
joined 1 year ago
[–] 2 points 9 hours ago

Me too, except it's Adguard for me.

Came in handy yesterday actually. I have a friend who works for a University which was recycling some Chromebooks.

He managed to grab 3 for me, one for myself and one for my kids.

Problem is that one of my kids is being supervised through Google Family Link which means for some reason the Play Store won't work.

So he is now unsupervised in Family Link just to get the Chromebook working.

So I've just given both my kids static IPs and pointed their Chromebooks at Adguard, then turned on Safe Search and adult content blocking.

Now I'm fairly confident they're protected from a lot of the bad shit on the internet.

[–] 15 points 23 hours ago

Is that a kind of yellow?

Listen to the song, see how it sounds, it's doggy do, and they were all BEIGE

[–] 4 points 2 days ago

When I die my friends will miss me like usual. Then the Plex server will go down and they'll miss me all over again.

[–] 7 points 2 days ago

sigh HAIL SATAN now fuck off you weirdo bible bashing cunts

[–] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I've passed my display through to a VM in Proxmox for transcoding and now I can't get the GUI for that VM.

Is this something that would allow me to connect to that VM on another PC and use a virtual desktop?

If so, I may have to have a play with it. I mean I'm happy away using SSH but why not have UI if I can?

[–] 5 points 6 days ago

Came here to say my Shark is far superior to the Dyson it replaced.

When my Son carried it down the stairs bouncing the bottom of the vac on every step on the way down, it finally broke, little bastard.

I found a serial number on my broken base and plumbed it into the Shark website and had a brand new one delivered in days for like £65.

Much cheaper than getting a new vacuum cleaner.

Fuck Dyson

[–] 1 points 6 days ago

Good to know, I'll turn it off when I get home from work, thanks

[–] 1 points 1 week ago

I got a top of the range one from 7 years ago for £25 on eBay.

How much are pis nowadays?

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

If I don't port forward, my friends that I've shared with can't see the instance

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (4 children)

Imho easy mode is just throwing it on Plex and making sure your port is set up on your router for external access, then just sharing your music folder in Plex.

No need for a domain or anything

[–] 7 points 1 week ago (1 children)

Have you looked into Bazarr? It'll find and add subtitles to your shows

[–] 1 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Just need to duck under some water that a paedophile has said some magic words over


It's been written by a self_admitted noob at integrations, but it effortlessly pulls in all data from my Sleep As Android alarm clock and even introduced me to features of the app I didn't know existed, and I've been using it for years.

By following his instructions (I skipped the watch bit) Home Assistant now know when I'm sleeping and awake.

I've been considering some kind of bed load esp board for a while but now I don't have to. I know when I fell asleep last night and even when I was snoring.

More importantly, Home Assistant knows these things and I can now have a more reliable Good Night automation that knows when I'm sleeping, even when I get kicked out of bed and have to sofa sleep.


I've been using SB for years but it's just a bit shit sometimes.

What I love about it is that it has Chromecast Bridgez meaning I can play music to my Google Home Minis.

But nowadays I have all my music in Plex and I'm using Symphonium to stream to my phone. Symphonium connects up my Google minis, I just need something to replace my squeeze lite end points so I can send music to them from my phone.

Currently these are both running on Pis so if anyone can recommend an easy UPNP endpoint software for a pi, that would be great.


I woke up this morning at 6 am with IBS cramps. I tried to go back to bed but I'd woken fully up so by half 7 I was sat at my PC with a brew for some uninterrupted tinkering.

My espresence has been a bit finicky since ai set it up. I've been moving the nodes around to find better positions with slight improvements but nothing making it properly stable.

Well this morning was even worse than usual. I'm sat in my front room with my sensor flitting between the floor above and below me but never on the floor I'm on.

I moved the sensors again. I played with dwell time. I changed "wait until" up. I even dived into the rabbit hole of tuning the base stations by increasing rssi and absorbsion, which actually seemed to do the best at improving it.

So at this point my phone has been sitting on the desk for a few hours while I fine tune all this, when my wife comes down the stairs. Her beacon is firmly set to "frontroom" when she sits down but mine is bouncing around the house. Odd.

