden.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Just a brief note. Today and this evening are going to be very busy for me. I don't have time to give your post the response it deserves and will do so later. Probably tomorrow.

[–] 3 points 2 days ago (5 children)

I guess I see where you're coming from. Labels can hit different, especially when the label doesn't fit all the recipients. Being labeled can cause offense. Especially if it's derogatory. I don't think it was meant to be derogatory by op, but it certainly wasn't very sensitive.

The difficult part is that it's a spectrum. Especially when it comes to level of function. Profound autism is a totally different animal from high functioning people. And there is a whole spectrum of differences in how the divergency manifests between individuals.

Savantism and savant-like actions are fascinating to a lot of typicals, myself included. That level of focus and ability to make the connections or internally churn the information is not an accessible state for most of us. It's like seeing real magic.

(Obviously, not all neurodivergent folks have savant-like behaviors, most likely just a minority. No idea of the prevalence.)

So, a neurodivergent person inputting letters scraped from Tumblr posts into a genome search engine is funny as hell because it's such a strange thing to do and produces an interesting result. Why would someone do that? Why would you even think to do it in the first place?

My wife does absolutely hilarious shit all the time. Our house is full of laughter. She's wickedly sarcastic and full of black humor.

So, given that I think some of the behaviors are awesome while being hysterically funny, what is an inoffensive way to engage in humor about neurodivergent folks, in your opinion? Are there any preferred terms that are shorthand for: "Autistic person pulled some fucked up logic trick or other stunt"?

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (4 children)

Ehh. IDK if that would be bad or good for Linux. More choices against the possibility of weaker teams/poorer code. Even if things did fragment for a while, one version likely comes out on top and everyone migrates slowly back together.

Interwebs and tech seems to route around this sort of thing.

[–] 11 points 2 days ago (7 children)

No clue how all this shakes out. Not real invested in this ideological/bureaucratic slap fight.

It's always entertaining when Linus flames off.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (7 children)

I thought it was funny. I'm a typical. Have had several relationships with neurodivergent people, including my wife.

I do find a lot of the quirks funny or cute. Was just giving my girl shit about the Princess and the Pea because she is extremely particular about her pillow situation. The pillows and stuffies have names. That shit is funny and it makes me grin when I have to help sort the pile.

Why do you find it offensive?

[–] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

If it's true, it's likely socioeconomic. Relatively expensive start up cost, bag or tin of pipe tobacco usually costs more than a pack of cigarettes. Tends to select for wealthier users with better healthcare.

It's not inhaled so the cancer risk is lower than cigarettes. But, yeah, it's not healthy.


[–] 0 points 2 days ago (7 children)

Pipe tobacco is amazing. It can be very complex after aging.

The average pipe smoker lives longer than the average non smoker.

[–] 2 points 2 days ago

And pipe tobacco! I have a collection of tobacco blends I'm aging.

Use my vape (with rechargeable batteries) for addiction maintenance.

Tobacco is too pleasurable a luxury to give up. Harm reduction is the way to go for me.


Just looking up some DIY medical procedures and then the unwanted AI goes off the rails.

Cursed_Daemon (

Found this broken piece in the creek bank. Southwest Pennsylvania. Farmhouse was built in 1922. Coalmining country.

Would have been about 18" in diameter. There is a rough coating in the glaze on the inside and outside of the bowl section. Abrasive enough that I figure it served a mechanical purpose. There are three grooves on the rim that aren't symmetrical to each other.

There might be a makers mark in the center of the glaze inside but I can't make it out. There is also a light blue/green stain on the bottom that might be a mark.

Any ideas?


Celeb_pics appears to be some bot posting from Cluttters up /all.


The electric PTO clutch on my 1969 mini tractor is dead and discontinued.

Original winding is aluminum 18 gauge. Manufacturer specs were 2.88ohms, 237 turns. The manufacturer specs didn't quite physically match what I found when I took apart the old clutch. If I understand this correctly, the 2.88ohms is the most important part and will pull 4.17 amps.

