In German it's MDF. I love my mitteldichte Holzfaserplatte.
Not even fully boiling. To quote Wikipedia, because I'm lazy:
The liquid moves in a controlled, continuous flow while subjected to temperatures of 71.5 °C (160 °F) to 74 °C (165 °F), for about 15 to 30 seconds, followed by rapid cooling to between 4 °C (39.2 °F) and 5.5 °C (42 °F).
Literally 30 seconds of "pretty hot". And people are risking serious illness, even death, over some mythical beliefs about how nutrition works.
If you have south or west facing windows:
Metallized privacy films have made a big difference in my home. For heat protection, they should be the weather resistant kind and applied to the outside of the window. (They should be removable without leaving any residue)
If you want to try this method out first: Stick a few space blankets in front of the windows. Looks like shit, but it's a cheap way to test whether this method might work for you.
Why is everyone in this thread Richard Byrd?
Most people I know wear t-shirts at home in winter and heat up the house to compensate, wasting energy. This meme is clearly aimed at them.
If you live in arctic conditions, then you probably already wear more than a shirt, even at home. If not, then feel adressed as well.
And to the many people who are currently raising their babies at home: Scandinavian practices be damned. I understand that it's not too practical to regularly wrap up your baby so that they can withstand freezing conditions. Fine. Turn up the damn thermostat. You already have a screaming infant at your hands.
Everyone else: stfu.
☝️🤓 Just about all thermoplastics are recyclable.
…they just aren't being recycled, because it's expensive, energy intensive and overall not a great solution to a problem that shouldn't exist in the first place.
I'm currently weighing the odds of possibly saving a deer from becoming road kill, against the inconvenience of wearing a jacket as a deer.
I am unironically undecided.
I mean… the Finns are using paint for a similar purpose.
If I read the cited sources and they turn out to be a bunch of untested hypotheses based on poorly conducted studies… I'll be mad.
Just skimming through it makes a bad first impression.
…I'm not even trying to be derisive. I'm just really angry at how much "there's a study" has become "there's proof". And I shouldn't even be mad because communicating that difference should be the authors' job.
If you value your time, don't read any further because I'm just going to vent a little:
So I lack any formal education (apart from ficking school). The best thing I can say about myself is that I can hold and mostly understand a conversation with people who are actually educated in their field.
But some studies are bad. Like bad-bad. So bad that I think, most people who can read should be able to recognize their flaws if they actually read them.
For example:
I read a study a while back about genetic (as opposed to learned) prepositions of monkeys in relation to their biological sex and preference for toys.
The methodology was bad, but here's the shittiest part imo: At the end of the study, the researchers found that of the 130 or so monkeys, only about half showed any preference for any kind toy. So the researchers excluded the unbiased monkeys from the test. Of the remaining monkeys, still only the males showed any preference for the "male" toys. So the females were also excluded. In the end, only 30 monkeys actually counted, because they showed the hypothesized difference in their preferences. And even those only showed a delta of 10-30% in the time they spent with the toys.
The study should have concluded that most monkeys don't give a shit if a toy has wheels (like a shopping cart, which apparently makes it a "male" toy) or if it's soft, like a plush (which is "female" because boys would never touch a plushy, of course).
Instead, they found that their hypothesis turned out to be correct, after disregarding anything that invalidated their hypothesis.
Where did I get this study from? From social media, of course. Where a bunch of meat heads "proved" that all women genetically want to be tradwives and trans people don't exist or some shit.
Fuck everything about this.
Man. Last time I just wanted to check if my new laptop was working properly, so I booted up it's preinstalled Windows. I literally had to look up how to get Windows to get me into Explorer without creating an account or connecting it to my network.
It took me about 25 minutes and Windows was already installed on the damn thing.
It took 15 minutes from booting a prepared Fedora stick to logging in.
I honestly believe that, by now, Linux is no more difficult than Windows. People are just not used to the differences.
Die Pointe ist rassistische Stereotypen. Scheint einige Menschen mental und humoristisch komplett auszufüllen.
Im Orginal war der "Witz" noch ein anderer, mit andren Stereotypen; kann mich aber gerade schlichtweg nicht mehr dran erinnern, was exakt es war. (Vermutlich besser so xD) Ist auch nebensächlich, inhaltlich war's dasselbe und exakt so "lustig".
Dafür ist die Reaktion, wenn ich mich richtig entsinne, sogar der exakte Wortlaut gewesen.
"[…] und dann flüchtete der Schwarze mit der Melone."
"…mit der Melone."
"…der Schwa-"
"Hab' ich schon verstanden. Aber wo ist die Pointe?"
"Ach, mit dir kann man solche Witze nicht machen."
( Leider basiert auf einer wahren Begebenheit ._. )
I have "the aura". And although I don't know what that means, I've started asking anyone who asks me if I'm actually gay, what leads them to that assumption.
The current top picks are:
I look put together, I care about hygene, I clean my home, I'm usually friendly, I look happy.
Like… their assumption is correct. But when did caring for oneself become a sign of the big gay? What are straight people doing?!