Then I finally figured it out!

The damn phone is sat on a wireless charging stand on my desk. This must be interfering with my Bluetooth!

I take my phone off the stand and voila, it's in a stable place in espresence.

So that's how I wasted 2 hours this morning.

I say wasted, I did manage to get it more stable on the charging stand before I realised, and this seems to have helped it's stability when it's off the stand. In fact, all my messing about this morning has made espresence correctly report my location ever since.


Since my air fryer notification I've bought 2 more Esp32 Dev boards from The Greal Mall of China- AliExpress. A couple days later I'd read about MMwave sensors and purchased a couple of those too.

A week later and they land a day after each other. I got home today and found 2 MMwave sensors on the kitchen table.

I had half an hour before I had to pick the kids up so I tried to wire and flash it.

The first problem was the writing. I'm 40 now but always had awesome vision, so shit like this just shows me how much it's actually deteriorated. I had to get my phone out and zoom in to work out where to plug in my wires.

I managed to plug shit in and flash the basic firmware on the board, and managed to add some basic code I'd found for my board when I searched using it's full AliExpress name.

I left with a sensor running in HA happy it was that easy. But...

I did some digging, because all I was getting in HA was an occupancy On status, no variance or info.

I found that when I just searched for the sensor without HLK at the beginning or whatever was at the end, there was loads of info. I found a GitHub full of code for my sensor and happily added it to my esp32.

First I had an issue OTA flashing with some password issue, so I flashed it over USB and it worked, I had new sensors in HA! The problem was that they were unresponsive.

I'd positioned it at this point and figured the Dupont wires I used had probably come loose. When I unplugged and replugged it all, success

This thing is awesome. It could see me at my computer and I must have been only just visible to it, I was sat kinda beside it, must have amazing peripheral vision.

Since I've got it going it's detected occupancy throughout. I was watching it pick up my wife just watching TV, unlike my aqara ZigBee one.

My worry is that it'll take a while fine tuning it to filter out the cats. I'm hoping to use it with my espresence setup to make sofa-sleeping more chill. I don't want lights popping on and off when I'm snoring and my wife gets up, but I do want the lights off when we're both in bed.

I need to fine tune the espresence though, or rely on it less. It seems like it's more like Room Assistant than I thought and I flit around the house in Bluetooth Land. I've managed to improve it by moving the sensors and turning my HA beacon to High from Medium and up to Low Latency.

I can set up another MMwave sensor but I'm gonna move my front room aqara to the bedroom and see if I need any.

I might try a pressure sensor for the bed next, or maybe see if I can run a Squeezebox node from it.


"Hur Hur that's what a timer on your phone is for dude"

Yeah but this was a smart plug that was going dusty in a drawer!

Anyway it's not the notification that makes my brain tickle in that special way, but the fact that my HA takes note of who was in the kitchen when the air fryer was started and only notifies the floor with that person on when it's done.

Now I've worked that logic out with a silly Air Fryer notification I can reuse it in all my other automations.


This week I've been playing with Espresence, which for anyone that doesn't know, is a program that runs on an ESP32 and tracks Bluetooth. It then has a guess where you are based upon the strength of the signal.

So a little backstory, I recently wiped out my HA server and didn't have a backup so I've started from scratch. Since I've started from scratch I've been avoiding Node Red and just using the HA automations, but I am a NR boy at heart.

Previously my bathroom light automation in NR was a massive flow of door, motion, leak sensors.

When I added espresence I decided to reinstall NR to add these new sensors into my automations, and found the Binary Sensor node, so I had a play and managed to make a Front Room Presence binary sensor.

"This is pretty good" I thought and made another for my bathroom, taking in all the sensors I used previously. But this time they triggered a binary sensor instead of the lights.

Now I have the binary sensor triggering the light automation, with extras here and there (like guest mode being on, trigger the lights from the hallway sensor instead of the bathroom sensor. The light automation looks much cleaner and presence is all done on one page.