I just attempted a coil with 18 gauge copper magnet wire. I made it to the max dimensions I can get in the housing with a scramble wind. I'm getting 1.2 ohms, which would pull 10 amps or so. Not good.

Was able to get 187 feet given the resistance.

If I go with 20 gauge copper, assuming I can get 235 feet (1.26 * 187) and I should get 2.319 ohms. Probably get a little more than 235 feet and get the resistance up a little more.

What does this do to the strength of the magnetic field?

Would I be better off putting a power resistor in series with my 18 gauge coil?

Any advice greatly appreciated!


Another before:

It's green Vermont slate, figured out that it was originally painted black and marbled. Victorian thing, faux marble mantels. Fireplace is also Victorian faux, red brick, would have had logs and a red light. I'll be putting in a gas insert at some point.

Started at 220grit, and worked up to 1000. Finished with a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits:

Didn't realize slate could be this pretty and figured:


So, I found this stone mantel behind the garage of the 100 year old house we just bought. It was mostly buried in the dirt. Fits our mantel perfect. Some sort of green stone. Was painted black at some point. I'm trying to strip the paint and want to refinish the stone. Area is southeast of Pittsburgh. Father of the man who built the house was an Italian stonemason that immigrated.

Don't think it's slate, has a tight grain and rings when you knock on it.

What kind of stone is this?


Cishet male. In no way do I mean offense or have I tried to take advantage of lower functioning individuals, that's just sick. Best I can figure, I'm a typical. Maybe I'm a little crazy; but who isn't.

During a discussion about my son's neurodivergency, I realized I have a 'type' of woman. (Son is technically stepson, but he's my boy.) I tend to be attracted to high functioning women that are on the spectrum.

I've been in four relationships with divergent women, three serious and two extended friends with benefits. I've been in two serious relationships with typical women. Many flings with typical women. Figure that's pretty statistically unlikely.

In my experience, divergent women tend to have a refreshing openness in communication. Painfully honest. Direct. They have some weird stuff that can be alternately cute and irritating. When sleeping they either don't like to snuggle or like being an octopus. (My preference is octopus but my wife only tolerates some side contact.) They like to discuss instead of argue. Sexually adventurous and willing to work for satisfaction. They prefer precision in statements. I find myself writing in an extended way that I don't engage in with other people and try and pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Pretty sure this doesn't apply to all women on the spectrum, just my 'type'.

I dunno, just a strange realization, especially at this stage of life. It's not a fetish, just something that has occurred.


I'm 30 hours into a real bad trip. Didn't do it on purpose. Was cutting angel trumpet with an knife, was burning theroots.

Good thing Im experienced. Hospital would have been expensive.

This is some real bad shit. It's not fun. Stay away. Brugmanssia, Datura, hogweed, voodoo vine, don't fuck with it

Edit: waking up again, talked to my girl, she's okay. Have a unreal headache like a hangover. Going back to sleep. Typing is still difficult.

Edit: holy shit, still coming down. Trying for more sleep. I poisoned myself on accident. This is the nastiest thing I've ever run in to and I have experience. Please be careful around Angel trumpet and daura and such.


Like this is hitting me real hard. I can feel the sadness and the fight. They're good boys and and don't deserve what's coming down. They have some good religion. I'd like to be like these men. We fight for the ones we love.


Xpost from casual conversations. Delete if it doesn't fit.

In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.


In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.


Lunch was good but rough. My son got to see me cry for the first time, afterwards, so I guess that was good.

Then my closest former friend came over this evening. Texted my girl:

"Holy fuck. Joe has some sort of grandpa weed that he he'd be saving. I hit once and I'm all fucked up. They smoked a whole blunt. Then I learned about how taking ivermectin was a good preventative and that Susan is actually a Mayan priestess discovered through astral projection."

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