
joined 1 year ago
[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago

That doesn't apply as a solution here. After all Jia Tan did make pull requests, the pressure came later.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago

This is officially the worst argument yet. Who cares about what some fake god thinks, we have to deal with our own very real issues around power generation and anthropogenic climate change.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago

Huh I had no idea!

I'm pretty sure I compressed that image in our computer vision class with some alogrithm we implemented for exercise. I though that was just some artsy over the shoulder picture, but seeing the full version the shoulder does seems supicious in hindsight.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago

Ich bin davon auch genervt, die sollen einfach mal von meinem Nein ausgehen und nicht immer noch rumbetteln.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Yeah of course! Once I went on a buying spree of used WNDR3700. They were so cheap and I won a few too many bids at once.

I gave one to a flatmate when we lived together as students and he took it with when he moved out. Put one in the office room of my current flatmate and still have one or two in reserve. I usually take one with me to LAN-parties.

Before that I once used DD-WRT on a WRT54GL. It also wasn't bad from what I remember.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago

You haven't mentioned what sort of access link or speed you have, that seems very relevant here.

For my 1Gbit/s fiber connection the Edgerouter 6P has been pretty good. It has an SFP port and can route 1 Gbit/s of traffic without issue and my dual-stack setup works well too.

The only significant downside is that its switching is slow, it has no hw support. So I put my NAS on a separate subnet instead so that the traffic to it can be routed instead.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago

I think that the ones who revolted against their preparatory enshittification aren't Reddit users anymore (hence why I'm here), and the ones who didn't revolt won't do it now either.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago

Meine verrückte Hoffnung ist immernoch, dass GOG das Thema Filme und Serien vielleicht eines Tages aufgreifen kann.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Und für die Schweiz entsprechend toppreise.ch, ist nicht immer perfekt kategorisiert, aber sie korrigieren auch schnell was man auf der Seite meldet.

Edit: Sorry ich dachte wir seien bei /c/dach, sind wir nicht, also war ich etwas offtopic... aber ich lasse den Kommentar jetzt trotzdem stehen.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) (2 children)

Dubios? Das habe ich jetzt nicht erwartet.

Galaxus bzw Digitec ist wohl das Paar der bekanntesten Onlinshops der Schweiz. Entstanden ist Galaxus aus Digitec als die zugehörige generellere (nicht nur IT) Schwesterseite. 2015 wurde die Digitec Galaxus AG mehrheitlich von Migros gekauft, von der grössten schweizerischen Supermarktkette.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 6 months ago

Don't downvote this guy. He's mostly right. Creative works have copyright protections from the moment they are created. The relevant question is indeed if they have the relevant permissions for their use, not wether it had protections in the first place.

Maybe some surveillance camera footage is not sufficiently creative to get protections, but that's hardly going to be good for machine reinforcement learning.

[–] Kazumara@feddit.de 0 points 6 months ago

It seems really uncommon to me. I'm aware of only Israel doing this, while I know that Switzerland, Finland, Austria, Germany 15 years ago, when they still used the militia, and Thailand do not. In the US I believe only men have to register for the draft.

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