So I'm using the binary sensor in 2 ways here, as an addition to the motion sensor in my front room, and as a replacement for a full blown automation.

Functionally it's not really any different to using an input boolean helper, but I can make this binary in NR itself.

Edit: Gotchas

So I should probably tell you about the big Gotcha in creating a Binary in Node Red.

You need to set the msg. from string to Boolean. So for each binary you need a Boolean true and a Boolean false nose to set it off and on. Everything else was pretty simple


I've been in the HA world since the time the government placed the world under house arrest. Since then I've seen all sorts of amazing things people can do with an esp32 device.

So I'm late to the game. I always thought it may become a dangerous rabbit hole so I've just avoided it. But apparently I have 4 coming today so it's about time to ask you guys what you do.

My first project was gonna be getting some Bluetooth tracking going on around the house to get some room prescence going on.

I also read I can make some seat/bed sensors with a little wire, aluminium foil, paper and a folder-insert, that sounds like it could be fun.

I have a breadboard and a bunch of components I bought when I first got a Pi. I don't know how compatible these components are with esp32s or what the hell I can do.

I don't have a soldering iron (yet).

So basically: noob post, gimme some easy projects that don't require a lot, or wow me with your esp projects.


So last week I had a Proxmox fuckup and lost everything. I learnt the hard way what living without backups is like and I don't recommend it.

Silver lining is that I don't have to tidy up all those old automations and entities anymore.

Anyway it made me realise what I'd miss if I didn't have them, because I didn't have them.

I've been really really tired this week. I get up at 5am and start work at 6, and while I don't like it, I usually cope with it better than most and have comments about how "It's too early for you." But not this week.

I've put it down to losing my connection between my alarm clock and HA. I use SleepAsAndroid and have done for a long time. Back when I started it was because it connected to Tasker, but over the years I've moved to HA and still use it.

SleepAsAndroid with Tasker was done with web hooks but I use the MQTT integration with HA. This means it's connected when I'm home but not in network when I'm away, so it can't fire the messages, which is what you want.

Previously I used Node Red to set up this automation but I haven't reinstalled it yet, I'm seeing if I can do it all on HA, then it's one less thing and I can automate in the app.

I spent a while this morning trying to figure out how to reintegrate it with HA and struggled, but eventually I found an integration in HACS which meant I just had to change my device identifier in the alarm app by adding /MyName to the end of the SleepAsAndroid topic so it reads SleepAsAndroid/MyName, add the HACS integration and then add it again in the Integrations pane, with MyName plumbed in.

Then I added a blueprint from the add ons page and left the house to go on a day trip.

In and amongst the day trip I've been making my automation on the HA app via the blueprint, and have come home, loaded a bowl and set my alarm for 1 minute time, then smoke the bowl and wait...


Hopefully I'll have more energy this week when I wake up to my lights turning on, instead of complete darkness and a strange noise.

Now what would you miss that isn't obvious (like motion activated lights)?


I thought I had a backup. I use the Gdrive add-on and it should have had a backup.

I didn't have a backup.

Turns out when I moved from a Pi to Proxmox I didn't set Gdrive add-on up properly, so it wasn't making backups every 3 days like it always has.

Then I killed Proxmox. No idea what I did to kill it, I just tried to make my NAS VM have 4gb ram all the time instead of Ballooning from 1gb, and it never booted again.

So I had to start fresh. But while I've only been playing with VMs for a couple months my HA instance has been a work of love since Lockdowns and COVID times.

And now I'm starting again.

Now go and check your backup solution.


I'm new to Proxmox and have had Openwrt on an AP router for a while, but still am not all that good at it.

I followed a YouTube video yesterday to set up Openwrt as a Proxmox device. The idea being that I can patch all my containers through it and have a single IP address and many ports associated with it on my home lan.

But I'm also trying to get Mullvad VPN installed on it. When I've followed the instructions to install Mullvad I can no longer ping the outside world. If there's any pointers to getting that going I'd be grateful. I followed the instructions on their website.

Questions: if I get Mullvad working is there a way for me to route some containers through that and others through my own IP, or do I need 2 openwrt containers to get this? I noticed that during the setup I removed the WAN from the LAN and just left Mullvad as an exit route, so I assume I would need a second LAN with the WAN for me to be able to route via it. If that is the case, can I route some through one LAN and some through a second?


I've recently bought a Tornado V2 and a WRM V9. I've had the Tornado for a couple of months and treated myself to the WRM V9 just after Christmas.

After watching videos about both cubes everyone raves about the Tornado and it's adjustment system. Did you know its the cube Max Park uses? Yes, yes I heard it a bunch already.

So I got it and the first disappointment was finding one of the corner magnets was missing out of the box. Like I spent £35 on a fucking cube and it's missing a magnet!

Upon closer inspection the magnet was in the corner piece, I could hear it rattling around. So I had to take the corner to bits and refit the magnet. These things are held in place by a TINY bit of plastic.

It was fine for a few days, then I could feel the cube was a little wonky and sure enough the magnet has popped out again, so it's time to take the corner apart, again.

This time I tried to bend the tiny bit of plastic a little to make the hold better, and SNAP, it's broken off.


I got a dab of superglue and glued the magnet in place.

Put it back together and did a couple solves and it still feels wonky. Wtf? The magnet has popped out again, I guess I didn't wait long enough for the glue to set.

Take it apart and find it's actually the magnet in the other side of the piece that's dislodged and stuck to my glued magnet. So I glue THAT magnet in place too.

A week or so later I decided to make my own lube following a YouTube tutorial. 1 part hair conditioner and 2 parts Vegetable Glycerin I have left over from making my own vape juice.

I went to take an edge out of the Tornado to lube it and it just crumbled in my fingers as I pull it out.


That lead me to another frantic glue session, I was about to go to work and wanted to take my cube with me, and putting these pieces together is hard work, I broke the fixings that hold it and had to glue it instead.

So now I have a badly glued edge piece on my shiny expensive maglev cube.

Now I've got the WRM V9. Cube head says it's adjustment system is dogshit and it's a travesty that you can't adjust the magnets.

But I just don't agree. How often do you honestly adjust a cube, once or twice? Who cares that you need a screwdriver to do this? The magnets on my Tornado seem to adjust themselves so the fact that they're adjustable is moot anyway.

But the build quality on a Moyu cube just seems to be way better. The magnets are still where they should be and I haven't broken an edge piece just taking it out for a lubing.

The cube itself just feels more solid. It doesn't feel like the plastic is cheap and it will shatter if I drop it from waist height like the Tornado does.

And that's why the WRM is my new main, and the Tornado has become the cube that lives in my leather jacket pocket for when I'm out and about.

When it comes to turning and whatnot they feel pretty similar if you turn the magnet adjustment up to full on the Tornado, so there's not much difference in performance, but the WRM just feels like a better quality cube.

So yeah, I wanna hear about how quickly my cubes will break on YouTube reviews. I don't wanna be dropping cash on a cube that will be broken out of the box.


I don't know if anyone needs to hear this but I use this all the damn time.

So when you're doing the cross you stick blue and green opposite each other, and red and orange opposite each other.

I find that I'm rubbish at the order they go in. I know it's Blue Red Green Orange but sometimes I'll go blue orange green red by accident.

As long as you have the opposite colours, well, opposite each other (blue-green, red-orange) and haven't royally fucked it up (Blue green red orange) then you can just do this.

Get your wrongly aligned middle slice and move it into the yellow layer with an M2, then spin them the opposite way around with a U2, then put them back with an M2.

Thing is, you don't have to do this immediately. You can actually do the whole of F2L first, then flip em afterwards. Meaning instead of getting in a bit of a panic about having done the cross wrong and trying to figure it out you can say to yourself "Oh yeah, better do that alg when I get a chance" and do it when there's only yellow edges in the M slice partway through F2L or leave it until you're done.

Also, you don't necessarily have to flip the bad 2 edges, you can flip the good 2 edges if you notice before you F2L and just realign your white slice so the cross matches.

TLDR: M2 U2 M2

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